
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Friday, May 21, 2010

Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers May 21/10


It’s Friday again already and that means it’s time to flaunt our flowers, gardens and all things green!

Now if you are not familiar with the rules of this little party…here they are;

If it is spring or summer where you live, you need to snap a few photos of what you have growing, blooming or just love to look at that is of the plant variety…if it is winter where you live, you may post past favorite photos…or indoor plants…whatever you like. The only criteria is that it is a plant or something growing!

You do not need to use fertilizer to participate in this party, but if you do, this is the reminder to fertilize weekly!

Your post must include the logo above and a link to Tootise Time, or the linky will be deleted. I don’t mean to be harsh, but there have been a lot of people linking in and when the participants graciously click over to their blogs, there is no sign of Fertilizer Friday anywhere to be found. This is not fair to those who do follow the rules, therefore…well you know!

So? what are you waiting for? Get outside, feed, water, snap and post!


Welcome to my garden. Today I would like to share all of the beds that I planted last weekend…and several of the pots that I planted this week. I have been very busy trying to get everything finished up so that the mess can just go away- BUT- I managed to fall off a ladder a couple of weeks ago, and I sprained my right arm. This makes using the computer, planting or pretty much anything difficult to do. I am VERY right handed…and refused to allow my injury to stop me…but it did manage to slow me down…substantially.

Here's what I did for two solid days last weekend:


I made my fountain,


I pulled the loofa and about 75 other pots out of the greenhouse.


I primped the pots a bit to cut away much of the sunburned leaves,


I planted…till my knees were calloused…


…and planted…till I couldn’t get my hands or feet clean anymore…


…and planted some more. I see I have some snow mold damage there…(in the grass)…ugh.


I just hate this time of the season because all of the plants looked so lush and big in the greenhouse, and then I plant them…and they look puny spindly and small in the gardens…GROW DAMNIT…NOW!!!!


I planted every bed…every nook and cranny…


Front and back…plant, plant, plant.


I am not happy that almost all of the Iris plants that I put in last year died over the winter….oh well…a trip to the farm and I am back in business. (Right Grampie???)


My olden Junk pile is going to look nice –eventually.


I chickened out planting directly into the wheel barrow…so I put pots inside it instead. My luck, I’d plant it and then need to use it! ha-ha…and I don’t have another one yet.


My shade beds…and some more snow mold damage…and maybe a few dog pee patches…


My favorite bed…70 Geraniums went into this baby this year.


Lavatera seeded…plants are planted…Now we WAIT!


My hedges are getting bigger…finally so that soon I won’t have to look at the ugly trampoline anymore…


the other 1/2 of that bed.


I wish all of my pots looked as good as the window boxes I planted this year…


the twin to the previous bed…


My garden room. I love this area…I think I need to put the patio table somewhere else though…it doesn’t suit the space…I know what I want to put there…just need to get time to build it!!!


a close up of the right side of the room…the mirror used to be in the corner…it moved to the header bed this year.


The left side of the room…which is now sporting a wonderful new addition- the BBQ!

Now those of you who were worried about the bottom falling out…don’t worry…I planted the plants into a garbage bag. There are drainage holes in the bag, and in the BBQ…so hopefully it lasts a few years…


Pretty cute I think…it reminds me of Darla…she planted one a year ago or so, and I have been planning one for myself for a while now.


My bench. I hope to get some barn board soon…and make a couple other little additions…I love the bench…so glad I made myself this one.


All that was left out of the nearly 200 trays of flowers…are these 8 trays…and I think I have a plan for them…ha-ha-are you surprised??? I didn’t think so…ha-ha


A view from the stairs. This is my header bed…


And that is the tour of all of the flower beds that have been done this year.


And a little view of the pots…all sun scorched…and weary…But they will bounce back…eventually.

What’s that? You want to see the greenhouse?


There are 30 hanging baskets left over from the spring plant. I will either replace the ones that look awful in my garden…or put these in my garage sale this year. I can’t wait till they are gone…I keep banging my head on them when I come in here to water…or…


To watch the kids play in the pool in here.

It is so hot in here during the hot days, that it just warms the water…and the kids just play and play and play in the pool…okay…and their mom does too sometimes…ha-ha.

