Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers Dec 4/09

Welcome to Fertilizer Friday!!! Today is the day we all get together and flaunt our flowers!
Fertilizer Friday is the day when gardeners from all over the world join in and share the blooms of their labors!
Now...if you are not familiar with the winter rules here...you will be...since I have ZERO to share...my gardens are bare...I (and other gardeners in similar climates) are sharing our favorite photos from months, gardens, years gone by, or the current indoor gardens and houseplants that they have. Those who have real live beauty to share are doing just that!
So? What are we waiting for? Feed your flowers/ houseplants...gardens...snap some photos, link in and Flaunt with me!
Today the picking is slim for blooms in my area. I am sharing the Christmas Cacti that I have in the sunroom. I have shared the buds a few weeks back, and today I am sharing the blooms!
I put the three pots into one bigger pot for a better statement.
Pink, red and white.
the white has a hint of pink...
And that's all I have to share. These photos are not the greatest...but at least I have a real bloom that's current! Now it's your turn...take some shots, post them, link in to the mister linky below. I can't wait to see!


Darla said…
Waiting for the sun to come up, I think it's going to rain again, we just had over 6 inches in two days. Anyway will take photos and link up when it gets light out...please do a post on growing these Christmas Cactus...I have NEVER had one live more than a season..
Sylvia said…
Tootsie, those Christmas cactus are beautiful...I have one in my garden window but it doesnt bloom until later in the month. Its a reddish/orangish flower.
B : ) said…
You must have the greenest thumb in the world - no matter what you do, it's beautiful. B : )
onlymehere said…
Wow, even in winter you have beautiful flowers!
pammiejo said…
I love your Christmas cacti - I'm going to have to get one and see if I can get it to bloom! I could send you a pic of frost bitten geraniums on my porch (kid you not, they've been fine 'til this morning). I'll see if I can bring them in and give them CPR. PAM
Autumn Belle said…
The cacti blooms are lovely. Thank you for hosting Fertilizer Friday and I wish everyone, Happy FF!
The JR said…
I love the XMAS cactus. So pretty mixed all together too.
You are so creative, I love the three different colors together. It's a good thing there are creative people around that I can get ideas from :)
The frost has gotten us here the past three mornings.
deb said…
Just gorgeous! I bet you smile each time you walk by ;~) Putting the three together worked very well
Have a great day!
I am so jealous of those cactus...I've tried them once and the dog ate them!!!
Anonymous said…
Tootsie your Christmas Cacti are really going strong. Mine don't always bloom but this year I have one ready to burst. I can't wait. Your's are so beautiful!!!
Anonymous said…
I meant to say that doing old pictures of our flowers is a great idea. I was wondering what everyone would do through the winter! Good thinking. I have lots of those blooming!!! ;-)
Thank you so much for coming by and joining my site. I love yours. Flowers I love but not very good with them.
Beautiful Christimas cactus.
Take care
Ricepatty said…
My Christmas cactus has yet to bloom - after seeing how beautiful yours are I cannot wait!
Moore Minutes said…
Yea! I get to see flowers even in this freezing cold weather, lol. These look so delicate and beautiful. Thank you for showing them to us! <3
Anonymous said…
Hi Tootsie, it's been awhile since my last visit, but I'm determined to get caught up again. I love looking at your plants, I have one Christmas Cactus and it's even from last year. :) I travel all summer, so I gave up on plants. I did buy a couple for the porch, but I don't hold much hope for them this summer. I have a new address, so when you get a moment please drop by for a visit.

jerseygirl211 said…
Hi Tootsie,

I can't believe that we still have a few Clematis in bloom out back. Maybe it's because of all the rain we've had. We did get frost last night, so I'm sure that's the end of them.

Can't take pictures, still waiting for my camera, Pentax is sending me a new one, just wish it would get here soon. :(

Take care, my friend.

squawmama said…
Beautiful Christmas cactus... You do indeed have the greenest thumb around! Have FUN & keep safe!
