
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Monday, July 26, 2010


Before I begin...I want to wish My Dad..."GRAMPIE" a very happy birthday. The kids and I will figure out something to do TO

So I’m a girl who loves her little Ford sport trac truck. It was my very first brand new vehicle and I got it 7 years ago. It had a stereo, all the gadgets that I needed and had 4x4 for the winter months. I LOVED my truck.

Remember all the loads of the “good stuff” I have hauled?



Sadly, my little navy blue baby cratered last week. I had driven to a nearby city, and it happened. My little blue baby DIED. I was stranded…ticked off and I mean TICKED OFF!

So…what does a fiercely independent Tootsie do when she is in a jam? She calls Grampie of course!!!


Ya see that smile? That was the smile I saw when he got the opportunity not only to help his fiercely independent oldest child…but to go new vehicle shopping! He’s such a brat!

My Dad is an auto mechanic. When he zipped up to the city late that day (a three or more hour drive from his home) to rescue me…he took a look at my truck and said…”unload this beast before you can’t even start it.” There were several things wrong…including the motor was pretty much done for…

So…we went truck shopping!

I of course was a tad sad that I had to say goodbye to my little truck…it was a good truck for me. I hauled all sorts of things…hockey bags, dirt, compost, plants, hockey bags, junkin’ treasures, hockey bags, groceries…bikes…hockey bags…you get the picture…How would I ever replace this vehicle I had grown so attached to?

I need a truck. I already have a car…a Mustang, but it is older, and is not quite as reliable in the winter as a girl with three kids needs. I need a truck.

We shopped around all over the place…traumatized several car salesmen, made our mark on others, and finally we saw one that caught our eye…


Yep! This is my brand spankin’ new truck!!! It is a 2010 Ford Sport Trac Adrenalin series! It is fully LOADED, leather interior and I LOVE it! It has a kick ass stereo system…(that the kids LOVE…okay and me too...) and even an iPod docking station. It has all sorts of little gadgets that I have yet to learn how to use…and it is the same color as my 5.0 Mustang. They will look like sisters parked in my garage! Ha-ha! Oh …here’s the best part…this little truck has a V8 –4.6 in it. This translates in Tootsie talk to THIS TRUCK GOES LIKE SNOT!!!! FAST FAST FAST!!! (almost as fast as the mustang) Oh ya…it goes…it is reliable, and it is pretty!!! This is my new baby…it is the same truck I had…only better…much better.

So…we left my old little truck in the city, and we drove home to my house with my new little truck. When we got home, we dropped Grampie's candy apple red Mustang off at my house, and went out for supper…filled our bellies with ribs…and chatted, and giggled about the different salesmen…people in our lives, and gardens, junk and plants. We had a great time just hanging out. We returned home, tired and full…and decided to turn in. Let me tell was weird for me to have my Dad sleeping in MY house...It is usually the other way around...I wonder if he felt the difference...or thought of how OLD I am! know you are old when your parents sleep over at your house guys!!! I also hope he doesn't get any ideas...cuz...I already have three kids...and he would be a HANDFULL!!! (Just ask Grammie and my adopted sister Bobbi) ha-ha. Just kidding are welcome anytime...(for a visit) hahahahaha!!!

In spite of the stress of having a break down in a city that was not my home…we had a great day…I enjoyed hanging out with my dad.

I feel very lucky to have my mom and dad in my life helping me though the bumpy times of late. We have been having such fun junkin' and being silly...I didn't realize how much fun they can be! My little truck is a blessing …and I am happy that I don’t have to worry about a reliable vehicle anymore. Thank you Grampie and Grammie for helping me with this. It means more than you know. (and it wasn’t as hard to accept the help as I thought it would be!- you know…the pride thing) ha-ha! (still you guys don't get any ideas about living in my house with me...remember the duct tape and rocking chair conversaiton??? I was NOT joking!!!) hahaha...(yes I was---wasn't I?) }8*) (evil grins)

So…that is what has kept me from the land of blog for the last week or so. My life has been changing so much this past few months in wonderful and exciting ways. There are a lot of wonderful things and some exciting opportunities opening up for me…I can’t hardly wait to share with you all (and I will when I can) Well…that and some seriously fun projects that I hope to be able to share with you if I can find time to finish them. I just cannot believe how very busy this summer has been for me. I wish there was a way that I could add a few hours to each day.