This weekend is the long weekend here…and as usual the weather stinks…it is cold and raining now. We are expecting frost on Saturday night…which means…a whole lot of bed sheets will be covering all of the beds…(I sure hope it’s not windy)….wish me luck!!!

So? Are you as tired from this tour? Hope not! You have a linky list below to add yourself to…and others to view if you can!

I will do my best to get around to you all…I need to establish my routine, so that I have time to do everything that I need to do in each day…right now I feel very overwhelmed with all that is on my plate!

That’s all for me…Thanks to you all for stoppin by….and to my two favorite people…’winks”! (you know who you are!) ha-ha!!!

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Wow! I lost count of how many plants and how many beds. I love the floor of your garden room. The red BBQ is too cute.

Jeannie B. said...

I love the stone/grass patio. I am very curious about it and how to do it and how much trouble it is to take care of. Do you have a post on it?

Your flower beds are wonderful and I hope they stay weed free for you. Beautiful color everywhere.

Jeannie B. said...
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Larry said...

My word... how do you get so much done... amazing! Larry

Sharon@Keeninspirations said...

Wow!! I don't know where to start! First, I fractured and dislocated my right arm last May, so I know exactly what your are goint through! Second, I love your punp fountain...I've wanted one of those for several years now. Thirdly, I am envious of your "garden room"...need me one of those too! lol Next, I am your newest follower and Finally ...thanks so much for hosting and have a sunny weekend!

Donna said...

Whew! I'm worn out just looking at the pictures. hehehehehe
I know it will be so pretty, though.


Bren Haas said...

The cute little planted grill is too adorable. I hope you will forgive me for not being as good of a friend as you have been. I will try my hardest to post on Fridays. Your friends are wonderful over here...

((HUGS)) My Friday Flaunt is kitty approved... I hope you don't mind!

Anonymous said...

Oh friend you are absolutely amazing!! I am so impressed with all you do!! Love what you did with the old BBQ! I have one that is probably 20 years old and need to do something like that with it but, can you believe, we still use it!! maybe I will get DH a new one for Father's day-

Are things lookin up you way?

bee blessed

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

My God Girl!! That's alota work! I'm tired just watching you...haha!
It's Beautiful, and love the water feature you made, and love the way you shaped your beds!! Really like the bed with the bike! It's all Really Fantastic!! Wait till it all fills in, it won't be long. Well Done !:)

deb said...

Everything looks so great! They will fill in in no time. Love the BBQ!! So clever ☺

Maureen said...

Holy cow - you're like the Energizer bunny! Looks fab!

I looove the bench that you made.

Tootsie said...

hi jeanie!!!
this is the link to the patio made out of cement that I made. It is a little work to keep it trimmed...but I do mine with a weed wacker...if it was totally leveled off I could use the lawn mower...but I prefer to have the grass as short as possible to show the stones. I am planning to try another one around the fire pit soon...and I think I will grout it with cement instead of grass...much easier to care for I think!

Troy said...

Holy cow, I go outside for a couple of hours, haul a few wheelbarrows full of stuff, and plant a plant or two, and I'm exhausted.

I am totally in awe!

Troy said...

Holy cow, I go outside for a couple of hours, haul a few wheelbarrows full of stuff, and plant a plant or two, and I'm exhausted.

I am totally in awe!

Troy said...

Holy cow, I go outside for a couple of hours, haul a few wheelbarrows full of stuff, and plant a plant or two, and I'm exhausted.

I am totally in awe!

Anonymous said...

What a fun blog. I, too, love to garden. I just signed up to follow you and invite you to do the same. Now I'm going to go bookmark some of your projects for my future use!

Gatsbys Gardens said...

Tootsie, you are amazing! Your plantings are so creative and I can see the time and energy that you put into them. I hope you do not get that frost.


B : ) said...

Holy Cow woman, where do you get the energy? Your place is a true wonderland. You should charge your neighbors to live near you : )

Darla said...

Oh Tootsie, this is going to be so much fun watching your gardens grow. I am so painting my grill now, I love yours! Thanks for mentioning Lavatera is getting quite tall, hoping it begins to bloom soon.

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

I am just exhausted looking at all the work you have put into your gardens. It is amazing. I would love a greenhouse. I can't wait to see how everything does throughout the season. Valerie

Lynn said...

