Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers May 28/10


It’s Friday again already and that means it’s time to flaunt our flowers, gardens and all things green!

Now if you are not familiar with the rules of this little party…here they are;

If it is spring or summer where you live, you need to snap a few photos of what you have growing, blooming or just love to look at that is of the plant variety…if it is winter where you live, you may post past favorite photos…or indoor plants…whatever you like. The only criteria is that it is a plant or something growing!

You do not need to use fertilizer to participate in this party, but if you do, this is the reminder to fertilize weekly!

Your post must include the logo above and a link to Tootise Time, or the linky will be deleted. I don’t mean to be harsh, but there have been a lot of people linking in and when the participants graciously click over to their blogs, there is no sign of Fertilizer Friday anywhere to be found. This is not fair to those who do follow the rules, therefore…well you know!

So? what are you waiting for? Get outside, feed, water, snap and post!

This week I will be sharing a project I did on Tuesday afternoon. It is something that I have been wanting to do in this spot for years, and this year I have decided to get it done.


I hate that the sand from the street blows up onto the lawn and makes the grass at the edge of the yard higher than the rest of the lawn. It is difficult to mow and is not very healthy at all because it ends up being so much shorter than the rest of the grass. It is also messy when you water and the sand leeches out and makes mud all over the sidewalk (and we all know how I hate a dirty sidewalk! )

So…I pulled out the trusty garden hose…positioned it in a shape I thought I could work with…and started cutting out the sod!


Guys…let me tell you….it was not an easy task!!! That was a LOT of sod! Once my sprained arm went numb…I was good to go…I hauled all the sod that I pulled up out to the back yard…it will be used to piece in the dog pee patches that Miss Pooh left for me this winter.

After the sod was pulled…I fluffed the remaining soil with my little tiller…


Pulled all the weeds that were along the edge of the sidewalk and tidied up the edges.

Do you remember me saying that the box of my truck was loaded to the gills with plants and trees? Well here is where I put some of the things I dug up out at the farm.


You can see that my garden wagon is loaded with little Cotton Easter plants. They grow wild out at the farm. They are a fantastic hedge plant and I have dug myself enough to make a nice little hedge along the front of my property. These are just the first of three loads that went into this project.


I planted my little heart out! I made myself a nice little hedge…with a curve! I love it.

Everyone else in the world builds their hedge straight across…no interest no nothing. NOT THIS TOOTS!!! Mine is like a wave!


Oh how cute is that going to be in a few weeks!!! Yes…I said a few weeks! I need to trim them back so that they concentrate on roots …not leaves right now and recover faster, and so that they are all the same height.

Am I leaving it the way it is??? What else am I planning for in this area? Funny you should ask- as a matter of fact…I DO have a plan!


There are some among us today who will be so proud of me….I am doing this bed primarily of perennials!!!

It will be filled in the rest of the way with some of the left over annuals from my greenhouse, but for today I am showing you what I have added in the way of perennials…Miniature Iris, Artemesia, Mytosis (forget me nots) to start with. I have a few more that I will add, but this is what I finished before it was time to get posting.


I am looking forward to when we can see the hedge…and the Artemesia is bigger.


I plan to allow the hedge to grow to about 2 feet tall…I don’t want it to be too tall…just tall enough to make a statement. I will be trying to keep it following the curves that I cut and planted around.


I am also adding an iron gate to the side for some added decorative interest.


Now…if I can convince Justin (the young single guy next door- who as a matter of fact lets me boss him around...) to let me dig in his yard…I’ll be cookin’ with gas…and the happiest girl in the neighborhood! Hey…he already begrudgingly lets me put pots all over in his yard, fertilize his grass…why not? (The snow mold really did a kickin on his grass this winter….) OR...I could just wait till he goes to Korea for 10 days next week....hmmmmm...}8-) (that's my evil grin) ha-ha

While I contemplate my next project, nurse my sore arm and aching back from all the sod moving….I want to see what you have to flaunt with me this week.

In the mean time…I will be attempting to hit all of the blogs that I possibly can…I wish there were two of me…or more time in a day..that way I could do all that I want to do…and all that I must do!

Until next time…! Hugs to you and a special wink to those very special fans (you know who you are! ha-ha-ha! {8-)

I am also linking in today to Claudia's Finding Beauty party over at Dipity Road. She has some great posts signed up too...check her out! Thanks for inviting me Claudia!

