
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Friday, July 10, 2009

Fertilzer Friday/Flaunt Your Flowers!!!

Happy Friday!!! Today is the day I remind us all to get out and Feed those plants inside and out! Grab your Fertilizer and feed them, then....grab your camera and Flaunt them! All you have to grab the above logo it to this post, and then add yourself to the mister linky at the bottom of this post! By doing all of will be sharing all the beauty of the blooms, foliage and gardening ideas with so many other fabulous gardeners!
So? What are you waiting for? Go!
Here's what I am sharing this week:
This is the Peony that I have been taking care of in the neighbor's yard....isn't it beautiful? It is more burgundy than red....
Here is a petunia that I have given him...
This yard was in rough shape last summer when he bought the place. He is 23 years old and girls are much more important than yard work. My son mows the grass (his summer job) and I do the rest! I donated several flowers, and some perennials...the sign on the steps is to warn the visitors of the very vicious cat that tried to kill me last I really like this neighbor...he lets me boss him around like I am his mom...and he doesn't care what I do to his long as I don't build any new flower beds... I tried not to make it too girly...after all he is a guy....Speaking of guys...and weeds...I have been feeding this one for 10 years today!!! Happy Birthday Bud!!!
I added some interest...the shale to me is hideous in this garden...a broken pot goes a LONG way sometimes!
Now...lets get back to my garden....the peony in the front is finally is very different than any I have had in the past...
Here's a closer look...
The Tiger Lily's are finally open here too...
My vines are growing really fast this year..
There are two little red finch's that have built a nest on the outside of the pillar...they are super neat to watch...but they are offended by my daily watering...better get used to it guys!!!! lol
I love the blooms on this one...
Getting ready to bloom!!!
I picked up a Hydrangea or two that are supposed to by hardy enough to make the winter here...
They are supposed to be white...maybe when they open all the way...I have to decide where to plant them...or if I will just winter them inside the greenhouse...
My big pots on the cement patio...
They seem to be happy this year so far!
My pile of junk is bushing up!!!
The grapevine is slowly getting some leaves...I was worried that this one had died...the other didn't make it this year...I love getting grapes on them...for the birds...
Hangs on the back of the gate...
Inside the greenhouse this swedish ivy is very is 5 years old.
The peace lily seems to be enjoying herself in the corner behind the door...
Well that's what I have for you today...thanks for visiting...hope you link up and then visit the others to see what ideas they have for well as look at the pretty flowers in some very nice gardens!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Beautitiful! I enjoyed touring both yards. What gorgeous flowers! laurie

My Mother's Garden said...

Love those vines growing over your entrance area. That peony is stunning!

Marjorie (Molly) Smith said...

I love to come by and look at your beautiful flowers, the only plants that servive and look beautiful in our heat after the last of May is Catus.....

trash talk said...

I want you to be my neighbor and come do my yard. I'll let you put in as many beds as your little heart desires!
Doesn't your neighbor know he can catch more queen bees with flowers than with dirt?

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Hi Tootsie, Your flowers are awesome girl !!

Thank you for the prayers sweetie.Sorry I haven't been by in so long. My garden is coming in and is keeping me hopping!

Julie said...

Hey Tootsie! Just walked back in the door after our little trip around Florida! Tomorrow is Friday and I plan to get out there to fertilize! I may show you a pic of my new is a pretty peach color!!! Love how you do a little with your neighbors house cool is that!!! Your plants are stunning as usual, girl!!! Thanks for showing!!!

Cathy S. said...

Wow all your flowers are so beautiful! love the ladder. Happy Fertilizer Friday, thanks for hosting it!

Millie said...

Your flowers are gorgeous! I have been able to winter thiose hydrangeas in my garden so far.

Amelia said...

hey! Like your new dress!!!! Very pretty! :0) I wish my plants were doing as well as yours...they are okay but...a little weak looking now since the rain. A hugmungous HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!! To my favorite (and only) nephew!!!! Love you so much DUDE:0)!!! Ha! See you on Sunday for the party...hope you get an extra large cake!!! Yummy! :0)
P.S. Glad to see you got that anonymous character bugging you about me under control... creepy eh?... I thought so too. ;0|

Ellie Mae's Cottage said...

