Okay...so Here I Go Again...With the Paint.

Helloooooo! Did ya think I would EVER finish my projects and share them with you? Well, let me tell ya, I had begun to wonder myself!
I have been a very busy girl...what with getting my ideas all sorted out...and getting them to become more than just thoughts in my head... ya...well it was a long process...ha ha. (not to mention the rest of life that seems to take up play time!)
Today I am joining in on the parties above and hope that you will head over there and visit once you have seen my offering. Just click the logos above to visit our lovely hostesses!
Without further chit chat...
Why don't I just show you what I have been doing to keep myself so busy:
This is the before of another experimental project. There are actually two of these babies...but today I will share only the after part of one.
Not the worst pattern or color...but I saw bigger and better things in the future for this slightly dated little loveseat.
I went ahead and started to paint the fabric...Yes...I painted another piece! I had an idea of a sofa that I had seen online a long time ago and I wanted to try to do a simple version of it. So I headed out and picked up some deep red paint....started painting and then I was seeing RED!!! The guy didn't make me a deep rich red...he made fire engine red!!!(not once but TWICE!)
So....I got busy and started to doctor up my paint. (after all...it was after 11pm when I decided the color was once again WAY wrong) I added a little black, and a lot of blue...and painted my little heart out...Several coats later, it still needed a little something...
So...the next morning I hopped into my truck and headed to the local hardware store...picked myself up a bag of twisted nylon rope. (hey...I needed lots and it is MUCH cheaper than the version in the fabric stores....besides...I was just going to paint it!)
I hot glued...and hot glued...and hot glued some more...This piece needed some interest...and I needed to hide the evidence that I had ripped off the skirt!
Here's a close up of what the rope looks like before I painted it.
Rope glued on...
I added some interest to the sides and back too...
Oops!!! you can see the other one (the second loveseat) in the back ground!!! Cat's out now!!! hee hee...
After that was all done....I painted it a few coats of my Custom made by me paint...and this is what I ended up with!
I then had to wait for the "muscle" to show up and help me move my ugly living room furniture to greener pastures...(so to speak) and then move this baby in.
Here is a shot of my living room today.
The piano and the cabinet are still there...for now. lol (please excuse the dust and streaks...my "assistant" was working very hard to help prep for this post- hey...she's only 5!)
I added the old trunk that I got years ago from my Dad. He had pulled it out of the attic of the old house that was on the site where they live now...I added some ball feet...oh...and in case you noticed...I did paint the chair again...to match. If you want to see what the chair transformed from...click here
My living room is still a bit of a work in progress...but it is coming along nicely. It will do the trick for now...it may not be perfect...and it really didn't cost me anything but a can of paint or two...but...I really needed that change.
I can't wait to see it all finished.
A fresh beginning, a fresh start, a fresh new look to a room that once held nothing but ugly memories for me. I am a happy camper!
Oh yea.......for a view of my inspiration on the painting of the fabric..please head over to My Everyday Passions...and see the painted sofa set that pushed my bravery button....and I am so glad I did!
Thanks Jeanne for sharing your painted furniture!!!
I am working on a couple of other transformations, so stay tuned!
Oh...I'd like to give a quick "wink" to my two "biggest fans"...you know who you are...I can see you! {;-)
happy lurking!


WOW, I am speechless. That is fantastic. What a clever lady you are.
To me the living room looks perfect.
Can't wait to see what else you do to it.
Anonymous said…
Hi Tootsie! I haven't been by in a while and look what you're doing - painting fabric! Oh, Dear One! This is amazing and it does look like leather! It's amazing. You're amazing! You are just the smartest one.
Be a sweetie,
Shselia ;)
Laura said…
That is AMAZING.
You are a painting machine!

Enjoyed visiting-
Anonymous said…
Wow, never would have thought of that. Man the ideas some folks get from browsing around on the puter. The room looks great.
Unknown said…
WOW - what sort of paint did you use? It's great!
Andrea said…
WOW...WOW..WOW! I am sooooo very impressed. Beautiful!


PS: I have an updated urgent request for amden on arise 2 write.
Hey Tootsie!!!
I NEVER knew that you could paint fabric and it looks AWESOME!!! Guess I should check it out.
Your living room looks wonderful!
Deb :)
Hey Tootsie!!!
I NEVER knew that you could paint fabric and it looks AWESOME!!! Guess I should check it out.
Your living room looks wonderful!
Deb :)
Just awesome my friend...this totaly blows me away...Love your New Beginings my friend...You have indeed been one busy Tootsie...Love ya girl...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
xinex said…
Wow, Tootsie! Your are good! I didn't know you could paint fabric and it looks like leather now. It's really pretty. Good job!...Christine
CiNdEe's GaRdEn said…
That is just beautiful! Like a very expensive leather set!!! Awesome!!! How does it feel to sit on?
CiNdEe's GaRdEn said…
That is just beautiful! Like a very expensive leather set!!! Awesome!!! How does it feel to sit on?
Maureen said…
That.is.fab! What kind of paint did you use? How does it feel to sit on it? I need to try this!
onlymehere said…
I'm amazed! See, you can do anything Tootsie!! I just knew it. Love the trunk too.
OMG that is just beautiful!! And I think your living room in awesome. Makes mine look like a dump.

