Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers April 22/11

Before  I begin the Friday Flaunt, I would like to take a moment to wish you all a very happy Easter.  Today is Good Friday, and I do wish to remind us all to take the time to remember what this weekend is all about. 


Friday is a BIG day for us here at Tootsie Time…(ok, just me…there is no one else here…lol) It’s a big deal because it means it’s PARTY TIME!!!!

Fertilizer Friday is the day of the week than an ELITE group of gardeners from all around the world get together , snap photos, link up and Flaunt Their Flowers!!!

If you are new to Tootsie Time and Fertilizer Friday, I just know you are asking yourself…”How do I join?” Well…it’s easy really. Here’s all you need to know to become a part of this great group of gardeners, bloggers and friends:

If it is spring or summer where you live, you need to snap a few photos of what you have growing, blooming or just love to look at that is of the plant variety…if it is winter where you live, you may post past favorite photos…or indoor plants…whatever you like. The only criteria is that it is a plant or something growing!

You do not need to use fertilizer to participate in this party, but if you do, this is the reminder to fertilize weekly!

All I ask is that: Your post must include the logo above and/or a link to Tootise Time, or the linky will be deleted. I don’t mean to be harsh, but there have been a lot of people linking in and when the participants graciously click over to their blogs, there is no sign of Fertilizer Friday anywhere to be found. This is not fair to those who do follow the rules, therefore…well you know!

So? what are you waiting for? Get outside, feed, water, snap and post!

This was a week of hectic activity and running around for me.   I haven't even had the time to post since last we met!  I didn’t get time to  go to the greenhouse but to water this week…and today when I was in there I took a minute to stop and take note of the changes since last week.  Things are moving along quickly around here…(take a look!)…


The colors are popping!




I just love how Petunia comes in so many different and vibrant colors.


The first Geranium bloom of the year!  Salmon is quite a pretty color!


Hydrangea is still blooming!


The hanging pots are getting bigger every day!!!  They are ready to go outside!  (Just waiting on Mother Nature to get her act together  hint hint )


The house is filling up!


I love how it smells in here!


The shelves are filled with plants of all kinds and sizes now. 



My passion flower is just loaded with bloom buds!!!  I can’t wait to see them all open!!! 


Even as buds they are beautiful…


…just so delicate and intricate…I can’t hardly wait…maybe next Friday!!!!


Most of the pots are planted up.  Just a few more to go before I’m done.  Most everything is ready…except…


That pesky little thing called SNOW!


YA!!!  There’s still some on the ground!!! 

I am hoping that by next week it will all be melted off and the ground will be warm enough to at least fluff up the grass.  The snow mold is thick!  I wish I’d had time to do some this week…but…alas…there was no time to play!

I wish you all a very happy Easter…and leave you with one last photo:


Isn’t this just gorgeous?!?!  

That is all that is new with me…so I am ready to get to the good part!  I want to see what you are flaunting this week!!!  Inspire me!!!  Dazzle me!!!  I just can’t wait to see!!!

I’m ready to visit…so link in and share!!!  See you there!  Thank you all for linking in…and leaving a comment!

Until next time, hugs and smiles…wishes of a safe and happy Easter weekend with friends and family….and of course…happy gardening!

Stay tuned…this is going to be a summer filled with all sorts of announcements for me…and in the next few days,  I plan to make a big one right here!  I do hope you will join me!

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


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Anonymous said…
Hello Sweet Friend! Joining you this week though I am afraid I am cheating a bit as it is not my garden! I have no green house so no wonderful flowers yet here!

Hope all is well with you and things have settled down a bit. Your greenhouse is just amazing with all the living beauty you are so good at cultivating!

bee blessed
Karen said…
Tootsie, I look at your greenhouse and then I look at mine and well, I hang my head in shame. My petunias are about 1/4" tall with three teensy leaves. We had another big blizzard on Tuesday night and I'm lucky I have anything growing after all the snow and blowing. Goofy Ma Nature!

Your passion flower looks amazing...I should try growing one here. I won't plant out a thing before June 1st because we can't trust there won't be a killing frost before then. Summers are too short for us Northerners. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter, Glenda.
One said…
Hi Glenda, See that you have more and more beautiful flowers blooming. Since I've been flaunting flowers every Friday, I thought I should flaunt the little critters on my flowers today.
~~Rhonda said…
Your plants are looking gorgeous in the greenhouse. I can't wait to see them in your garden. Soon, surely soon! Can't wait for those announcements! ~~Rhonda :)
BernieH said…
Happy Easter to you and yours, Glenda. Your greenhouse is just a frenzy of growth right now. Wishing that the snow is gone for you soon ... like next week! Wonderful colours in those Petunias and the little Pellie is beautiful.
LaVonne said…
Visiting you from the Friday blog hop. Thanks for sharing all these lovely photos.

I hope you have a nice Easter weekend too!