I have also been lending a hand to a friend with a brand new yard….oh the blank slate she has is such fun! We have been busy planning…scheming and daydreaming about the possibilities!

Thanks to all who linked in to FF this week…I love it! I can’t wait to visit each and every one of you…

Tomorrow please tune in for an announcement regarding a fun new twist to FF…It won’t affect the regular posters much…but it will offer up some new possibilities…!

Until then…hugs and smiles…oh and for the “three very special fans “ that I love so very much…winks!!! and to the biggest one…MWHAH! ( you know who you are!) *) *) *) ha-ha!

Now if you will excuse me…I have places to get to…FAST! Varooooooooom! {8`)

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


Gatsbys Gardens said...

Tootsie, you have had quite a week! I love the truck, you can never have enough room to haul things. How do people with regular cars survice?


Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

Congrats on the new truck. Your Dad looks like a treasure. My Dad is 80 and still comes to my rescue, too! How lucky are we???

Darla said...

Congrats on the new ride Tootsie!

Nancy's Notes said...

Now, that is one great looking truck Tootsie! Your dad sounds like such a sweetheart! Loved reading your post today, got a kick out of your sense of humor!

Have a good day in your new blue blazing truck!


Artful Gathering said...

Wow.... busy week.. I love the truck... so sweet! enjoy it...

Olive said...

You fortunate to have your Dad. I am glad he helped with that spiffy new truck. Somtimes I go to yard sales in my Mini Cooper can you believe that? I get a lot of stuff in it. Really I do. I know you need that pretty truck and now you have it! have fun♥olive

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Lover your new truck. I know the feeling of taking help from my parents! I am blessed that in the rough times they have been there for me. I am still a grown up but will always need them!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Your new truck is wonderful. I love it. Sorry your old one bit the dust, I too get attached to vehicles, but new ones are also very wonderful. Hope you have a super day. Hugs, Marty

Anonymous said...

WoW! What a nice truck ya got! I love that it goes fast as snot - I have a friend that calls me 'Mario' and I love it. I had to slow down the last couple of years because I seem to get a speeding ticket every 15 years and my BD 2 years ago was that year. I really freaked, didn't want my 15 year present so I slowed down for a year and then another in case I had miscalculated. But I'm coming back now - BD coming next month and I think it's safe to have fun again. Oh crap I'm a wild little old lady!!!!!
Enjoy your new toy!

Karen said...

Wow, nice new ride! All the things you will haul with this one! Congratulations!!


The JR said...

Happy Bday Grampie!

Luv the new ride. Know you are gonna be breaking it in with a big haul soon.

Becca's Dirt said...

Congrats on the new ride. What a sweetie your dad is. I love the new ride and lovely color. Mustangs are my all time favorite vehicle. I want a 1968 or 69 red with white leather interior.

Darla said...

I didn't see it was your Dad's Birthday earlier. Happy Birthday Tootsie's Dad, you might want to hide from her and her crew....!

kel said...

Wow! Sweet Truck!!

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute now hummingbird, don't get to feisty with that truckie. You might end up in the ditch again. Happy for you though. Dad sounds like a supper nice guy.

Betty said...

What an awesome truck..she is a beauty. I have never had a new vehicle, remember my husband's mechanic background. Oh well I would probably worry about the first scratch, would be kind of nice though to have a brand new one. I hope she serves you well.
Your Dad is a gem too!

Sharon@Keen Inspirations said...

How very special to have such a Dad! You're new truck is awesome!! I have received a blog award and I'm passing it on to you! YOu can pick it up on my blog. Enjoy your week!

Nutty Gnome said...

I'm loving your new truck Tootsie - and with that V8 it'll go like stink! Great fun :)

My beloved Land Rover goes for its MOT tomorrow (The Ministry of Transport test. It's an annual test of car safety, roadworthiness and exhaust emissions for vehicles over three years old in the UK if they are used on public roads.)If it fails the MOT, then Himself says it'll have to go - Noooooooooooooh!

Wish me luck :P

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Love those new wheel girl!!!

Alberta said...

Love your new truck...can't wait to see what treasures you take home in the back of this gem!

ipod rip said...

Very fascinating.. :) WOW!