Here we are again....Friday. The end of a work week for some...the beginning of a garden party for the rest of us!!! Fertilizer Friday is the day when gardeners from all over the world join in and share the blooms of their labors!
Now...if you are not familiar with the winter rules here...you will be...since I have ZERO to share...my gardens are bare...I (and other gardeners in similar climates) are sharing our favorite photos from months, gardens, years gone by. Those who have real live beauty to share are doing that!
So? What are we waiting for? Feed your flowers/ houseplants...gardens...snap some photos, link in and Flaunt with me!
Todays entry for me is a real blast from the past.

The year is 2005....and these are my large pots! (my how things change)

I spent two days making a small pathway to my greenhouse...

There it is...so little...this is the original that we moved on a truck to move to this house...I was not moving without it!

Later that summer...we added 8 more feet to the original 8X8 foot structure which was heated by electric space heaters....and the windows...were from Nana's old place. Oh how I loved my rickety old greenhouse....I miss it so. We had to tear it down when we go the new one...it was loaded with black mold which was part of the mystery illness that nearly killed this old Toots...

The side of the garden along the fence

Garden beside the back stairs.

In the front yard along the side of the house...

Look how teeny the vines were!!! lol...
Funny how things change that we don't really notice until we look back in our photos!
Now...please accept my invitation to grab the top photo and link back to me...also put your link in the mister linky below! I can't wait to see what you all share this week!
I love your colours - I'd love more colours in my garden :)
Have a great weekend!
Happy Halloween!
Justine :o )
By the way, I love your new profile pic!
Happy Halloween
It is spring time here, I will share my flowers with you :)