Wow, I'm tired just reading about it all! Everything looks great, and I can't wait to see as it all grows in!

Vonlipi said...

Please give me the name of the vitamins you're taking! You have so much energy! Beautiful work!

Beth said...

Tootsie, Your many garden beds are going to be awesome this summer! Love your garden room, your fountain and all your garden art! You are very ambitious and busy caring for so many beds!

Ott, A. said...

Your flowers are beautiful. I am so glad to have found your site and am participating in my first, flaunt your flowers linky party. I lift some tips on how I plant my flower pots. Hope you can stop by and see them. Happy gardening!!

AFSS said...

Beth just told me about Fertilizer Friday, so I thought I would join the fun. Love the flowers in the grill idea. ~Alasandra

AFSS said...

Oh here is the link to my flower post.

Bonnie said...

I just can't tell you in words how much I love your blog. Your gardens are so amazing. I love the shape of them, love your creative pots and garden "junk". You have a gift on how to grow and arrange these beds. Thanks for sharing them on this blog!

Denise said...

Wow, Tootsie, your garden looks amazing, I know it will be breathtaking when all the flowers explode with blossoms! I have linked to my garden update this week, still trying to grow something despite all those nasty bugs we have! Have a great Friday

Cass @ That Old House said...

Wow my back is aching just LOOKING at your beautiful plantings. Can't wait to see them filling in and POPPING for the summer.

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Just beautiful! I know it will all grow and bloom for you soon! It is hard to plant everything so I can appreciate all the aches and pains of it! We planted our veggie garden last weekend and several dozen annuals and my knee hurt all week! Its just starting to feel better today!!!!!!
I have more to do this weekend so no doubt it will be aching again!
The hedge needs pruning and that is a back breaker...Oh well!
The torture of the gardener!!! LOL
Its all so worth it right?(-:
Have a great weekend!!!!(-:

Sherrie said...

All your blooms are beautiful!! Have a great day and take a rest, you deserve one.

Sherrie's Stuff

cindy said...

Holy cow! 200 trays! geez! We're just getting started here...I actually have a tulip that came up!...(brown thumb)...I'll have to take a pic of it for you! Ha!..I'm going to try to plant mostly perennials (sp) time or $ to do all that annual planting...(wish you were my neighbor so I could get some 'leftovers' from your greenhouse!) Have a great weekend!

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

70 Geraniums!!! Holy guacumole batman!!!

Everything looks absolutely wonderful! What a garden you'll have by August!

Hope that arm heals soon. Thanks for hosting.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

I'm exhausted just looking at all the work you've done. Your bed are edged so perfectly, that alone must have been very time consuming. Now it'll be fun to see as all those flowers start growing and growing. I love all the garden art you have. I really need to find some places around here to find things like you have.

siteseer said...

WOW!!! what else is there to say? I love your use of "garden elements". And I laugh that you have extra plants. Not having a greenhouse I have to buy my flats of annuals and therefore I just have a few. I'm counting on my perenniels to show me the color!

Elaine said...

I love looking at your flower gardens..they inspire me to get outside and tend mine a little more and be more creative.

Anonymous said...

Tootsie I'm exhausted just watching you work!!! But we're so glad you do so we can enjoy it. It is all so beautiful - not just the flowers but all of the yard art you have built. Just sent it to another friend to read.
I did a BBQ years ago and didn't line it. So far the bottom is doing just fine. But I think I'm going to change it back to annuals because they were so full and beautiful in it.

Nancy's Notes said...

Love joining in today!!

Your flowers look great, I am really enjoying everyone's gardens, what a treat!

Have a great day Tootsie!


Justine said...

You did all of this with a sprained arm? You are one determined woman. It's going to be so incredible when it all starts growing in! I cannot wait to see it.

I swear, you should open your backyard for a garden walk or something each year. I'm sure people that live near you and have no idea of what your yard looks like would be floored!!!

Justine :o )

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Hi Tootsie,
I put my link up this morning, then had to go to work. I am eating lunch at a computer in my husband's office. We both work at the same school.

First off, I had to have Larry come see your awesome fountain. We don't have room for a pond, but I'd love to find a spot for something like that.

