Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers May 6/11

Friday is a BIG day for us here at Tootsie Time…(ok, just me…there is no one else here…lol) It’s a big deal because it means it’s PARTY TIME!!!!
Fertilizer Friday is the day of the week than an ELITE group of gardeners from all around the world get together , snap photos, link up and Flaunt Their Flowers!!!
If you are new to Tootsie Time and Fertilizer Friday, I just know you are asking yourself…”How do I join?” Well…it’s easy really. Here’s all you need to know to become a part of this great group of gardeners, bloggers and friends:
If it is spring or summer where you live, you need to snap a few photos of what you have growing, blooming or just love to look at that is of the plant variety…if it is winter where you live, you may post past favorite photos…or indoor plants…whatever you like. The only criteria is that it is a plant or something growing!
You do not need to use fertilizer to participate in this party, but if you do, this is the reminder to fertilize weekly!
All I ask is that: Your post must include the logo above and/or a link to Tootise Time, or the linky will be deleted. I don’t mean to be harsh, but there have been a lot of people linking in and when the participants graciously click over to their blogs, there is no sign of Fertilizer Friday anywhere to be found. This is not fair to those who do follow the rules, therefore…well you know!
So? what are you waiting for? Get outside, feed, water, snap and post!
WHAT A WEEK WE HAD HERE!!! It seemed like it was a gong show from the first moment on Monday morning! First there’s the sick kids…strep throat and runny noses…then there’s the appointments…and trips to school…and …and….on and on and on!!! I did manage to make it around to many of your blogs…and all of the participants of last week’s flaunt…I am however…still very far behind in the commenting department! Forgive me!!!
I planted pansy’s’ with my youngest daughter’s kindergarten class for Mother’s Day today. After I did that I came home and began the hardening off process in the greenhouse.
Lets just say that it didn’t go quite as smoothly as I had hoped!!! Once I got ALL of the hanging pots outside…(so that the pots on the floor and lower shelves could have a little light…) I realized…There was NO way I would be able to get them all back in…they were HUGE! So…I got the clippers out…and gave them all a little cutting back.
okay…it turned into a huge undertaking…and I filled the entire garbage can with Petunia cuttings…it also did not do much for the fitting back in situation…ha-ha….
How the heck did I have these all in here before???? I had to line the floor with hanging pots…all the hooks were full!!! ha-ha-ha…good thing I am getting rid of some tomorrow!!! (whew!)
I am not too worried about the over crowded floor right now…I would rather not walk in there…than have them squished!!! They can’t grow nicely if they are all pushed too close together!!!
I mentioned the portulaca last week…well…it’s blooming!!!
so are the geraniums…I love this color!!!
This one and the next one make me laugh…I left them in the garage all winter long…they are last year’s plants…as soon as I put them in the greenhouse…they popped into bloom!
VERY bright!!!
My 9 year old Geranium did the same thing! I thought she was dead…I’d let the garage get a little cold this winter and her leaves looked frozen…I am so happy to see her “smiling”
I am so excited to see some buds on the trees!!! yay!!! spring is here!!!!!!!
Soon we will have leaves!!! I just love the first few days of seeing the fresh new leaves on the trees…it’s such an optimistic feeling!
This is my Monkshood….it seems to be very happy to see the spring too!
The rest of my week will be spent running in and out of the greenhouse bringing the plants out for a little bit…and running them back in before they get too much sun and burn up…cleaning the beds up and getting ready for the big day! (planting day!)
I can’t wait to see what you all are sharing…especially since last week’s flaunt managed to inspire a new project or two that got put on my list!
So??? Lets get to the flaunting!!!
I hope you will join me for a special mother’s day posting…we can’t forget the moms…!!! I will be back with that in a day or two!
Thank you all for popping over for a visit…and for linking in this week! I will be around as soon as I can to visit you all!!!
Until next time…hugs and smiles…wishes for a safe and happy weekend…and a very happy Mother’s Day hug to all the moms out there! See you Sunday…and Happy Gardening!
*)*)*) to my special three!!! be careful what you wish for!!! You might just get it! *) mwuah!!!

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

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you will find links to the above parties by clicking here


