Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers July 23/10


Hello Bloggers/ Gardeners/ Friends!!!! It’s Friday again already and that means it’s time to flaunt our flowers, gardens and all things green!

Now if you are not familiar with the rules of this little party…here they are;

If it is spring or summer where you live, you need to snap a few photos of what you have growing, blooming or just love to look at that is of the plant variety…if it is winter where you live, you may post past favorite photos…or indoor plants…whatever you like. The only criteria is that it is a plant or something growing!

You do not need to use fertilizer to participate in this party, but if you do, this is the reminder to fertilize weekly!

Your post must include the logo above and a link to Tootise Time, or the linky will be deleted. I don’t mean to be harsh, but there have been a lot of people linking in and when the participants graciously click over to their blogs, there is no sign of Fertilizer Friday anywhere to be found. This is not fair to those who do follow the rules, therefore…well you know!

So? what are you waiting for? Get outside, feed, water, snap and post!

This week…oh heck…lets skip the chit chat and just get to it!!!!!….


Ya…that’s right…WEEDS…and lots of ‘em….but I’m not showing you those…maybe next week…ha-ha so…


…pull up a chair…OH WAIT!!! DON’T SIT THERE!!! ha-ha… my chair is coming a long very well. (getting bushy!)


Can you see from there?


Lets get you a little closer…is that better? Oh for crying out loud…fine…I’ll carry you….boy are you guys heavy!!! Good thing I’m tough! Ha-ha!


My garden room is coming along nicely…the BBQ looks so pretty all glowing in blue lobelia…I wish I could capture the hue from it….but alas…I am a gardener…NOT a photographer!!

The flowering Kale is growing so fast now…017

Look how pretty they are. I love the different color leaves and the veins are so interesting.


There is nothing boring about the passion flowers either…and I am so happy that I have so many blooms on it right now…kinda wishin’ I had put her somewhere a little more showy…oh well there’s always next year!!!


Clematis is putting on quite a show!


My Hydrangeas are getting ready to bloom!!! My Hydrangeas are getting ready to bloom…!!! Yippie!!!


POP! Aren’t they looking full?


Remember this little Elder that I planted??? I sure has grown!!!


This bed is filling right in…can you see the Elder Tree that is in here???


How about now? Yea….it sure is growing fast too!!! Soon I will have a little shade in the fire area!!! Oh okay…in a couple years…ha-ha.

Well….that is all I have for you today. I have been just crazy busy…and have that very sore arm to deal with that makes blogging painful. I did not make it around to everyone last week…just did not have enough hours in a day…Please forgive me this…I am trying! Thanks to all who faithfully join me each week…you are all so gifted and have such pretty flowers to flaunt…so? what are you waiting for?


Stay tuned for a “TWIST” to FF announcement coming soon….

Until then…hugs and smiles to all in the blog community. I hope you all have a safe and happy weekend….and to the three special viewers….no worries…I have not forgotten about you….WINKS!!! *) *) *) and a “MWHAH” just for you!

(you know who you are!!! {8~)

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


Such gorgeous, gorgeous blooms! Your house is the place to go for color, for sure. Don't laugh at my silly post now, 'cause NOTHING is blooming in Texas in this 100 degree heat! It's so fun to see your different seasonal flowers, and a nice break from seeing the dried, fried blooms that we have here right now. Thanks for hosting, this is alot of fun for me!
Cheers, Andrea
teresa said…
Such pretty blooms as usual. Ilove love love the passion flowers. And yipee for hydrangea blooms. I think I get too excited about those each year. they are one of my faves. have a great weekend.
Anonymous said…
My yard is doing better this year but geez Tootsie will it ever begin to look a teeny weeny bit like yours?? Wow factor is what I need!!

Love looking at your pictures!

Still praying!

bee blessed

I don't think I ever got around to showing off my arbor over here so entered it today-
You look like you are coming into full bloom :) Around here things are beginning to peter out , due to early blooming this year and the extreme heat. Love the kale, so pretty! Love to have that in the Fall.
Have a great weekend ~
Millie said…
That flowering kale is so nice! I have been wondering what the variety name is...mine are so large and don't have the small rosettes, just one big swirl. I also love the passion flower... I am patiently waiting for mine to bloom.
Suzy said…
Beautiful post. I love your pretty red filled pots!
Gatsbys Gardens said…
That Kale looks pretty good to me. I am actually looking forward to fall with the heat we have had around here. Your plants look so fresh and healthy.

