Building a Flower Bed From Scratch


Building a new flower bed is not a difficult task, but it is a big job.


See that teeny little one to the right? that is the one we are going to be building today!

One thing I like to do before I start to dig up the grass and make a new bed, is draw a diagram of my garden. I put all of the existing features on graph paper and then experiment with new shapes and positions until I find the one that will easily compliment the garden.


Once that is done, you will need to create your shape. I use a garden hose to make the curvy beds...but use turf spray or powdered chalk for more rigid or square shapes. You can also use string tied to a garden stake as a guide for cutting your shape. After you have "mapped" out your new shape on the lawn, you should then take a minute or two to view the new area from different locations in your yard. If you are satisfied with the way it will look , you can begin to cut it out!


I use a sharpened half moon edger and a flat shovel to remove the sod from the inside of the new bed. Dig down with your shovel or edger about 5 inches deep. I like to cut squares that are not too heavy for me to lift. I pick up each square and knock the excess soil from the bottom, being careful not to leave any grass roots behind. You can then use the removed sod in a different location, or discard it if you don't need it. If you plan to re-use the sod, store it in a cool place so as not to distress it too much.


You can now loosen the rest of the soil. Dig down about 2 feet and turn the soil. This will help make sure you don't leave behind any weeds or grass roots. It will also make adding compost, manure, or peat moss a lot easier to mix in. Now is a good time to decide if you will need more soil or if once the existing soil has been "fluffed up" it will be enough. I don't generally need extra soil when building a smaller size bed. Some of the larger beds will need a little more to mound them a little bit. Once you have finished turning the soil, clean up your edges and make sure they are smooth and not jagged or messy. Now is when you will have the option of making a "Tootsie trench" or adding edging material of your choice. (to review the method of my Tootsie trenches...see previous post called "the scoop on my flower bed edges...)


After you have done all of these things, you are ready to start planting....have you chosen your plants yet?

I have stuck a rose bush that I have had no idea where to plant it in there...and some Gerber Daisy's are there...I have set them in place to decide if they are where they need to be.


I even have an audience!


Once I planted my Gerber's, I decided that it was not full I robbed another flower bed of a few Sweet Williams......I also added a solar rock..that smiles...and a Dracena. Hey..the rock is sort of creepy when he lights if someone steals it...go ahead! lol...Move the big pot out of the way, and start the clean up!


another view...looks like I need to pressure spray that dirt stain from the pot away!


…and another. I better not forget to dead head that Rose!


My supervisor is here to inspect!
See the smiling rock? his face lights up after dark...a little scary so I put it here where it won't get so much sun and be lit for so long!




Wow! We did it! Am I proud of us! It only took 1/2 hour! I need a glass of something cold...

Thanks for stopping by today…I hope you will stop again…and maybe join in the fun for Fertilizer Friday there are so many great posts every week!

Until Next Time…Happy Gardening!

*)*)*) Some people are the flowers in your garden of life. Others are the manure that makes your garden stronger

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

original posting 07/08/08


Anonymous said…
toots, this may be my very favorite post of yours! It was excellent. You house looks like a fairy tale, just beauiful! I have a tip for you. I normaly have huge beds to make and I am also lazy... You can lay newpaper in the area over the grass only taking out where you will be putting your plants and mulch over the paper. The grass will die and the weeds will stay away for at least a season. I have never even considered that someone would steal my yard art! I guess that is just another blessing in living in the country.
Justine said…
Hey Toots! Is this the first time we've ever seen the front of your house? It's amazingly beautiful with all that you've planted! I love it!

Justine :o )
Buffie said…
1/2 an hour!!!? You must work fast, it would've taken me that long just to dig out the grass! lol! It looks beautiful though, so does your home, great curb appeal girl!
Anonymous said…
Morning Tootsie! Do you mean to tell me you did this in 1/2 hours? Wow, I need to know what vitamins you take! It's just beautiful - why am I not surprised? You're home is very pretty and I love your little helpers! All smiles, helping mommy.
Thanks for stopping by my tea party today!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Nancy Jane said…
That bed would have been a full day's project for me. Setting the rose bush right would have taken a 1/2 hour! Ah to be young again...
Your entry is just wonderful, and your 2 little "garden gnomes" are so sweet. Do they like to help in the gardens??? Have a good day-Nancy
Anonymous said…
OMG Toots only a half hour?? This is just beautiful what you do with flowers and your yard is a true talent...eveything looks so balanced and I love your little helpers and Poo looks happy. I am so glad you are a lousy cook!!! haha!! I really enjoyed speaking to you yesterday Toots and Please help Picket with those blooms, Len thinks Bill gave them too much fertizler. Hugs and smiles dear friend.
Betty said…
Hey Tootsie! You could have come to my house and worked on mine and used it has an example! I would have had a nice glass of pop for you and some yummy cookies waiting for you.
Seriously if it ever stops raining I am going to try using the Tootsie trench. Don't know if I will get much planted this year, we will see. I have sure hauled a lot of dirt in, my swing will have an entirely different view now!
Anonymous said…
Wow girl! your rock!
when do you rest? Three beautiful children,gorgeous home, and absolutely stunning yard!!!!!
and i love your blog.....thanks
Pat aka 9405018
SG said…
Wow! Your home is so beautiful! You must get so many people who pass by and just stop to look at it.

Your little flower patch came out so pretty! I'm so jealous. But not enough to do something about it apparently... lol.

Your kids are so adorable! Thanks for sharing!
SG said…
Oh question! Do you know what those weeds are that grow really fast and have thick stems with a whitish coat on them? They havr bloody red roots and are really super easy to pull out of the ground, almost like they aren't rooted... any idea? I tried googling it before I asked you but only found redroot pigweed but none of the descriptions I found were what I think it is.
Anonymous said…
WOW 1/2 hour think I best be getting outside and trying this... it looks wonderful... I love the audience.. and the supervisor.. oh my... how cute.... Your home is darling... hugs ~ lynne
Picket said…
Oh my word..I have never seen the front of your house...this is beautiful!!!! Why have you never posted this before? I am sitting here with my mouth wide open in disbelief of how many gorgeous flowers you have in one spot and what is that beautiful green vine growing up the posts? Look how green your grass is..oh...I can't stand we are drying up down here nd you are like in the tropical rain forest!!!! lol Man...I can't wait to see what to see what you say about my hydrangea girl...see you in the morning!!!!
artis1111 said…
It is so pretty. Tootsie can you do a post on grass. I am having a time with my grass. There is so may diffrent kindsof grass in my yard, I don't want to dig up the entire yard and re seed. What can I do to make my grass like yours. Kathy
Unknown said…
I wish you were here to work on mine . needs weeding so bad . Got behind while I was sick . I'll get it done soon . I love how you did this bed , real helpful . I need to widen my rock garden and move the short plants out in front of the tall ones . Lots of hard work and I'm not ready for that yet . I'll wait till fall when it's cooler . You always do so good in your yard . Mary