I'm Just Sayin'...

This Tootsie is overwhelmed by the amazing amount of support that the blogland community has shown over the last few days. You guys are just the best of the best. My followers stepped up when I needed them, and for that I am very thankful.
I am so proud to "know you all", and want to send a heartfelt thank you to all of you on behalf of myself, and my family.
NOW...on to bigger more important issues....such as the greenhouse...this week I have scheduled myself in to become the dirtiest, most unkempt mom around these parts...lol. While my three are in school, I plan to be out in the greenhouse planting my little heart out. There is also some Hockey for my oldest, some basketball for my middle, and some serious playing for my youngest child....so...be ready...there are some soil filled posts in my future...as well as a couple of interior decor reveals coming hopefully this week!
My poor son, already knows that mom will be showing up with dirt in her hair to pick up from school, and he is hoping mom will wear her hat when this happens! lol
Don't ya just wish we all could just sit and blog...that life was not a busy collection of coming, going, chores etc? That we never ran out of things to talk about and had all the time in the world to do it? well...sometimes Reality sucks. lol
I'm Just sayin'!


Come to think of it.., what is more natural to us, to be dirty or to be sparkling clean?... I am just asking! ~ bangchik
Anonymous said…
Honey enjoy those days with the kiddos, when you get old as dirt you will miss them and then all you have to do is blog. So thanks for all the dirty projects you inspire. Blessings
The JR said…
I go a lot of places with dirt all over me and some of it ain't dirt if you know what I mean!
Lona said…
We will all be watching for those pictures of fly away hair and muddy cheeks. LOL!
CiNdEe's GaRdEn said…
Thats cuz we all love you(-:
I can't wait to see all the new plantings(-: I have lots popping up here in the garden(-: I worked my A** off yesterday (to bad its still there though...lol) 2 Yards of pea gravel...manyyyyy rocks and raking cleaning etc. You get the picture!!! I hope to finish this coming weekend!!!! Dirt is a good thing!!!!(-: You should have seen me yesterday...LOL
Old Time Cindy said…
Oh good...we get to see all the dirt on you...in more ways than one...LOL!!!
Cindy at Lakewood
9405018--Pat said…
Have a great day.....Pat H
Darla said…
Sounds like my girls, when they jump in the car, look at me and ask, "Been in the garden today huh?
Can't wait to see what you have been up too.
YaYa's Funhouse said…
Enjoy your time in the greehouse and time with your kidos
YaYa's Funhouse said…
Enjoy your time in the greehouse and time with your kidos
Becca's Dirt said…
I'm glad to hear things are cooling off.

Can't think of anything I'd rather have all over me is some dirt. I am proud if I have to run to the store for a moment. I just say 'been working in the gardens and loving it'.

Can't wait to see what you have perking in your greenhouse.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Hi Tootsie, Im glad things have quieted down, hopefully there will be no more upsets. We were at the gift show on sunday, there was a lot of stuff you would like, we got some stuff for our yard. This weekend is our yearend for the store and we will be spending our weekend counting stock, fun hey? Hope you have a good week. Keep your chin up. You have lots of people out there that love you, us included. Guess Who!
onlymehere said…
I for one wish my life could be just for family, sewing, blogging, and friends! I added a couple to your list. I truly wish I didn't have to work, lol! I used to love my job and it didn't seem like work but like most everyone else my job has become very stressful. I'd love to chat with my buddies all day bz I agree, blogging buddies are the best! Now go and get your nails dirty and have some fun, lol! Me
Tootsie said…
thanks mom....I might have to come rob you while you are at work! haha
Justine said…
Yep, you sure can find lots of support here in blogland when you need it!

I'm so glad you'll be getting yourself filthy this week, because that just means that in months to come we get lots of pretty pictures!

Justine :o )
Oh, Toostie, enjoy those ballgames and little ones while you can, they grow so fast and believe me, you will miss them more than you can ever imagine. I watched my boys grow and leave home now my Grands are growing and leaving home, how I miss those times spent with them.
There will be time for full blown blogging when you get old as dirt like me.
Love you girl; relax, enjoy.
Cherish every moment with them Tootsie - It won't be long till they leave the nest. One of mine got engaged last week - boy do I feel old now! I'm gonna be a motherinlaw!
Brenda Pruitt said…
My daughters are long grown. So here I sit!