Darla said…
You are certainly the container gardeining Queen Tootsie! Stunning display this week.
Larry said…
I could have sworn that I registered last night, but the computer was acting strangely and I couldn't access your comments area... so here I go again. I see you have flowering cabbage... it' s so warm here that I'm holding off on starting the seeds yet... hopefully will plant them around the 1st of August... read that one should plant them about 10 weeks below first expected frost, but I can't bear to wait that long! Hope you found lots of good 'treasures' on your recent outing! Larry
Beth said…
Tootsie, Everything is looking great! You are an artist for sure. The passion flowers are so gorgeous. I must try them next year. Love your bed with the wagon wheels. Hope your arm gets better very soon, Tootsie. Thanks for sponsoring FF!
Unknown said…
Good Morning! Hope your friday is going well. I just loved your flowering kale and passion flower. I am going to look for kale for when I redo my planters for fall here. Your wagon wheels are beautiful as well. You are a magician with annuals girl!
Susan said…
Tootsie, your flowers are doing so well. They're just gorgeous. I really like the kale and your clematis is really booming. I have to ask, my Mom's clematis, the exact same as yours by they way, is doing very poorly. It is 22 years old, starting to get very light and lime green leaves, and now mildew. She's tried everything she can think of to save it. Is there anything you may be able to recommend?

I love your flowers and I'm happy to join in on Flaunt Your Flowers Friday fun.

Nancy's Notes said…
Tootsie, your garden is just so full of absolutely gorgeous flowers, what a dream place to walk around and take in the beauty!

Have a great weekend!

Tootsie, your garden is gorgeous and sooo inspiring! I love to come here and look around! Thanks for hosting the Friday Party! have a great weekend!
Karen said…
Tootsie, wow! Beauty abounds in your garden! Love the kale (have to try some) and the passion flower is stunning. The wagon wheels are a perfect touch. I wish I had your ability to arrange things so well.

BGgarden said…
I just Twittered that Kale you got showing on your Friday Flaunt! YOU ARE THE BEST Glenda.... one true garden girly who loves to practice what she preaches! ((HUGS)) Happy Friday LOVE.
I see that your share this Ozark farm chick's illness...I like to call it OCFD (obsessive compulsive flower disorder) Yep, I've taken this whole flower thing to new levels. Farm Boy has enlarged my yard three times to accommodate my every growin' obsession. I just loved droppin' by to smell the flowers. :o)

From the sunny hills and hollers of the Missouri Ponderosa, ya'll have a wonderfully blessed day!!!
Hi Tootsie,
Wow, your chair sure has filled out! When Larry and I cleaned out the garage, we came across an office chair I had gotten from a yard sale, and we didn't have room for in the house. I told Larry about your chair, but admitted we don't have room in the yard for it, either. I was tempted to try what you did, though.

The rest of your place is looking awesome, too. I grew a passion vine last year, but it did not bloom. I sure love those flowers!

I better come see what your twist is going to be for next week before deciding what to post. Oh, and don't worry if you don't make it to everyone's post. One thing you could do is ask everyone to be sure to visit the posts linked before and after ours, so everyone is sure to have some comments. I know I don't remember from week to week who has commented. I am also behind in visiting the blogs of those who have left the most recent comments on my posts.

Have a great weekend! Thanks for hosting this party.
Maureen said…
Well I am just about speechless. Everything looks awesome! The close up of the Kale is amazing but it looks equally gorgeous in the garden room photo too!

And the clematis...oh, I could go on and on...
Wow it sure looks really great there! I was just thinking how bare parts of my garden look now, but you sure don't have that problem.
I just love that flowering kale. So glad your Hydrangeas are blooming. This seems to have been a good year for them.
Alison said…
That planted chair is looking so good! And I just love the passionflower, I have tried growing them but they all die on me.

You are so funny! Don't hurt your back carrying all your readers across the garden.
Alea Milham said…
I love your garden room! I need to think of a way I can make a child friendly garden room. My youngest would love it!
Dirt Princess said…
Looks great! Love the chair! Miss you! Call me soon
Sylvia said…
Hi Tootsie...your garden belongs on the front cover of a garden magazine...absolutely beautiful!

Your garden is fabulous. Flowering Kale. I love it but have never even heard of it. Where did you buy it??? Enjoy your gorgeous place, yvonne
CiNdEe's GaRdEn said…
Just stoppin by to say hi(-: Love everything(-: Such a big difference from here where things are brown and dry. Your grass is so pretty and green. I love looking at it and all the beautiful flowers! 108 degrees here today...more frying...
linda may said…
G'day Tootsie, I am not participating in FF at the moment (yucky winter here I have no heart for gardening, but wanted to let you know I am still looking. Thank you for sharing your beautiful plants with me.
Your flowers are the GREATEST....Envy is all over me....Have a great week.
The JR said…
Once again amazed by the beauty of your yard!
