Friday is a BIG day for us here at Tootsie Time…(ok, just me…there is no one else here…lol) It’s a big deal because it means it’s PARTY TIME!!!!
Fertilizer Friday is the day of the week than an ELITE group of gardeners from all around the world get together , snap photos, link up and Flaunt Their Flowers!!!
If you are new to Tootsie Time and Fertilizer Friday, I just know you are asking yourself…”How do I join?” Well…it’s easy really. Here’s all you need to know to become a part of this great group of gardeners, bloggers and friends:
If it is spring or summer where you live, you need to snap a few photos of what you have growing, blooming or just love to look at that is of the plant variety…if it is winter where you live, you may post past favorite photos…or indoor plants…whatever you like. The only criteria is that it is a plant or something growing!
You do not need to use fertilizer to participate in this party, but if you do, this is the reminder to fertilize weekly!
All I ask is that: Your post must include the logo above and/or a link to Tootise Time, or the linky will be deleted. I don’t mean to be harsh, but there have been a lot of people linking in and when the participants graciously click over to their blogs, there is no sign of Fertilizer Friday anywhere to be found. This is not fair to those who do follow the rules, therefore…well you know!
So? what are you waiting for? Get outside, feed, water, snap and post!
This week brought sunshine and warm temps to my neck of the woods. It was nice to have the chance to go outside and play in the yard. The kids and I got a lot done out there before the Easter weekend was over…and let me say, it felt good! The gardens are a little tidier and things are organized again.
Today, the weather is sunny, with a chance of SNOW! Yes…I said it out loud…SNOW! I hope we can get just some rain, the snow can stay away!
In spite of the slightly cooler temperature outside, I managed to get some things done in the greenhouse this morning. I have had a total of 3 hours in there this whole week…and that includes watering daily! I wish there was more than one of me…one to blog, one to greenhouse and garden, and one to do all the other stuff that I have sitting on my plate! But alas, there’s only one of me, so here’s what I have to share:
I can see some hints of green in the grass, but if you wanna see some REAL green….go inside my little piece of heaven!
Okay…it might be a bit crowded in here…there isn’t one inch to spare anymore.
YA….I did up some pots for a neighbor, and a friend…and I really need them to come get them…I can barely walk in here!
It seems that the fertilizer I used last week, did it’s job! Maybe if we go take a look from above…
Ya…well it isn’t any easier to see from here! It’s like a solid wall of flowers!!!
Last year, the Marigolds struggled…it seems that this is not that type of year! Hey…is that…? Yes I think it is!
YAY!! I have the first Marigold bloom of the season!!! Yippie!!
The Portulaca is not blooming just yet…but I don’t think it will be long!
My Thymophilla is blooming! It is one of my new additions to the seed list for this year. I haven’t yet decided if I like it or not. The teensy yellow blooms are sure cheerful though!!!
Working our way down the line, the Coleus is saying “Hey! Look at me!!!”
The east side is filled with Celebrity Petunias and Dusty Miller (to name a couple…)
Remember last week when I shared all the buds on the Passion Flower?
They opened up just in time for this week! There was nothing yesterday…but today….I have two open blooms! Are they not just the most wonderful?
The view from the back by my desk in this little greenhouse that is just loaded from top to bottom…side to side…bursting at the seams with blooms. GLORIOUS BLOOMS!!!
…and it smells just glorious in here!!!
That is my flaunt from the greenhouse this week…I am so glad to have had you pop in to see! I am looking forward to getting a chance to see what you guys have to share this week!!! (I know…I am so far behind…I still need to get around to the last week’s participants.)
I appreciate all that email, comment and link to my posts…I am so lucky to have such a great following. I save all the emails, and reply and return the visits as soon as I can…I am very far behind…and can’t wait to have a free evening, or hour to just sit and blog! Sometimes being a good mother…makes Tootsie a bad blogger…but…that is just the way it is!
Until next week…hugs and smiles, wishes for you all to have a safe and happy weekend, and thanks for linking in today! ….Happy Gardening!
*)*)*)…to my very special three. I don't think I need to say a word...the expression on your face said it all!
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.
you can find the links to the above parties in the menu bar under blog parties!
Hi Tootsie, I like the greenhouse and that passhion flower is a beauty. Thank You for hosting this evening.......Julian
Your flowers are so pretty . I wish you were here to do my flower beds . You have the greenest thumb . It will be fun to see you yard . Have fun playing in the dirt .
I love your greenhouse, you must heat it. It is still getting so chilly at night here that my heat loving plants are struggling that I have out there now. I don't get all day sun on mine either. You outshine me hands down on the plants in your greenhouse, I do enjoy seeing your posts on it tremendously. I would love to be able to make a living at growing stuff too. Just a dream for now. Thanks for hosting!
Miss Glenda darling your greenhouse is fabulous I drool every time I see
Have a great weekend & Happy Friday
hugs, from Savannah, Cherry
Hi Glenda, I see you have lots more blooming in your green house than in my tropical garden. Are there any lizards in there? :)
Don't cha just want to stay and hide out in the greenhouse?! I would! LOL
Such beauty! Everything looks amazing sweetie ♥
Always a treat to visit with you in your green house...I love passion fruit flowers and am kicking myself I did not sneak on into the shopping cart during our last visit to Lowes...Maybe next time *wink*
Hope you got some lovely rain instead of the snow.
