
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Monday, December 7, 2009

Builders Beige.....BE GONE!!!

Happy Monday all! I am linking in and thanking Nan over at Momstheword. She hosts a great little meme called Making your Home Sing. After you are done seeing my entry, head over and see who else is involved.
Today I am coming to you live from the downstairs bathroom in my house today!
This is where the second room transformation took place. Come-I'll take you on a quick tour...
Do you recall the cleaning frenzy that Nan hosted a while ago? This was the result of that....please note the blue...the towel bar, the color of the towel rack...among other things.
This shot gives a view of the blue shower curtain....and some of the accessories...
Are we ready for the AFTER shots???
Can I get a drumroll? I SAID....DRUMROLL PLEASE!
TA-DA! Welcome to the tiny downstairs bath in my house! The builder's beige paint is GONE!
The towel rack has been spray painted black...I removed the towel bar that was in such a stupid place...each time you used the toilet, you would bang into it and knock the towels onto the floor!
The wall color is called HEART OF BRONZE....I am in LOVE with this is a great addition to the room...even though it is small, it still wears this dark color so very well.
A quick mirror change (that other mirror is too pretty to be hidden in a bath no one uses)
I removed the blues from this room for now...and plan to take the tub surround decorative curtains from the master bath and add them down here...but first need to make some new ones for the master that will wait.
And that is what I did to the teensy second bath one afternoon.
Wait till you see what I did that evening! (ha ha...yep, I'm a tease!)

I have had some major issues getting around to you all this weekend. Not only was it a busy weekend here....but blogger is not loading properly for me (and from what I hear, many of us) If the blog loads, I can't leave a comment! I hope they fix this soon, it's frustrating!
Until the next time....hugs!


Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

I love that color in your bath Tootsie...

Four Paws and Co said...

Wow! I'm in love with your new paint colors!!! You're just amazing! ☺♥☺

Sue said...

Super job-you have such great ideas. I'm going to have to con you into a visit so you can give me ideas!!
Love the color, and I like that you painted the towel rack-good idea!
And yes, blogger is really bad lately-I'm thinking of switching!

artis1111 said...

I love the color,I am not a fan of brige. I just think it looks like the wakks are dirty. I will be picking out color this week for my house along with the rest of the things I just don't know how much allowence I will have on my cabinets. Your color looks a lot like one I was using in the hall, and had started to do the kitchen in. LOL Kathy

artis1111 said...

I love the color,I am not a fan of brige. I just think it looks like the wakks are dirty. I will be picking out color this week for my house along with the rest of the things I just don't know how much allowence I will have on my cabinets. Your color looks a lot like one I was using in the hall, and had started to do the kitchen in. LOL Kathy

Unknown said...

Looks so good. i will take that angel on the counter I like the wall color too... Goood job missy!

Anonymous said...

Good morning Tootsie, that bathroom is beautiful , that is my kind of decor. I had so many problems getting my post done yesterday, I thought it was me.


Unknown said...

Wow Tootsie, you are amazing. The Heart of Bronze is a really smart colour, and goes with yr beige really well! The black towel rack is nice too! And my, your bathroom is so neat and nice!!

Old Time Cindy said...

Looking good!
Living it up at Lakewood,

Barbara said...

Tootie, Beautiful color and great job on the bath.


Stacey said...

You've been busy with your paintbrushes. Another room that looks fabulous! I like the colors you are choosing. :)

Susie's country cottage said...

Your bathroom looks lovely with the changes you've made. I much prefer the lighter shade of shower curtain. How can you find the time to decorate at this time of must be Wonder Woman or something!!
Have a lovely week.

Sonia said...


You brave girl...I love the color of your bathroom...I tend to be a little color chicken when it comes to darker colors but I think they are so rich looking. Your bathroom looks fantastic! Maybe I'll get brave enough to venture away from builder's beige! Sonia/Miss Bloomers

pammiejo said...

Glad to see something other than "shades of tan". As we go on, I believe the dating of this decade will be the significance of various shades of tan EVERYTHING! I love color! PAM

"Blossom" said...

I am loving this color girlfriend. So..........pretty.
You can come and do two bath make overs for me anytime. Finally and walking but can't not squat or bend. The steriods are finally kicking in. But I am limited until after the holidays. I love your color schemes that you are doing around your home. I have some bloggers that can leave messages and others who can't. It is so anoying.

tori said...

Looks awesome! Love the color!

Darla said...

I wish you were here to show me what to do with this house!! This is beautiful Tootsie...

Melissa Miller said...

~WOWEE! Tootsie what an AMZAZING transformation girl! I LOVE the paint color as well. You really outdid yourself. I could go on and on about what I love in here but I would be here all day long. HeHe!