I love your pile of junk! Can I be your neighbor too?! ;) The vines by the door are gorgeous. They frame it so nicely. Happy Friday! :)

Teresa~ Gardening with Soule said...

Hi Tootsie,
Your gardens are doing so well. And what a birthday boy. I think you are growing children as well as you are growing your flowers. Very handsome! Sounds like your neighbor picked the right house to move into. What a deal a lawn person and a garden person? Lucky guy. Have a great weekend.

Jacki said...

Well since Tootsie already has volunteers for two neighbours, I'll move in across the back alley ;-D Love the white peony with the contrasting centre. Is that the Festivia Maxima? It looks similar to the one in the McFayden catalogue but not identical. It's supposed to be hardy to Zone 2, so I was checking it out for fall planting.

Thanks for hosting Fertilizer Friday! It's so much fun :-)

SmilingSally said...

Your neighbor is a lucky man. I wish you could be my next door neighbor.

Darla said...

Oh I bet it is so much fun sprucing up the neighbor's yard. You are too sweet. All of your plants are beautiful Tootsie. I want a pile of junk like yours!!

Randy said...

My heavens what a tidy garden you have! You must spend all of your time in it! It all looks so perfect!--Randy

Stacey said...

Your flowers are unbelievable! It's already too hot here and things are not blooming much any more. Just the strongest of strong are still blooming. It's still pretty though.

Jessica said...


I just love peonies....and your tiger lily's oh my....just gorgeous and so full of blooms! I have 2, one didn't survive the winter. The one bloomed twice this year ( 2 buds ) then nothing. How come yours has so many Your thumb is by far greener than my mine, my friend. Everything looks gorgeous!

Love~ me. & the genius who will finally be home from camp today~ Yeah!

P.S. what a great neighbor.....I wish could get a hold of my neighbors yards

Jessica said...


Justine said...

I will never get tired of looking at all your flowers and plants! But girl, you're busy enough as it is and you're taking care of your neighbor's yard too? Are you NUTS?

Justine :o )

Anonymous said...

WoW! What can I say but how beautiful everything looks. Love your Peony - the one that you said looks different. I was hoping mine with a pompom would bloom this year but guess I have to wait 'til next year.
Love the recycling of the old pot - cute idea. I have one with a hole in the bottom side I planted a bunch of semps in. I'll have to show that sometime.
Great show Tootsie!

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

All your flowers are blooming like crazy! They are so beautiful!!!! Mine are slowing down because of our extreme hot spell last week but I do have plenty of crepe myrtle blooming! Daylilies are about finished but there are a couple still blooming. I am looking forward to the annuals to kick into full bloom soon. They are growing really well.

siteseer said...

Interesting to see the time delay in blooming. My peonies bloomed in mid May here in Michigan. I too am jeolous of having a neighbor like you. Watering is the biggest problem for me. By the time I work 40 hours a week then spend an hour or so with my Mom before I get to go home and start making dinner and doing all the household stuff - and of course my hubby wants to go away weekends lol Okay, so that's my plight with why my garden doesn't do as well as yours lol Actually mine is doing quite well, stop by and have a look see. Happy Birthday little guy. And your gardens are truely an inspiration to me. I love your junk heap :)

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

How nice to help your neighbor like that! I bet he really appreciates it.
Your garden has grown in quickly, and looks great, I love the vine on the front of your house. I hope those hydrangeas make it for you, they are one of my favorites.

Ramona said...

Happy b'day to your son. Flowers look great. I would love for you to be my neighbor. Come and fix up my yard 2!


Betty said...

Everything looks so beautiful! I am jealous!

Betty said...

PS Please tell your son....Happy Birthday!

Sue said...

tootsie I am as green as your grass with envy!! Your flowers and grass are beyond gorgeous! What a lucky young man to live next to you! I have a few neighbors who could use your help LOL! Is this the guy you were telling Jessica has cancer?? How sad, and so young!!
Happy Birthday to your handsome little guy!! Have a great weekend toots! xo

Dirt Princess said...