Blessings Kelsie
Tootsie, I always like walking through your greenhouse! Love the passion flower, but really, it truly is a colorful little bit of heaven and you definitely make the most of it.
Blessings, Beth
I am amazed at your Greenhouse! Is it easier to control bugs in there too?
Wow, your greenhouse is a little piece of heaven indeed. All those plants and flowers are so beautiful and thriving.
Your little piece of Heaven is awesome. so cheerful even when you said the S word. we seem to be getting past snow but now the Rain won't go away, flooding, and soggy, still can't really garden too much, oh well, good weather has to arrive some time. hoping all is well with you. Have a great weekend!
Everything in your greenhouse is so amazing, Glenda. Your plants are so healthy. We have passion flowers in our Fl. home but it invaded the whole yard. They sure look pretty...Christine
I am amazed looking at your greenhouse. How in the world do you do it. All of that bounty from seeds? Just beautiful.
Hi Tootsie ~ your greenhouse is going to bust out! :) Hooray for the first marigold bloom, I imagine it is a sign of success for you ~ beautiful passion-flower. I just got my first plant and am nervous / hopeful about getting it to grow. Have a great weekend, Cheers ~ Jenni
Your Passiflora has put on a fabulous display for this week's FF post ... it's beautiful. Hopefully that snow won't eventuate ... and you'll get all those plants outside very soon.
Sorry to hear about your forecast. We've been getting it off and on still too, and I am very very tired of it. On a bright note-you have that INCREDIBLY GORGEOUS greenhouse to give you a much needed dose of spring. It's looking fantastic Tootsie!
What glorious blooms you have from floor to ceiling in that greenhouse...a garden enclosed for your enjoyment to once again enjoy as the weather warms outside
It is like a heaven in your greenhouse..The flowers are beautiful!
Oh, how I wish I had your greenhouse! :) Thanks for hosting!
You could have a business there... I know you would sell out in minutes! Hang in there, better weather has to be coming soon.
Glenda have my dream!! I love flowers/gardening!! Its so peaceful for me to garden!
We just moved last fall from where we had lived for the past 15 years! I couldn't take all my babies(plants) and I'm sad!
Anyways.......I am your newest follower.
Mommy on the Move
NO SNOW!!!! Oh Tootsie your greenhouse is beyond glorious...if I were the friend or neighbor that you potted up containers for I'd be on your heel strings girl.
I sure hope it gets warm enough for you to plant all that soon because its too pretty to be in that greenhouse. It's time to be out in the garden.
have a good weekend
Proof that lots of TLC has been going on in your greenhouse. I too, think the passion flower is beautiful but it is considered a weed in this part of the world and you know what a weed can do. I have it in the back field and of course I keep mowing to keep it down.
Girl your greenhouse is just bursting at the seams. I want to come shop in it. LOL!
The Passion vine is just the prettiest. Have a wonderful weekend and just say "no" to more snow.
Vilken glädje det måste vara att äga ett växthus. Själv bär jag växterna ut och in. Det blir skönt när risken för frost inte längre är överhängande.Ditt växthus är fyllt av godsaker som den vackra passionsblomman.En liten tagetes som börjat blomma. jag önskar dig en jätteskön helg. Hoppas du slipper snön! Zinnia
Your greenhouse flowers do my heart good! I can't wait to get a greenhouse - hopefully I will be able to do that next year. Thanks for all your sharing and all you do! Paula from Idaho
Someday I will have a greenhouse, and it will look like yours!!! Thanks for hosting us, and sharing your abundance!! (ELITE gardeners!! love it;)
I am a new follower via GFC, Twitter and Networked Blogs. I hope you can stop by my blog and check it out and follow back.
I am following you everywhere that I see listed here!
Thanks for linking up on the new Super STALKER Sunday! I hope you won't be a stranger and come back next week, or even just mid week and say hello! : ) I post lots of other great things like recipes, tackles, and rambles (oh my!).
I also should mention that I have a FANTASTIC Blog Hop Directory that has at least a dozen blogs listed for every day of the week. No kidding! Come and check it out! : )
Oh I want a greenhouse too! This is awesome. You are really good at what you do. All mine are just out in my yard. I am planning on planting some next week on my deck!
You really really have a wonderfully beautiful garden!
Your greenhouse is bursting at the seams! How lovely to see everything growing beautifully in such a protected environment.
Come and join my new meme when you can spare the time, Tootsie.
I don't know how you do it! I just spent a day in Calgary in white-out blizzard conditions this week. How do you keep your stuff looking so FAB?!
I always a love a peek -- here a good look, even better -- into someone's greenhouse. Thanks.
I love touring your greenhouse. You have the greenest thumb of anyone! Thanks for hosting the funnest party around.
This is my first time visiting your blog and I loved the greenhouse tour. Very lush.
This is my first time visiting your blog and I loved the greenhouse tour. Very lush.
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