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(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


Oh Tootsie...I have nothing but a couple of baskets of flowers that I added to my front porch...but...what you have done is EXACTLY what I have wanted to do to our front lawn..EXACTLY! I can I do it? Well...not so sure...but we shall see...so...My baskest are all I have..nothing to shout about..and I DIDN'T DO THE PLANTING!! sigh...
I did cut back my pernnials though. And I have more to go...I hope they get back up there before the REAL heat hits us.
Hugs to you...I love what you have done...YOU BE SOOO SMART, Tootsie!
Olga Poltava said…
What a project! I can imagine your hedge; the curve is the best part of it. It's going to be very pretty.
Andrea said…
urgent prayer requests at arise 2 write. andrea
Love the new bed Girl!! Always thinking outside the box!:) Can't wait to see when it all fills in it gonna look so goood!!
You really should give that arm a rest, Yah , I should talk ! I can't sit still either hahaha:) Everything you do looks so great, that guy next door is lucky to have you for a neighbor! haha Have a great weekend! Thanks for Hosting :)
Way better than that straight edge of lawn. Good job! That was a lot of work. It's going to fill in so nice with those plants.
Jessa said…
Love the evil grin! If he doesn't let you, you are welcome to come over here and give me a hand. I could use it... I am so following your blog!
Wow...Love what you did!! I would do the curve too. Can't wait to see it when the plants start to grow. You have to post a picture then.

Wow! That looks so much different and better. Great job!!

I have a garden post up that I would love to share, but I already have a flower up at the top that sort of fits into the subject of the post. I did actually take a few flower pictures this week though, finally LOL!! :)

Have a great weekend.
Teresa said…
Looking good girl! I love the waves in your front bed. so fun! I spent the last two days creating a couple of new beds in the space between the houses. I can barely move but it is going to be great when it's done. I think I will do all perrenials there too. Oh the possibilities!
Larry said…
My wife always asks me... "when does it end?!" in reference to my constantly adding new gardens and plants... It is quite apparent that you know the one truly appropriate answer to that question... "NEVER!"
I've already started giving magnolias to the neighbors so I can watch them grow and bloom! Makes perfect sense to me... congratulations on the changes in your yard! Larry
Paula said…
Love your new flower bed! I am excited to watch it grow this summer. Paula in Idaho
Alison said…
Hi Tootsie, I participated in Fertilizer Friday for the first time! Hope I did it right....

I love your new bed. It's going to look wonderful when everything in it matures and fills out. Glad you went with perennials.

I can't remember if I've ever left a comment before on your blog, but I've been following it for several months.
Jeannie B. said…
Tootsie, I just don't know how you do it!!! You remind me of my friend whose yard gets smaller and smaller and her beds larger and larger. I do like you new bed! Like you, I prefer curves. Looks great!
Maureen said…
It looks awesome Tootsie! What a great job you did.

P.S. I'm not joining in this week - I'm in Montreal picking up my daughter. Back next week.
Anonymous said…
Ok- just when do you sleep???? Girl you get so much done- I just get tired every time I come over here!!!! Love you new look and it is going to look fab when everything starts filling in and blooms!

I finally got my veggie garden in!!!! Yea!!

be blessed
Anonymous said…
Whoa! Where do you get all the strength and energy from? Amazing! It's going to be so beautiful. Now that you mention it, I was wondering if Canada could grow perennials. I can't wait to see it later.
Alea Milham said…
Wow, is that going to look fantastic when it is all filled in. I'm a perennial person (and I am actually going to flaunt one of my favorite perrenials when I link up later). It is so nice to have flowers pop up with almost no effort on my part. It gives me more time to devote to my vegetable gardens.
I wish you were my neighbour!!! Loving the wavy hedge and so original. You worked hard on this project and your energy oozes from your post - thank you. The place where I live now is the first garden I ever had and I have only been here around a year. I am going to grow veggies for the first time. Am actually a little nervous ... am loving your blog ;)x
Linda said…
Wonderful new perennial bed for this year ... it will look gorgeous when the plants are blooming.
Darla said…
I hear you loud and clear about removing sod! No easy task. I love the way you curved this bed, curves are so much more forgiving than straight lines, don't you agree? Can't wait to follow this new bed as it fills in...good job Toots!
Your new flower bed is going to be awesome. Your header is wonderful! Please stop over and visit when you have time :)
Tootsie, If I lived beside you, I would let you do anything with my yard!!! It would be heaven to have some help with the lawn...I've spent my life mowing grass and have come to the conclusion that I'd like to have a ton of "concrete seeds"...three acres of mowing sure gets old....
your border is going to be beautiful!!!
Ott, A. said…
So glad to be back for another Fertilize Friday. This weekend we are landscaping the front of the house (the work you did in your yard is inspiring me to get out there and get it done regardless of the heat) so I will be sure and blog about it next week for your linky party. Hope you have a great weekend!
Karen said…
This is my first time to participate in Fertilizer Friday. Just wanted to tell you "thanks" for hosting this, and that your yard is going to be so pretty!! I like the idea of the iron gate--that will look so nice! Have a great weekend! ~Karen
Unknown said…
Stunning header. Love your gardens and your lawn couldn't be more green. I am a new follower and just added your button to my latest posting. I hope I'm now on the right page for today.

I have been following A Gardener in Progress for a while and have been waiting for the perfect Friday posting to add here.