Next, you are truly a superwoman to do all that planting with a broken arm! I bet the plants you had to prune damage off of will be nice and full. Wait, they always are, anyway. You have a beautiful property, and I love all the cool decorations and "junk" you use. The grill turned out awesome!

I know there was probably something else I was going to comment on, but I'm forgetting what it was right now.

I hope your weather warms up. We're supposed to get up to 90 by Sunday. We're going from a cold early spring to a hot middle spring.

Have a great weekend, and find some time to rest that arm.

Rosemary Lemony said...

What kind of grass do you have? My bermuda would cover that gorgeous patio in a couple of weeks. What a beautiful yard you have. I would love to have well behaved grass that I could make beds like that in but alas I have to nearly put a brick wall to keep the grass back. It's ok though because that bermuda can really hold up to the Texas sun.

Lona said...

Everything looks so wonderful!! And all your beds look so clean and pretty. Your yard is going to be a riot of color again this summer. I am always in awe at all of your different beds and garden decor ideas.
Get that arm straightened up girl! Happy FF.

Salmagundi said...

I like your table and chairs in the 'garden room'. Do you not use the table? After all of your hard work, your garden looks wonderful. And I know it will look even more beautiful as the summer progresses. Sally

Nutty Gnome said...

It looks great now Tootsie after all your hard work, but it's going to look fantastic in a few weeks!
You put me to shame girl!

Autumn Belle said...

You have done an excellent job even the the injury bugging you. My lots of get well wishes to you!

Andrea said...

Tootsie, i can't breath after reading that post, i internalized everything so much that i felt like working with you. How lucky you are to have that strength and stamina to do all that by yourself!!! That is a work for 3 persons. If only i am near i will give my 2 hands willingly, even without a cup of coffee! hehe. Congratulations for the wonderful outcome, the beds and the designs already looking good even if newly planted. Haaay i am tired! I can't wait to see all those blooming, i'm already imagining. For my gift to you for a wonderful work, i am giving my bouquet of Hibiscus for you. I did not participate it in the Fertilizer Friday bacause i posted it on Wednesday, but i am giving it to you now. hahaha!

It's time for you to rest well, take care of your back!

Linda @ Linda's Lunacy said...

Your BBQ planter is really cute. I've seen old grills turned into potting centers, with a bin of dirt in the center, but a planter is much cuter.

Julie said...

Gorgeous. all the way around, Tootsie! Good work! My must be exhausted after all this planting! Take care and have a wonderful weekend!

diana said...

I wish i would have seen the BBQ planter idea b4 i took one to the scrap yard, gee what were we thinking always another and what a beautiful site and yes i am exhausted already and i havent even put a shovel in hand yet, at least now you can sit back and watch everyone else plant while yours is done, Have a great weekend!!

Anonymous said...

Wow. I'll bet you sleep good at night. It's going to be stunning as always in no time. Thank you for hosting.

Tamara Jansen said...

Wow! You have done a TON of work! Here's to hoping the weather doesn't do too much damage this weekend.....not in your garden and not in my favorite Big Box store garden center :)

This has not been an easy spring season, what with all that wild Alberta weather....

linda may said...

WoW, you are driven, a real gardening artist. I think my favorite bit is the water pump fountain. I hope your arm feels better soon. Do you ever stop and just sit and watch and smell and love it all? You work too hard. You put me to shame.

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

Hi, Tootsie! I just found your blog and joined as a follower.

I also joined in on your Friday event and added the button to my sidebar.

Be sure to stop by and say hi, and see my lovely flowers.

By the way, I think your pump fountain is terrific! ;)

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

The JR said...

Blogger gave me fits on friday, I couldn't comment.

Wow, amazing. Love everything.

Unknown said...

Your yard and gardens look great. Love the first bed. Wonderful spray of color. I'm a new follower here for sure. Have been wait for a garden posting to fall on Friday for a while, I follow A Gardener in Progress almost daily. Isn't she wonderful and such great pictures, too.

Dig on,
Kate - The Garden Bell

Grab a lemonade, I'm out deadheading.

Meg S said...

Tootsie--everything looks so lovely!

Catherine, over at A Gardener in Progress, has me inspired to try to (at least sporadically) do fertilizer Fridays, rather than just lurking and loving everyone else's gorgeous babies..