
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers May 7/10


It’s Friday again already and that means it’s time to flaunt our flowers, gardens and all things green!

Now if you are not familiar with the rules of this little party…here they are;

If it is spring or summer where you live, you need to snap a few photos of what you have growing, blooming or just love to look at that is of the plant variety…if it is winter where you live, you may post past favorite photos…or indoor plants…whatever you like. The only criteria is that it is a plant or something growing!

You do not need to use fertilizer to participate in this party, but if you do, this is the reminder to fertilize weekly!

Your post must include the logo above and a link to Tootise Time, or the linky will be deleted. I don’t mean to be harsh, but there have been a lot of people linking in and when the participants graciously click over to their blogs, there is no sign of Fertilizer Friday anywhere to be found. This is not fair to those who do follow the rules, therefore…well you know!

So? what are you waiting for? Get outside, feed, water, snap and post!

I have not been online at all this past week because my internet went down and I had no way to get back to anyone! My sincerest apologies go out to you all who participated in FF last week that I did not get around to visit. I am still working my way through the list of emails to reply to as many as I can. I am so happy to have my internet back up and running, the withdrawl was killing me!

This past week we have had rain, snow and strong winds…it has been winter here again…and it is supposed to be cold for a few more days! HELLO? SPRING? THIS IS TOOTSIE CALLING!!! I NEED TO GET MY PLANTS OUTSIDE TO HARDEN OFF!!! HELLLLOOO!!!!

Anyways…here’s what is happening in the greenhouse this week…I bet you are all getting very sick of looking at it!


Squeeze the door open and this is the scene… It’s full in there.


A view from the top of the ladder…Now, lets do the rest a little different…This week, I am going to show some blooms.


Portulaca getting ready to burst…there are lots blooming already but this was the closest to me…ha-ha.


Coleus is so pretty, that the leaves are like pretty blooms all in themselves. They are getting huge… and need new pots…OR for Mother Nature to smarten up!!!


My Loofah…well I think it might be mad at me again. There are more white speckles on the leaves again…is this maybe due to a cool draft? Not sure…but will figure it out.


White Bacopa in bloom.


Another foliage favorite…Dusty Miller. Their leaves are just starting to take their lacy form.


Salmon Geranium. Two perfect balls!


Purple Wave Petunia.


Blue Wave Petunia.


White Wave Petunia.


Cherry Wave Petunia.


Silver Wave Petunia.


I love the way these ones start out…


This one is open….and it is HUGE compared to the other wave petunias.

Well, that’s all for this old gal this week. I am looking forward to getting around to everyone and seeing what they are up to. Again…I am sooooo sorry that I didn’t get around last week…I have NEVER missed a week of visiting my participants and I feel terrible! Good thing gardeners are gentle creatures and are so good at forgiving! (right?)

Thank you all for linking in and flaunting with me again this week. I will be around to see you all as soon as I can! Have a safe and happy weekend!

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


Paula said...

Oooh! I love your blooms! So bright and cheery - makes me want to plant! Thanks for sharing and thanks for hosting this party - always so fun! Paula in Idaho

momstheword said...

Awww, Tootsie, they are gorgeous!!!! I just want to sit in your greenhouse with a diet pepsi and visit with you. Unfortunately you are waaay to far across the border, lol! Wouldn't it be fun?

Anyway what do you mean "this old gal" you are not old, girlfriend!

Larry said...

I am still amazed at the size of the plants in your greenhouse... although mine are starting to take on some size. How do you manage hardening off your plants before they go outside? Larry

Sandra said...

Oh my gosh, lady! I am in awe of all of your plants! I dream of having a greenhouse someday. :) Aaah, you are so talented.

Dirt Princess said...

I have so enjoyed seeing all of your plants go from seeds to THIS!!! It is beautiful! I can't wait to see them in the ground and adding color to your garden!

deb said...

Amazing! I think I said that lst week too! LOL They all are so beautiful. So fun to watch them go from seeds to such gorgeous blooms!

Andrea said...

Hello Tootsie, i am glad you are back, yes i can relate to your withdrawal symptoms! I feel like going there and get some pots from the so many pots you have there. They all look healthy and taken care well, looking happy, and if they are happy, the caretaker is happy too....and we as well! thanks.

teresa said...