What a nieghbor you are!! He is lucky to have you!!!! You will have that place spiffed up in NO time! Happy Birthday BUD!

cindy said...

Your flowers look awesome! I wish you were my neighbor. I think I will post something today...(if there is time)..super busy at the store! ~Cindy~

Lauren said...

Hi Tootsie! Happy FF to you! What a lucky neighbor you have, and what an outstanding showing your flowers are making this week!

Anonymous said...

Hey Toots! Love your flowers, I dont understand how they could look so great with the crummy weather we are having. Grampie was cutting grass at the farm, and nearly froze to death on the mower. This morning he cherrfully called me at 5:45 in the morning to tell me that I should go out and spray the flowers because we had FROST! IN JULY? Are we having summer yet? Well have a nice day, well see you on Sunday! LOVE GRAMMIE!

imjacobsmom said...

Hi Tootsie, Better late than never - I always say - right? You sure have that kids yard in great shape. I wish I could take over my neighbors yard, if you know what I mean? Oh, and your flowers are blooming bright. Is that an Annabelle Hydrangea? I've got to get the Tomato Fertilizer for one bush that I have. It doesn't have a bud on it. Two years in a row now. It must be getting froze out when the buds are forming. I may have to protect it even more than the others this winter. Your pots sure are looking lovely as usual! ~ Robyn

momstheword said...

Love these pictures. Girl, if you have a passport just cross the border and come garden at my house! Puh-lease?! Somebody has to do it, lol!

I'd love to see a picture of your doggy covering his cute!

Anonymous said...

Aren't you just the sweetest to look after your young neighbour's yard? That white peony is stunning; but all of your garden is just so beautiful. Those luscious vines are terrific and how I love the brilliant orange of those tiger lilies. What a fabulous job you have done. I am so looking forward to seeing more as the season progresses. I will be back with you next Friday for sure. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

ps: What a handsome young man! Cute as a bug.

Behind My Picket Fence said...

OK, I sent a comment already. Where did it go? It's bad enough when you're too stupid to figure out how to run the computer but when the computer does wierd stuff, it just messes with my mind. As I said before.....the world needed another handsome young man and there was a picture of him right there on your blog. Happy Birthday Bud.
Your gardens are great Tootsie and it's been fun surfing around everyone else's gardens too.
Have a nice weekend.

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Tootsie...seeing your garden is liking taking a mini vacation...beautiful! Love the pic of your son...he is adorable. Hug him for me, please...mine is all grown and not here for me to hug. :-(
Have a great weekend!

xinex said...

I am so jealous of your garden, Glenda. I can't wait till I can participate in Fertilizer Friday. Right now, the only green that I can see in the backyard are tall trees...Christine

lynn'sgarden said...

Tootsie, my peonies are terrible lookin now with the powdery mildew..I love the white blooms on yours (and the neighbor's!). Also your baskets are chockful of blooms and gorgeous! Hey, do I have to link in every friday when doing this post...didn't see my name on the list from last time...?

Picket said...

Morning Toots...lordy this post was like muisic to my soul! It has been so hot and dry this year that everything in the yard is suffering...ohhh I remember green grass and lush bushes! lol lol Your yard is just like a magazine and your flowers ohhhhh I love the 'junk' pile and that basket thingy on the back of the gate ohhhhh gorgeous! I have never seen a peony like that...I have one white one and it hasn't bloomed in over two years...I think it is shaded too much by the dogwood...and did you tell me they were calling for 'frost' in your area...oh my word do you ever have Summer!!!!!! lol Happy Birthday to your 'little man' they grow up quick don't little man will turn 29 this month...take care girl and have a beautiful weekend!

Julie said...

Hey Toots...I forgot to come over here and tell you that I posted my new Portulaca as my blog title picture! Come over and see them...they are so purdy!!!

imjacobsmom said...

The "Worts" are probably noxious weeds for me too. I think that my whole garden is full of noxious weeds. :) ~ Robyn