The “Toots-if-ication” of a Fireplace.

A while back I posted that I went to my parent’s farm and did a little junkin’. I did show you the sheds and the yard…but I didn’t show you the junk I got. Why? - well funny you should ask…It’s because I wanted to wait to share the before and the after of the junk…showing the before would have made you just shake your heads and wonder if I had lost my mind…ha-ha
Remember I shared a few of the little sheds out at the farm? This one is the shed I will focus my attention on today.
AHHHHH….a gold mine!!! In this shed there are about a million things I would love to get my hands on…for some …looking at this sight is cause for anxiety or worse…but to others (including me) this is inspiration unlimited!
Just look at all those projects! I am going to show you my haul…and what happened to it all.
Yes!!! This is an old firebox out of the old house. It is over 100 years old….and it is mine now!
I dug it out…
and gave it a bit of a paint job.
I also brought home the mantle from the fireplace of the same old house. Here is the original look….
It wasn’t in the best shape….paint drips and damage all over the place made it a treasure in disguise…
They would not come off easily…so I had my work cut out for me.
I liked the shape of it…but the way the stain had aged…It needed a bit of work. So I sanded most of it down slightly and just touched it up a little bit…”Tootsie style”
I made it sort of match the dining room table and chairs that I just finished…because it is going to be in the very next room…I did not touch the very middle section there that appears so dark in this photo…I wanted to leave some of the original patina showing.
Then…I busted the firebox!
Yes….yes I did. I broke it into several pieces by accident! ha-ha. So…I had to use some JB Weld to put it back together.
I had quite a bit of alteration to do to the firebox in order to make this project work. I had to use my angle grinder and three metal grinding discs to grind out the entire back part of this piece.
It is not the prettiest looking job….but it doesn’t matter…it won’t be seen anyways.
I made a platform and side plates to go around the firebox and a top to make the mantle fill a corner.
I didn’t have any tiles kicking around…but I did have some embossed wall paper….good enough!
I put the wall paper all the way around the outer edges of the surround to make it look like tiles…
Painted the embossed wall paper…
Put a nice coat of stone effects spray paint on the firebox….and then waited ( for what felt like years) for the paint to dry.
When it was dry enough to handle…I put it inside the mantle and surround that I had built. It FIT!!! (thank Goodness…I can’t imagine the fit I would have had if it had not…I worked my butt off to design this thing! ha-ha)
Next!!! The ELECTRIC fireplace insert that I had in the garage….
This insert is the reason for all the grinding on the inside of the firebox. Cast iron is a nasty thing to grind too…by the way. But…the fit is perfect now!!!
Plug it in and take a test run! This is going to be the heat for the sunroom over the cold winter months. I figure it will be a more attractive solution than the little space heater I have used in past years….I like it!
NEXT!!! I pulled a whole bunch of these heating grates out of the shed…my they are also over 100 years old…they came from the old house too…
I was soooo surprised to see how pretty they are after they had the rust removed and were cleaned up….I thought I’d use them to accessorize with…
Ta-DA!!!! I accessorized my little heart out! See how lovely the grates are?
How about a few more shots?
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I put the little chairs that I made earlier this year on each side…I think they suit it nicely. I built a little thing for the floor in front of the fireplace…to give it a sense of authenticity, added a couple little logs (also from the farm…ha-ha) and I think I am done!
A shot in the evening…(ignore the cord in the floor there…I had a fan helping cure the paint a little more…
And that is how the fireplace in my house came to be!
The whole thing is portable…can be moved anywhere if I want to…and the best part? IT IS ALL MADE BY HAND…BY ME!
Wait till you see the rest of my haul that trip….I just need to find time. Having lots of company, hockey school, back to school shopping, and a few other things are keeping me off the computer and on the go lately.
This week is going to be very hectic in my house…and probably very stressful…bear with me…I’m working on getting around to visit.
Until next we meet….hugs and smiles!!!- and to those three who just can’t get me off their minds….who admire and miss me when I’m not with them…winks!!! *) *) *) (you know who you are)
`*.¸.*´Tootsie ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.
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What an amazing makeover! It looks great and is so useful! Congrats!
What a remarkable transformation...
Such a stunning little fireplace!
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
onlymehere said…
I absolutely adore this! Tootsification at its finest to be sure! You're vision astounds me dear friend. I just don't have the eye for it like you do. Keep junkin'!
Maureen said…
Wow! That took some hard work! Looks fabulous!
miruku said…
omg- this is so nice! great job Tootsie! thumbs-up!!
momstheword said…
Oh Tootsie, this is soooo beautiful! I am so impressed with your creativity and skill, girl. You should be proud of yourself!

