Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers March 23/12


IT’S FRIDAY AGAIN!!!! I am SO glad to see you!

Friday is a BIG day for us here at Tootsie Time…(ok, just me…there is no one else here…lol) It’s a big deal because it means it’s PARTY TIME!!!! Fertilizer Friday is the day of the week than an ELITE group of gardeners from all around the world get together, snap photos, link up and Flaunt Their Flowers!!!
If you are new to Tootsie Time and Fertilizer Friday, I just know you are asking yourself…”How do I join?”
Well…it’s easy really. Here’s all you need to know to become a part of this great group of gardeners, bloggers and friends:
If it is spring or summer where you live, you need to snap a few photos of what you have growing, blooming or just love to look at that is of the plant variety…if it is winter where you live, you may post past favorite photos…or indoor plants…whatever you like.
The only criteria is that it is a plant or something growing!
You do not need to use fertilizer to participate in this party, but if you do, this is the reminder to fertilize weekly!
All I ask is that: Your post must include the logo above and/or a link to Tootsie Time, or the linky will be deleted.

So....I would like to invite each and every one of you to join in and share your photos...

Today's party is starting a little earlier than most weeks, as I have to be away from my computer for a day or two and didn't want to miss out on seeing what you all have to share!

The new week brought with it a HUGE snow storm. We got almost 18 inches of snow in just a few short hours…it was nasty. That storm didn’t stop this Tootsie from playing in the greenhouse a little bit.

It may look like a fresh new winter has begun outside…but inside…the reminders that spring is on her way are everywhere!


I finally found my chains…so I hung my metal rods from the rafters.


I then dug out the hanging baskets and got myself busy!


I planted them all up with flowers that are ready to move. I did several different color schemes in them this year.


All of these ones are sold to friends. I can’t wait to see them flowing over the rims of the pots and start blooming!


I used 9 trays of flowers to plant those 31 hanging baskets. I made this much room for more planting!!!


Unfortunately for me, I ran out of soil to use to make more cell trays…so I had to play around with these plants instead! There are so many great changes each day…


The Geraniums are getting their second set of true leaves!!!


Baby Bacopa is sure cute all bushy in the pots.


The Dahlias are doing great!!!


I have never planted Castor Beans before…I know they are highly poisonous…so I waited until now to plant any. I don’t have any outside pets…and my kids are old enough to know better than to eat them.


They seem to be doing very well…already getting their second set of leaves.


I also started a few new house plants this week.


That about covers what I have to flaunt this week. I have been busy in the house too…but don’t have anything to share yet…as there are a few things left unfinished. Hopefully next week I will be able to share!

This is your que to get busy and dazzle me with your spring gardens!!! I can’t wait to see what you have to share!

Hugs , smiles and wishes for a safe and happy weekend with friends and family from Tootsie and her gang in Zone 2 Alberta Canada!!!

Until Next Time…Happy gardening!

*)*)*)…a quick note for my special three…We choose how we see people. When we want to like someone, we can be so tolerant.... When we want to be irritated by people, we focus on their faults. It’s not other people’s behaviour that determines how we feel about them- it’s our attitude.

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.



Beth said…
Hi Glenda, Your greenhouse is so nice and I can see you are keeping very busy there! So sorry about that big snowstorm. What a bummer!
sabri said…
Your Plants Are looking pretty lively..how nice is that to be able to share with friends..sounds like its' blooming around there..i am finally seeing some pretty blooms here now that the rain and storms have stopped..glad to be able to join in this week..
xinex said…
Your plants are looking good, Glenda...Christine
xinex said…
Your plants are looking good, Glenda...Christine
Andrea said…
Hi Tootsie, I am already the 14th linker but still the first commenter, how is that! LOL. You don't really do things in small numbers, and maybe you don't want to rest without some aching muscles, because i remember the magnitude of work in your house, and then these lots of trays and baskets and plants! OMG, i am in awe at the magnitude of your work!
Anonymous said…
It's so good to see your greenhous filled with plants. Hope the snow soon goes away for you.
Have a good weekend x
The JR said…
Good grief....18 inches of snow!

I'd move to Mexico.

Everything lookin' good!!!
Unknown said…
If we lived closer I'd be one of those friends that purchased flowers from you!
Diann said…
Wow, your greenhouse is filling up with beautiful growing life! thank you for hosting and have a wonderful weekend!
Tootsie, I just got the lawn furniture and BBQ out I have 6 hanging baskets and always buy the plants at Home Depot. Maybe I could do seeds but not this year, I have a bad hip. I admire you so much. yvonne
Tootsie, I just got the lawn furniture and BBQ out I have 6 hanging baskets and always buy the plants at Home Depot. Maybe I could do seeds but not this year, I have a bad hip. I admire you so much. yvonne
Val said…
Well, I made it in time this week to link up with you!!! I did link in my post but I also had a story to tell but showed my pretty flowers. Thanks for hosting.
Terra said…
Glenda, now I understand why your flower displays are so fantabulous; your green house is big and busy.
I cannot get over all the flowers growing so fast in your greenhouse. I haven't even started all mine...
Anonymous said…
I wish you were closer so I could buy some of your pretty hanging flower pots!!!

I have not done a thing with the yard. Our son has been here for 10 days and you should see all the metal,wood and junk all around. I did bag up several bags of wood chips that they made while distressing the huge timbers they are using for the front entry! Can't let that stuff go to waste!

Boys left today and still am in the middle of the big project but the metal roof on the house is all done so that is a big plus!

bee blessed
mzzbev said…
Every new season I say it's my favorite season but after years of saying so, I've come to the conclusion that I love all the seasons. This year Spring came early for many of us, I'm praying it lasts a little longer than usual. The pinks and fuschias, purples, lilacs, bright greens make me feel I'm living in a dream. I'm looking forward to visiting all the entries and learning more new tips. Thanks also for reminding us to fertilize every Friday. I so wish I had your garden!!
El Gaucho said…
Wow I thought that the 25 to 30 six-pac starters that I have going in the basement was impressive, but your collection is awesome. Soon I'll have my own greenhouse and won't have to be jealous of yours, you have a very cool set up.
cherry said…
So happy to see you are getting settled in and I too would be hanging out in your greenhouse if I was just a little closer...
I can't wait to see all the pretties you do this year..
hugs, Cherry
Tootsie said…
I just love my followers thank you all for stopping by