Molly at Molly's Country Memories Home Place was so sweet to give me this award! She even wrote sweet things about me! read it!!:
Molly said: "Tootsie @ http://tootsietime.blogspot.com/ Tootsie amazes me with her beautiful flowers and willingness to answer any question you might have and is always willing to encourage you to do your best....A wizard with flowers"
She is just the kindest girl...if you have not been following her blog...you really should stop in and see her! Say hi for me!
Thank you Molly so very much for the very nice award! I am supposed to pass it on...I hate choosing who to pass it to...so many people in blog land...mean so much to me..so what I will do is "modify" the rules to suit myself!
I am giving the award to anyone who comments to me today!! And...in an effort to follow the rules...I will single out a few in general...
I am listing some very special bloggers...to receive this award...(click their names to visit them)
-Nan from Momstheword....for motivating me and encouraging me and so many others to get busy, and share our cleaning adventures!
Janet from This is my Life she is such a great girl...did you see the award she made just for me??? it is in huge form...proudly displayed at the bottom of my blog...
Bo...from Blinks 'N Winks from Brown Eyes....for the sweetest comments a girl could ask for! I always get excited to see her name in the comments!
Teri from Boosalis Bloggle....cause she is a crazy nut with a super sense of humor and a great blog. I adopted her recently...just cuz! lol
and last but not least...
Darla from Family and Flowers....and More Family and Flowers...she has some of the prettiest gardens I have seen in a long time. She is a great mom and a good friend. She recently had some blogger issues...and had to start More Family and Flowers...as her first blogger account ran out of room!!!
I do hope you will stop by and say hello to these gals. They would love to see you...and are great hosts!
Thanks again Molly!
Now...I also would like to introduce a new blog to you all! Southern Style in a Northwest Garden is a new addition to my blog list...now she has been participating in Fertilizer Fridays and I just love seeing her flowers! Her garden style reminds me very much of Terrie...from Terrie's lil Piece of serenity...At any rate...take a peek at her blog...say hi for me! She is a very nice lady and I am sure she will enjoy hearing from so many wonderful gals! I enjoy her blog and her comments and thought you all might too!
That's all for today guys...see you tomorrow!
Tootsie is such a geniune person and she puts her heart in her garden, family and blogging friends. If not for Toosie and Martha I wounldn't have gotten where I am today without their kindsness, understand and their need to help me along. If you have made a friend with Tootsie you will get great rewards from knowing her. Love you Toots.
Justine :o )
Thanks for pointing out her blog.
Lil Sista says you are down...take care of yourself and hurry back all well. You are really missed.
i am of to da dump or mabe do some g saling mom dont like it but oh oh .