Now come and make me one, haha! Can't wait to see more and thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!
Oh my word Tootsie, this is absolutely the most fantastic thing I have ever seen. Wow, you do have the ability to see a diamond in the rough and also such talent to tackle all the grinding, welding and everything else you did. It is stunning. Hugs, Marty PS, thanks also for linking to TTT. You did a beautiful vignette on top.
WOW--that LOOKS AMAZING, Absolutely AMAZING!!!
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh Tootsie this is absolutely fantastic!! To think of using the wallpaper border for a faux tile grinding out the back of that honker of a fireplace, putting a heater insert in- Gosh you thought of everything!!!

I love all the accessorizing you did too! This is just too awesome for words!!

You have outdone yourself once again friend!!

bee blessed
katfish said…
Awesome job Tootsie!
Very Impressive!
Oh my goodness. You so totally rock!!! That's incredible. You have an eye for trash to treasure that's for sure. Just beautiful.
Lynn said…
That was quite a big project, it turned out great-enjoy!
Love what you did. Junk + imagination = treasure.

Unknown said…
FANTASTIC! How lucky you are! They look beautiful! I am soo jealous!
That is amazing! You added lots of character, and it turned out just lovely. So glad you could Mi4M!
Sue said…
OMG---I love it

Cassie said…
Wow! You have been a busy girl. I just love your fireplace! I don't have a fireplace in my house and now you have inspired me to start lookin'! Thanks for posting.
Sue said…

Gatsbys Gardens said…
Tootsie, you are amazing! Most people don't see what can become of these throwaway items, but you do!

Darla said…
Tootsie, Tootsie, Tootsie..only you can come up with ideas and designs like this! I love it!!!!!!
Relishing Life said…
Absolutely gorgeous!! I wish I had your talent! Great work!!
~Lesa~ said…
I love this! You saw potential in something anyone else would have tossed. It is beautiful!
The JR said…
Awesome Tootsie! You really need to be on one of the design shows on HGTV!
SuperMom Blues said…
How beautiful! Found you through Mom's The Word's meme today. Great post!

That fireplace is AMAZING - you are one talented lady!
Betty said…
Wow! I love it. If you should hear some noise in your sunroom some night, don't shoot me okay? Now Glenda that piece would look awesome in my house you know! lol I am so thrilled to see the old pieces be used, it looks great.
Lona said…
Tootsie, girl you never cease to amaze me. You have such a talent for this redo stuff. I just love your latest creation and the use of the wallpaper for tile was genius. Have a wonderful week and take care.
Betty said…
By the way I have plans to use your diningroom technique in my son's house, wish me luck!
Anonymous said…
That is so cute. You did a great job. I love the old grates on the mantle. So much character and perfect for your sunroom.
Melissa Miller said…
WOW! Tootsie this turned out gorgeous! :)
Tootsie, I agree with all of the above! You are an amazingly talented and creative young woman. Every visit to you is a learning experience and an inspiration!!

Your fireplace just lovely and so unique!
What a joy you are!
Beca said…
You've been a busy bee Tootsie! Love everything you come up with.
Anonymous said…
Tootsie, you are soooo amazing and We are soooo proud of your natural talents. You truely should have your own junkin treasure to new show. you can make the ugliest junk look wonderful. keep it up, we LOVE you. G.B.
sandy said…
You are a genius!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so impressed. Where do you get all of your energy?
OMG Girl I can't beleive that you took this and made this wonderful piece from it wow!! It's awesome must of worked your little tootsie off on this project...Beautiful my sweet girl...Thanks for calling I have my light blinking on my DSL box again so better go and get this send...Love ya, Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
siteseer said…
what a GREAT job!!! What a beautiful setting. You Amaze me everytime I see your work.
Unknown said…
You did a wonderful job on the fireplace, it looks beutiful in your room!!! Again great job and thanks for the inspiration.
Wow, that is beautiful! You are amazing to be able to do all of this! I agree with whoever said you should have your own show. You are really talented.

Life on the Edge
You are amazing! What a gift it is, to be able to think of those ideas, and follow through and make them into awesome treasures!