p3chandan said…
Finally can see all your colourful petunias blooming!Love all the beautiful colours in your garden and your painted nails are so fantastic! Gardening with those beautiful nails?
Tootsie said…
hahaha! you like my nails??? I am a nail tech...(sort of ) I do my own gels...and they are in rough shape! hahaha! thanks girl!
CiNdEe's GaRdEn said…
Love all your blooms! I did the same thing with my geraniums this year and it worked! I am so happy to say they survived and are out in the yard. Not blooming yet though.
Your nails are very pretty! Do you paint them too? I wish I could do my own. They look horrible since I quit having them done.)-:
teresa said…
Trees in bloom Yay! isn't it so nice to see a bit of color around? leaves sound wonderful. they should be popping out here soon as well. your plants are looking good. i love portulaca! love those nails! Ilove the colored tips. I haven't been quite brave enough to do that yet but I am planning on it soon. my neice is always trying to get me to do that but she is 16 so it's hard to take her advice. have a great weekend. I hope all is going well for you and your family.
~~Rhonda said…
It's a lot of work to get those plants in and out of the greenhouse, preparing them for planting day. But it will be SO worth the effort! Can't wait to see your garden in full summer bloom. It is always gorgeous! ~~Rhonda :)
Tootsie said…
nope...just use colored gel...and some decals here and there...hahaha
Val said…
You never cease to amaze me! So how cold does it get there in the winter? I have never thought about putting plants in the garage. Your blooms are gorgeous!
Anonymous said…
Hi. I am now following you via GFC & Facebook. I found you on yhe hop. I would love if you would stop by and check out my newest blog post about the Alabama Tornado Disaster that happened in my home town. Learn how we can all help by giving back. PLEASE check this out at http://pricecrusher.blogspot.com

God Bless!

Heather H.
The Price Crusher
LindyLouMac said…
Hi there not sure if you have seen my recent post yet this week, if so you will have noticed that I was intending to join up with you this weeks party. I love the portulaca, we are trying to grow our own this year. I also noticed your nails so appropriate :) Off to link up and visit the other participants now.
Leslie said…
Beautiful flowers - Beautiful Nails - Beautiful Friday!
Autumn Belle said…
Oh Wow, everything is so beautiful and colourful in your place!
Darla said…
What a problem to have Tootsie...your plants are so big and healthy they want fit back in your greenhouse :) Did you start the pansies from seed that you helpe the school class with? Regardless that was so sweet of you to help those children..new growth emerging is always a joyous sight...
I'm happy to see your green house filled with flowers! What a joy!
Jessica said…
Beautiful blooms...and your nails are just the ca-utest~

So glad you came by for a visit.

Hugs~ J
All that work for the class, you are a very special Mom. The baskets will make a beautiful gift to some Mom. Happy gardening this weekend.
Unknown said…
Hi! Found you by the Follow Friday. New follower!
Zinnia said…
Snacka om att du har det fullt i ditt växthus. min stormhatt verkar ha kommit lika långt som din.Är risken för snö över hos dig i Alberta? Stora delar av Sverige hade ett bakslag med kyla och snö. rack och lov regnar det idag istället. Blommar din krasse redan? Snygga pelargonier! Önskar dig en skön helg! Zinnia
The JR said…
Your fingernails are cute and the pattern is fitting for a garden queen.
Lona said…
Those petunias will like that haircut and grow more branches. Glad to see that you are getting some growth in the frozen north. LOL! Your nails are so pretty Glenda.
Karen said…
Tootsie, if you could see my petunias in the greenhouse, you'd laugh. Or maybe cry, or both, ha, since they're only a half-inch tall. I have to get things started earlier.

I just am amazed at how your plants have grown and thrived. You are truly a Gardener Extraordinaire. (and I love your fingernails, too!)
Dirt Princess said…
You need to be flaunting those nails today for FF!!!! Work it sista!!!!
Mel_Cole said…
I love your pink hydrangea. :) You really worked hard in your garden.

Kristin said…
Lovely flowers from your greenhouse! I cant wait to see them in your yard. Looks like both of us have been planting with children this week, so much fun.
To Mom of the year,
to Children and her baby plants. Wishing you Tootsie
the best Mothers Day ever.

Take care of those pretty nails.
Linda said…
Wow what a lot of hanging baskets. You will be thrilled to have them all outside. Things will be looking beautiful around your house really soon.
Momof3 said…
Ah, there is still hope of spring. I can hardly wait. I love to see the leaves on the buds of my trees but I love the leaves more. Thanks for your blog. I love to see everyones flowers.
Andrea said…
Hi Tootsie, i have been smiling while typing this comment. I love all your flowers and photos, but i like most your finger nails, fantastic ornamental design! haha.
Rosie Gan said…
I can see that the prettiest flowers are the ones on your nails...happy FF Glenda!
Rosie, mygardenhaven
Susan Freeman said…
Wow ~ do I ever need a manicure! Love your nails!! Happy Mother's Day!

Susan and Bentley
Nutty Gnome said…
Hey Glenda - great photos of all your flowers.....I'm in awe of how much you pack into your greenhouse and I just love your nails! Mine are of the short but permanently grubby variety no matter how much I scrub them! :)
Gatsbys Gardens said…
Soon Tootsie, you will be able to put everything outside. Your geraniums look lovely and I can just imagine those hanging baskets. Things got a little hectic around here so I hope to do FF next week.

Donna said…
What beautiful plants...I was so busy Friday I completely forgot to link in...I am also loving those nails!!
Hi Tootsie - just about made the deadline. Glad your geraniums resurrected - I lost mine and seeing your beauties makes the loss even sadder.
Happy FF - and yes, I love your nails too
with a name like Rose, how can I not love all these flowers on your site. very abundant, very colorful.