I had no idea that you could paint fabric to look like well, leather! Amazing.
Darla said…
Good golly ms. molly!!! I'm headed over to check out your inspiration now..I want to see you actually painting this...you use a special brush? Doesn't the fabric soak up a lot of it? It looks wonderful Tootsie!!
Tootsie girl..that was an amazing post!
How great that turned out! and just look at it in your room...You rock!
xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

Stop over and enter my "GIVEAWAY"...!!! if you haven't already!...you'll be glad you did!
Darla said…
couldn't get the link to work..
Picket said…
Oh my word Toots!!! I am sitting here with my mouth wide open and I am speechless!!!! I can't believe this...you just painted that loveseat to make it look like that?? Get out of here!!!!!! That is the most amazing thing I have ever seen! It turned out awesome and the look and feel of your living room now is fantastic! Girl I thought I was brave when I painted my kitchen cabinets but girl you got me beat...you go girl! I am trying my best to work my way back to blogging more since things have calmed down with my parents and they are doing so much better...so I wanted to come by and say hello...man I'm gald a did...what inspiration! Take care Toots and have a great week! ~Picket~
Gatsbys Gardens said…
Ican't believe how good this looks! You are a real innovator.

GardenOfDaisies said…
This is so interesting and I just have to find out how it wears. What does the painted fabric look like after it has been sat on several times? Does it keep the leather look, or does the paint get all cracked looking?
You are so creative!
GardenOfDaisies said…
This is so interesting and I just have to find out how it wears. What does the painted fabric look like after it has been sat on several times? Does it keep the leather look, or does the paint get all cracked looking?
You are so creative!
cindy said…
Good God! You painted a couch?! Can you tell when you sit on it...I mean is it scratchy or flaky or anything...It looks great!....(psst hey kids~dont stand still for too long...you never know what may happen...!
Lona said…
Hey girl the Queen has done it again. That rope added just the touch. It still does not sink into my mind that the painting remains soft and doesn't crack. Its a mind thing Tootsie LOL! It looks like soft leather to me.
Doesn't it just add tat wow to your living room. It looks beautiful and so warm looking.
Great job!
The JR said…
I'm stunned. You are amazing! Wow, what a transformation. I LUV it!
Justine said…
Yay Toots!!!! You are a frickin' genius, ya know that? I love it!!!

Justine :o )
Old Time Cindy said…
What...?!?! I've painted a fabric lampshade before, but I don't sit on that. I'll have to head on over to your inspiration to see more.
Cindy at Lakewood
Erin said…
I am sooo impressed. I'm dying to know how these things wear. They look so good and if they wear decently, I think they're so worth the effort. Good job, Tootsie!
Sandra said…
Hi Tootsie. Wow! I'm almost speechless here! I said "almost" LOL! Girl, you are talented! I love your living room too. You are amazing!
Sandra said…
Hi Tootsie. Oh my gosh! I'm LOL here! I can't believe we were leaving a reply at each other's blogs at the same time. That is too funny. :) You made my day, Ms Tootsie!
Bren Haas said…
You are the miracle worker of FURNITURE!!!! WOW....
I LOVE IT. YOu are truly the Martha Stewart of Canada!

((HUGS)) thanks for sharing this with me.
It's amazing how uniform the paint looks - I would think it's leather. Just wondering... how long did it take to dry? Great job!
My goodness you've done it again - you're just incredible Tootsie with all your ideas. It looks just like leather - its a wonder you're not high from all those paint fumes - considering the number of coats you must have given it. I think I need to you come over to Scotland and revamp my 3 sofa's in my front room. Keep up the good work....... now I need to try and find something for Fert. Friday! :)
Unknown said…
This is absolutely amazing! You are so brave, like an explorer!
Charlotte said…
This reminds me of when my oldest daughter who was 2 at the time, took an ink pen to my white vinyl couch. I scrubbed and scrubbed but could not remove the ink. So, I painted it black! I thought I was the only one who had done this! Glad to know there are others lurking about.
Brenda said…
WOW...that painting fabric is awesome...I am so impressed - more projects for me to think about - thanks for the great photos of the step by step...
Autumn Belle said…
Wow, you have certainly done a fine job on the sofa and given it a new life! I didn't know you could paint on fabric and now it looks like leather.
Coloradolady said…
amazing what you can do with paint...looks great. Have a great VTT!
Suzie, I can't believe this post How can anyone paint a sofa? I can't believe it. The rope you are a real Genius. I have to go back and read it again.
If I knew you when I had my antique shop we would have been partners. Go Girl

Love the Decor! said…
Wow what a great project!!
Tootsie I think I got my feed fixed so I should be showing up now in your blog roll. Let me know if I am not.
thasnifty said…
OH MY! that is fabulous. I would never be brave enough to take on that sorta project. I envy you. Thanks for sharing that transformation.

-brightest blessings-

Screaming Meme said…
You are amazing! I love it! I love to see transformations! Hi, Tootsie, My name is Meme from Screaming Meme...I want to personally invite you to visit! Hope to see you there...Meme
Jeanne said…
Lady you have soooo much energy! You have taken this wonderful project and made it so much more. Its yours now. I love the idea of using rope from the hardware store to cover where you ripped off the skirt. I added trim from Hobby Lobby (bought on sale) but your idea was even more inexpensive and innovative.

Great Job!!