~GREAT job! 5***** ~Melissa :)

Bonnie said...

That color looks gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Morning, Dear Tootsie! Oh, how pretty your bathroom is. Love that lovely color! Now I can't wait to see what else you've been up to. Hope all is well with you and your little bunch.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Lona said...

Another beautiful transformation Tootsie.I love the warm colors.
You are so cruel to tease us though ;-)

squawmama said...

Good Morning Tootsie... Great re-do in your bathroom... Loved the color and what a difference it made! Have a fun filled day!


YaYa's Funhouse said...

Love the new look. How do you find the time to do so much?????

Betty said...

Beautiful color and nice changes.

Salmagundi said...

So, where is that pretty mirror moving to? Love your new colors - so rich looking. You are such a busy-bee. Take care, Sally

trailrider731 said...

hay hay Tootsie,

Great Job, I too need a major bathroom makeover in my corner of te world,, It's on my list of projects running thru my head. BUT , I m still working on the South fence, The hardest part is done, need lumber, Truck was out of commission a couple weekends and weather has been a deciding factor with outdoor projects. YUP, even Mississippi got a smattering of snow, as some people would call it in the colder parts of the world.

I should do a before and after of the elephant ears. I DUG some up yesterday.

the best is yet to come!!!

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

I love the makeover. The color and accessories look so nice together!

La Petite Gallery said...

Applause!!! Applause

you did a fab job..


Justine said...

Ooh, that color is gorgeous! I love love love the mirror leaning on the wall. That just looks awesome! Your head on a pedestal is pretty cool too.. just keep it turned away from the potty for modesty's sake.

Justine :o )

La Petite Gallery said...

Applause !!!
Very nice..


momstheword said...

Tootsie, this is gorgeous! I love that color. It just makes the room look so warm and "rich," you know?

Can't wait to see what's next, you tease!

I am going to put your link on the meme as I didn't see it there. Thanks for linking up, my friend!

Anonymous said...

I am wondering if you got my comment I just sent- it just closed up the window instead of re booting- anyways love you bathroom you energizer bunny you!

Unknown said...

Great Job! I love the color.

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Tootsie...I love bold colors in a bath...this is such an amazing transformation! I hope you gave yourself a huge pat on the back. I know painting with the a dark color isn't that easy...I remember when I painted my dining room. You did an amazing job and I love the color you chose! The towel rack/shelving looks great painted black. Love this!

Anonymous said...

Looks really good. That paint is beautiful. Yep puter problems on and off. Just have to wait it out I guess.

onlymehere said...

Oh Tootsie, I love the color too! I bet it's even prettier in person. I thought of you today when my neighbor dropped of a beautiful poinsettia. They own a nursery here in town and grow the hugest, most unique poinsettias. I look forward every year to getting one bz they always give us one! Love the redo of the bath.

Tamara Jansen said...

Were you trapped in your bathroom due to all the cold weather.....prompting you to do this re-do?! Man, Alberta is a cold, COLD place. I have much sympathy for you :)

Jessica said...


You did a great job and I so LOVE that bronze's amazing. :)

I love all your goodies in here, too....that plate { on the bath counter }is YUMMY! Can you say a bathroom is yummy? I think so. :)

Love, J

Nutty Gnome said...

Hi Tootsie, the new bathroom colour is gorgeous, I love it! As a decorators daughter I am programmed to hate beige and magnolia - dad had to use them so often in peoples' houses that they were forbidden in ours!

If you have no use for the lovely old round mirror I know the perfect place for it in my house....! :)

Maureen said...

That colour is fabulous! At first I was mortified that you took away that gorgeous mirror but you're right, it should NOT be hidden.

Brenda Pruitt said...

What a luscious color of paint! I love your bathroom. You've done wonders with it. And it just "sings" with personality!

Anonymous said...

Great job. But then you always come up with something special that everyone falls in love with. Nice color scheme.

Becca's Dirt said...

You did a great job and I love the new colors. It looks bold and warm. I always love your projects.

Anonymous said...

You just don't stop do you My Little Tootsie? You have done a fabulous job here and that paint colour is scrumptious. I can't wait to see what have up your delicate little sleeve for Christmas. Keep those emails coming girl..I love every one. Wish I was there to give you a hug.

SmilingSally said...

Nowadays, it's builder's white. You might remember that we're moving into a newly built home, and all the walls are WHITE. I'm going to pay some painters to put in some colors, and some of them will be ... beige!

However, your redo is delightful and a big improvement, Tootsie.

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

WOW!!! YOU are good,soooo classy and well put together...i am impressed!!! Hope you are well,been too long between visits!! X0X0X0 Chrissy

Garden Lily said...

Nice job! I love that Heart of Bronze, too - it looks very rich, and everything around it "pops"!