Long Wait For Isabella
Yvonne said…
Beautiful flowers, and a Happy Easter to you, also. I lived in Colorado Springs for many years before moving to Tennessee. Lots of snow every year in Colorado, but I have no idea what 'snow mold' is. Enlighten me, please.
Darla said…
Most Importantly, Happy Easter to you and yours too Tootsie. Your greenhouse is gorgeous girl! Do you trim your petunias back any during the growing season?
Sue said…
Your Passion Flower is going to be AMAZING when the blooms open up-I'm sure looking forward to that post!
We had gotten rid of our snow and ended up getting 5 more inches. Blech!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Leslie said…
Loved walking through your greenhouse this morning through the photo's... I have a passion flower that is waiting to bud as well!
Autumn Belle said…
So many gorgeous blooms in various shades and colours. Mine pale in comparison. Happy Earth Day and have a blessed Good Friday!
Gatsbys Gardens said…

You are so lucky to have that greenhouse. You can have spring no matter what the weather is outside!

Beth said…
Tootsie, Your greenhouse flowers are stunning! Can't wait to see your passion flower.
Candi said…
Your petunias are gorgeous! My husband loves them, says they remind him of his grandmother. I'm hoping to plant some summer blooming annuals...maybe petunias are just the thing!
Jessica said…
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. I'm also infatuated with passion vines...yours is amazing. =)

Thanks for hosting....just a reminder if you lived in Texas you wouldn't have all that snow. It was 90 here yesterday.

Hugs to you....I miss you.

Anonymous said…
Hi Glenda. Your flowers are looking so beautiful. I love petunias. Every year I buy them, and some darn critter eats them up! I hope you have a wonderful Easter.
Lona said…
Girl your Passion plant is going to be so gorgeous when it blooms! Your greenhouse is getting color now and I am loving to see all of those pretty petunias starting to bloom. Here is hoping warm weather soon.Hugs.
The JR said…
WOW! Your plants are wonderful.

Snow, heck I was dripping sweat yesterday in the weed beds....

You would be proud of me Tootsie. I'm making a big effor to get all the weed (ex-flower) beds done this year. It's only been 5 since they were cleaned out the last time...

Also, I planted all kinds on annuals on my porch and at the mailbox and have new giant planters on both sides of the front gate!
Jeannie B. said…
Hi Tootsie! I'm here for the party. In Louisiana life is a party!! Love your Petunias. And am amazed at how different it is in your part of the world vs mine. We are now into hot, muggy weather! Thanks.
I cannot believe your greenhouse! It looks like a commercial one with all those gorgeous flowers- do you ever sell any?

I'm happy to be able to join in this week with our backyard-in-progress- thanks!

An Oregon Cottage
Anonymous said…
I am in awe, how beautiful!! I would love some of those plants for my yard!

I'm a new networked blog follower and would love a follow back. I hope you have an amazing Friday!

Mel_Cole said…
Oh dear, snow makes disaster. Just this morning, I'm disappointed that it snowed again. But those plants you got inside your green house are gorgeous though. Hope they will remain colorful and alive! My Fertilizer Friday
Rosie Gan said…
It is incredible seeing your plants magically grow from week to week. You're doing great. I can't wait to see what type of passionflower yours is. The leaves are different from the varieties I have.
Dirt Princess said…
Your hydrangea is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! THe snow will soon be gone and you will be digging holes every where
Teresa said…
gorgeous! You are very lucky to enjoy flowers when the weather is still poopy. Lucky Girl! have a great weekend.
Kristin Crouch said…
Okay Glenda, I am so jealous of all that color in your greenhouse. My color is mainly outside as my greenhouse isn't heated. Those hanging basket will look fabulous outside.
Roz said…
Hi Glenda, I've linked up our iris post from this week. All of the posts are so beautiful this week, aren't they? Thanks for hosting! Happy Easter! Roz
Sonia said…
Wish your snow who go away so you could plant all those wonderful flowers! Your greenhouse is so pretty full of color!! I know you can't wait to get out there and plant. I'm just starting even though the temps are fine..we've been having storms though!

Happy Easter

Miss Bloomers
Kate Weber said…
Those are beautiful flowers. My parents always plant petunias this time of year and I must say it's one thing I miss about moving away from their place.

I'm new to your blog! I found you on FTLOB and can't wait to read more! Feel free to check out my blog as well!

Simply Kate
Unknown said…
Very fun party and post ! Doing some gardening tomorrow if the weather is nice, Thanks for the reminder !
Come follow me back !
Unknown said…
Hi, I am a new follower thru GFC, Twitter and Networked Blogs. I love the flowers! I use to garden and have my pics on my FB page. But after having both knees replaced last year and the RA & Fibromyalgia, the garden is falling apart. Knees are numb and don't bend so I can't get down anymore. So, I took up blogging! Got about 4 months in and need all the help I can get. Would love a follow back on all three! Thanks and Happy Easter.

You are the Queen of plants. I am too sick to think of plants, been in bed for 5 days, Just watered my baskets. The 4 day Trip to NYc was a success. Got home Sunday and tomorrow is another Sunday Easter<
Still sick. Wishing you the Best Easter ever. yvonne
Ricki Treleaven said…
I absolutely love the color of your geraniums. And *petunias* :D They are so pretty. You are so lucky to have a nice greenhouse to get everything growing and started early. Thanks for hosting the party again this week! (((hugs))),

RIcki Jill
Asha Ram said…
Happy Easter! Your greenhouse is an inspiration. Wondering when I can have one at home. :)

I've added your Web page's link on my today's blog. Though I couldn't upload photos of flowers this Friday, I did it today.