Dig On,
Kate - The Garden Bell

Grab a lemonade, I'm out in back deadheading.
Sylvia said…
Wow..you've done a great job, I bet it will look beautiful once all grown in...Gosh...I dont see any weeds in your garden..how do you do it?

Bonnie said…
WOW! That is super cute and I love that shape! I wish you were my neighbor!
The JR said…
Great new bed. When the neighbor sees how fantastic yours turns out, no problem - he'll let you at it!

Hope you have a great weekend.
I love the new bed. And I never would have thought of using the garden hose. You are soooo clever!
Gatsbys Gardens said…
You are a master at lawn sculpting! Take care of that arm, the season is young.

AFSS said…
I love the wave hedge. I have been looking for some Artemisia, having a cat named Artemisia I think it only fair I have the plant too.

You can find my entry here

Anonymous said…
Tootsie your hedge is wonderful and will be even more so shortly. I love swervy curvy tilted lopsided anything out of the ordinary!
You're right (on your instructions) about some people just putting their name on the list but having nothing to do with what they're suppose to or not mentioning you. They're wanting a free ride. I've noticed them when I'm going around visiting everyone on here. When I come to one I just close the page and ignore them. hehehe I'm sure I have an evil smile going on here too.
Can't wait to see your gardens next week. They just grow in leaps and bounds.
Lona said…
Girl I knew there was a project in the works from all those plants you loaded up from the farm. LOL! I just wished my soil was as good and black as yours.I love the curves of this bed and it is going to be so pretty when it gets Tootsie-ized. LOL!
Anonymous said…
I just went back and read about your visit to the farm. I'd want to go visit there all summer too. What a great place and so much fun for your kids!
I love what you've done with your front yard. The curves look great. I want to do something similar with the front of our lawn too. Hope your poor arm is feeling better.
Junebug said…
Girl, you have way too much ambition. Do you want to come over and start working in my yard? Your yard is gorgeous and now I know why, hard work on your part! Can't wait for future pictures!!!!
Troy said…
You know at some point it will be easier to just take up all the grass and plant it all in flowers.

I was a little late joining this week. The storm last night blew out or power, and with it our internet. It fried both our modem and our router, so today has been a techno-fixit day for me.

But I'm back, live and in color!
Sandy said…
Hi.. just found your blog and I love gardening... added my page!
following you now!


Bren Haas said…
ROCK IT OUT GIRL! You are making some creative music in the landscape department. I love the design and can't wait to see this creation grow.

I shared today.... making this a habit that I love! My Fertilize Friday is 'berry' yummy!

((HUGS)) Happy Planting - and thank you for doing such a fun post.
Oh, Tootsie, I couldn't believe what I was reading. My daughter is over, and I showed her your beautiful new bed, and exclaimed, "she has an injury, she shouldn't be doing all that digging!" Man, I hope your elbow heals. You sure work circles around me. I didn't know your yard could be even more beautiful, and your neighborhood could be, too, if your labors extend further. :8)
Claudia said…
What a beaut you have going here!

I have linked you to me-- :) so come on over and do the same would love you to join in as you are sooo beautiful ;)

Looking forward to Tues.


PS... soft pats to your sprained arm -- rest and take care.
Val said…
Now you are a hard worker. This looks like a big project. This is my second time joining in and I am loving doing it. Thanks for hosting this.
Lynn said…
Tootsie, the beds look great. Wish I could get my beds that sharp and clean but the dreaded Bermuda grass reaches out like an octopus everywhere. Also, is there a way to edit the Mister Linky submission? I'd like to change my submission name to "Lynn's Strolling Garden." Thanks!
Erin said…
Tootsie that looks amazing. I love the curvy line. Question: Since your lawn struggled there, are you going to have watering issues with your new planter?
Erin said…
Oops! It isn't your lawn...it is the single guy's...never mind!
Maggie said…
Hi Tootsie,
Just popped over from Dipity Road to read all about your work in the garden this week and hear about your Fertilizer Fridays. I may be joining you soon, if it ever stops raining and I can get back outside!
deb said…
Looking great!! Way to go! I love your curves ;)
Sorry I didn't make it this week...life had other plans..see you next week fingers crossed.

~~Rhonda said…
That's a great project. I'm always ready to remove grass and put in some kind of garden bed! Good job!! ~~Rhonda :)
Mary Ann said…
oh wow! you garden looks so pretty! found your blog via tennis girl. great to have found your blog. your new follower! have a great weekend verbena cottage
Beth said…
Tootsie, Your number of gardens, time spent gardening, and the beauty is amazing! I can't wait to see how you develop this new bed! Lookin' good, sweet lady!
siteseer said…
I'm reading backward here. Just finished reading about the snow... Love the new bed. I did a FF for this date, but I couldn't link up because I postdated it. I left Thursday morning for a camping trip for our Memorial Day holiday. I'll be sure to link in on the 4th though.... did lots of work last night after work. Rest that arm.. don't know how you do it.
I'm linked! You work so hard Tootsie --- and it shows!