
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Friday, June 19, 2009

Fertilizer Friday!!! Flaunt Your Flowers!

It is Friday!!! Fertilizer Friday! You know what that means!!!! Get up in and get out to the garden -oh and don't forget those indoor plants! Grab your fertilizer of choice (mine is Miracle Gro) and head out. Feed those plants!
A quick tip for it first thing in the morning. Plants are waking up and getting their juices flowing...they will benefit the most from a morning feed...after all...don't they say "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day?"
After you have finished...grab my logo up and post those plants and their healthy beautiful blooms and FLAUNT THOSE FLOWERS!!! Mister Linky is at the bottom of this post...and he is just waiting for you to join in on the fun!
I can't wait to see your gardens!
Here is a few of the shots I got of my garden this week!
That sign should have been DOES contain is like when it rains chickweed seed!
This rose was part of a promotion of blooms for the cure...
Look Justine!!!
Remember this??? I am so excited to see the one my mom said she got me yesterday!!!
Okay's your turn!!! I am so happy you are all linking in with my Friday Theme....I have learned a lot...and gotten so many great ideas from your gardens! Please link in...and share with us!


Betty said...

Tootsie, they are absolutely beautiful! I love seeing your crown out there too!
Have a great day!


Gypsy aka Tam said...

Hi Tootsie,
I just love your gardens and all of your wonderful pots!!!! Your garden beds are stunning and that crown is beautiful!
Happy Fertilizer Friday,

Anonymous said...

Hey Tootsie, Gardens are as beautiful as ever hope your enjoying summer. Also I enjoyed the junkin post this morning hope you have a great weekend!

Debra Howard said...

Tootsie I don't see any weeds in those pictures but I do believe you I know how fast they can pop up. I am always battling them too. And the nut grass. Great post

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

Wow, everything looks fantastic Tootsie! I'll be fertilizing but I don't really have anything new I don't think. Things are beginning to fizzle already.

I'm off to vote for you! I'll try to remember to go back and vote every day too.

Ellie Mae's Cottage said...

Hi Tootsie! Love the crown in the garden! The vines growing up the posts are awesome! I'm always so inspired by you! :) -Jackie

Unknown said...

Hi Tootsie,

Beautiful as always! Thanks for hosting fertilizer Friday, Esther

imjacobsmom said...

Tootsie, look at the progress of your pots and gardens - they are going gangbusters. I will stop back in the morning to link in. I can't upload my photos now - my camera's battery needs charging. Bummer. See you tomorrow AM. ~ Robyn

Tamara Jansen said...

Your garden is really filling in Tootsie. Lookin' great!

Unknown said...

Tootsie, your flowers are very beautiful. I do love your eye for detail in your gardens and with your containers. I guess I'll be making another blog, not sure if I want to pay for additional photo storage.......

Cathy S. said...

Just beautiful Tootsie! love all the potted flowers, and hanging baskets.
Happy FF!

Simply Debbie said...

Dear Tootsie,
This is my first time to your blog but it will not be the last. I joined as a follower
your yard is so very gorgeous and just oozing of color and the love you have put into it
beautiful and like you...I love to use unusual things in the garden....I would have had a joyous time digging through all that junk.
I hope you'll drop by and see me

Jessica said... where can I get a crown? sigh.....

Ok~ I'm Tootsie, your garden is have such an eye for detail. I'm doing cartwheels over here. I love all your gardens, flower variety & signs....oh, I could use one of those weed signs to ma'am. :)

I linked up....showing my front yard this week.

BIG O hugs from us~ J

Glimpse of My World said...

Beautiful.. you have my VOTE!!

raxx a day in the life said...

Tootsie I should have been first!! lol!! I'm all linked up now!!

As per usual your garden takes my breath away!! I called my hubby over from his but-scratching football watching session to view, maybe he found I was a bit over enthused but he was impressed!!

I have to give you an update on my yard, I got off my butt and started working on it, I am having soo much fun with pots though, thanks so much for your encouragement!

onlymehere said...

Gorgeous as always! Love the crown, it gives it that Tootsie touch!

Domestic Designer said...

Everything looks just usual. I love the crown. Have a great weekend!

Dirt Princess said...

I am so glad to see warm weather up at your place, and all of your flowers blooming, I know you are too! I want to commision you to make me a crown since I am the Dirt Princess :-). I WOULD LOVE ONE! Maybe I will make you something and we can swap? Email me as aprilmcmichael at att dot net and I will send you those pictures

The JR said...

I need one of those sign's. Except my has to say "does contain weeds".

Beautiful, beautiful yard. Love the photos.


Jesikarena said...

It already looks so good!!!! I aspire to have a garden like you do.... Now if only I can get a greenhouse like yours! : )

Lauren said...

Your garden is stunning. I love the beds, the containers, and your crown! Fabulous!!

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

Your flowers look great. My annuals in containers are just getting going now. Your containers are bursting with color. I love the rose too.

Anonymous said...

Looks good Tootsie - your flowers are always perfection! Absolutely beautiful!

trash talk said...

It's all so beautiful...I don't know how you have the time to do all this, blog AND nails!!!
I just got through voting for you...Congratulations!

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

Okay, I'm linked! Same old, same old really, and I'm always running late, but I got out an got pics this morning and the post is finally up! Now I'm off to fertilize and I'll be back to check out all of the gardens in a bit! Your group is growing Tootsie!!

Teresa~ Gardening with Soule said...

Gardens look great! THanks for getting gardeners together on Fridays. I love looking at everyone's pictures. I have posted mine.
Have a great day.

Justine said...

Ooh girl, everything is look so gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait till you take full-yard shots this year!!!
Justine :o )

Unknown said...

I love your flowers , so pretty . I've been fertilizing my flowers every Friday for a long time now but don't know what to do today . It's been raining so hard this week , my plants are soked and sure don't need any more water . So what do I do to fertilize them ? Help friend Tootsie .

Amelia said...

I wanted to join in with my flowers but Trent took the camera to Calgary today...the kids are on a field trip and he went with. On the up side...he took the boys :) so I'm having a ME day:) Talk to ya later and don't try calling me on my cell...he has that too!

Randy said...

I just spent the last couple of hours exploring your blog. I LOVE your garden. It must take forever to water all those containers. What do you use to keep your beds edged?--Randy

PS One more time, I think you gardens are wonderful!

artis1111 said...

Beautiful as always. Love the crown!!!We had a terrable storm yesterday evening. Trees are down every where. The wind did some damage but it is repariable. Have a great weekend! LOL Kathy

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Awesome blooms you have there!!!
The crown is very cool and looks great there!!(-: Your flowers have really grown a lot since last week! This is the fun part now...watching everything take off!!!!
I am late today but I got-er-done!
Have a great FF!!!!!!
CiNdEeS' GaRdEn

Bren Haas said...

I am a little late with my entry... but enjoying what everyone has shared today. THANK YOU for creating this fun Friday.

Happy Gardening - everything looks amazing!

at the cottage said...

Ohh Queen Tootsie, I had a lovely time browsing through your gardens. I love all the pots and containers.


at the cottage said...

Oh and I swear by Miracle gro also. :)

momstheword said...

Your flowers are lovely as usual! I just think it would be so lovely to just sit in your yard and relax!

Have a lovely weekend!

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Tootsie, I finally pulled myself away from Facebook's Farntown long enough to post. LOl It's very addicting. I love your flowers. Everything is looking so beautiful. We've only just begun! It's been so cool here. And not much rain. I missed you!
Hugs, Terrie