Hard to believe your little babies are about ready to face the cold cruel world already. Isn't that amazing. Seems like just yesterday they poked their cute little seedling selves out of the dirt and now they are ready to flower. Wow. You did a wonderful job growing them all. Thanks for hosting the flaunt for us.

Sharon@keeninspirations said...

I am glad to have found your blog and party! Someday I would love to have my own greenhouse! Your garden and flowers are gorgeous again for me, hopefully someday...I am hopefully behind as you can see in my link! I hope my link is appropriate for this party.
Thank you for hosting!

Maureen said...

Beautiful! But I have a question. What are you going to do with all of them? That is a lot of flowers!

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

Your plants are magnificant! What a woman!!

And please, don't feel you have to thank me every week. I know how busy you must be. It's enough that you host this every Friday. I'm loving it! Thank you.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

I am in no way tired of seeing what's in your greenhouse. Jealous maybe, but not tired. LOL In fact I've enjoyed seeing the changes each time you've posted.

I hope spring cooperates with you so you can get those dears hardened off. I'm glad your computer is working.

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

WOW! You've had a rough week!! I was wondering what happened to you ...... I can't imagine being down for a week , it would drive me nuts!! haha :) In spite of it all Everything looks Terrific in your greenhouse:) This warm (hot) cold thing is driving us crazy down here too. At least no snow ???? ( shhhh ) I have too many plants to fit in the greenhouse! we'll be onto the plastic bags!! Your blooms look Wonderful!! Have a great weekend!

artis1111 said...

Everything is growing !!!! I have cut flowers today on my blog.These peony are a hybrid.LOL Kathy

Gatsbys Gardens said...

I might need your greenhouse this weekend - talking frost! Missed you - glad you are back.


Anonymous said...

Lots of pretty Petunias and Geraniums.

Darla said...

I was beginning to think you didn't love me anymore, wink..

Your flowers are just beautiful sorry about the cold weather you are having...

Connie in Hartwood said...

I remember when your greenhouse was full of new sprouts and promise ... my, my how things have grown. Everything is beautiful!


Lona said...

Hi Tootsie. Glad to see your internet got straightened out.
Wow, it looks like summer in your greenhouse now.The pink and yellow petunia, is it that Fancy Dress one. It is very pretty. And the geranium! Your know I love them. What a pretty color. That loofa has been a touchy thing hasn't it.It is growing good though.
I could go shopping in your greenhouse LOL!

Bonnie said...

All I can say is WOW, WOW, WOW. Everything looks amazing. I really love that Geranium. What a fun color.

Carla said...

Oh, my, what beauty!! If I was to enter your greenhouse, I would never leave!!

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

Don't feel guilty about not visiting. You can't help it if your internet was down. Plus I think we all get extra busy this time of year, I know I've had far less time for blogging lately.
I never get tired of your greenhouse. I'm always jealous of how great everything looks. I love all those petunias! I hope Mother Nature listens to you, she hasn't been very cooperative here either.
Happy Mother's Day a few days early!

Rosie@leavesnbloom said...

Tootsie if you don't get them hardened off soon you'll not get into that greenhouse of yours! They look great in bloom and your green house is ever so tidy too.

sweetbay said...

So much color in your greenhouse! I love the Wave Petunias. They are so tough as well as beautiful.

Alea Milham said...

Your petunias are beautiful! I have just planted some deep purple petunias outside and am keeping my finger crossed that we don't have a freeze!

Anonymous said...

Good day Tootsie!!!!!Mama B. Wow your green house is stuffed full! Good thing you brought mine, where on earth did you keep them, it looks like they were never in there. Not even a dint! We really need some warm weather here so you can get them all into the ground. Love the blooms. take care. gramie.

Nancy said...

I wish I could send you some of the hot weather we are here so you could get your flowers planted!

Thanks for visiting Porch Days.

Erin said...

Gorgeous, Tootsie, absolutely gorgeous!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Oh what lovely things - I'd really like to have a greenhouse again.

Justine said...

Oh man, you've got all of those gorgeous flowers just begging to be planted outside and you can't! Ugh, that sucks!!!

Justine :O )

B : ) said...

Your flowers, and your shots of them, are delicious!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Tootsie...I always love seeing your greenhouse!!! Don't apologize for posting photos of your lovely work!!!
I'm sorry I haven't been able to visit everyone's post...but life has been very hectic!!! Thanks so much for hosting this's fun and I said..." for a good time visit Tootsie!!!" :-)