Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers July 29/11



Friday is a BIG day for us here at Tootsie Time…(ok, just me…there is no one else here…lol) It’s a big deal because it means it’s PARTY TIME!!!! Fertilizer Friday is the day of the week than an ELITE group of gardeners from all around the world get together, snap photos, link up and Flaunt Their Flowers!!!
If you are new to Tootsie Time and Fertilizer Friday, I just know you are asking yourself…”How do I join?”
Well…it’s easy really. Here’s all you need to know to become a part of this great group of gardeners, bloggers and friends:
If it is spring or summer where you live, you need to snap a few photos of what you have growing, blooming or just love to look at that is of the plant variety…if it is winter where you live, you may post past favorite photos…or indoor plants…whatever you like. The only criteria is that it is a plant or something growing!
You do not need to use fertilizer to participate in this party, but if you do, this is the reminder to fertilize weekly!
All I ask is that: Your post must include the logo above and/or a link to Tootsie Time, or the linky will be deleted.

So....I would like to invite each and every one of you to join in and share your photos...

What a week I have had! Since the last Flaunt I have been a very busy girl! Friends and fun consumed the entire weekend…It was fabulous!

The new week brought with it some drama, including a trip to the emergency room for one kid who ended up on crutches for a badly sprained ankle. She took a bad landing on the trampoline.

The pool was set up in the greenhouse, and my house suddenly became even more of a popular place to hang out than it was before! The gardens were hopping with kids all week long!


I managed to get a shot of the situation when there were no kids…


…and one of two of my own…just swimming away…happy happy!

It is hot as heck in the greenhouse during the day…so they don’t mind the cool water so much…It is actually quite warm after a day or so…the heat in there warms that water right up!

Both of my parents celebrate birthdays this week! Happy Birthday Grammie and Gramie!!! We Love you!

It wasn’t a warm week in my area of Alberta, but it was a very busy one to say the very least!

I have lots to share this week…so I might as well get on with it!


Brenda (my partner on Growing 4 Seasons) asked me what I have growing on in my greenhouse right now…so I will give her a quick look…See?

I’ll share more of that next week girl!


I love the view from inside the greenhouse to the tiny pathway outside the door…


The huge leaves on the Nicotana give my header bed sort of a tropical look this year! yay Tootsie!


It’s a jungle out there!


My big pots are getting nice and full…


My stairway pots are looking so pretty…very dainty in their little pots!


My direct seed beds in the back are looking ok…wish they would just bloom already!!!!


I love the colors in the front yard curvy hedge that I built last year…they just look so bright when you drive up.



I am so excited that my direct seed bed on the front side yard is going wild!!!


It’s Blooming!!!


There are two types of Malva mixed in with the poppies and the other things that are going in there…the Poppy seeds took…but I think they and the Malva crowded out the rest! Oh well…lesson learned!


…a quick view of the curvy hedge from the inside of the yard…


My lupins are blooming!!!!

Well…that is it for today…I could go on and on and on…there is so much to share in my gardens right now. I will leave you with a preview of next week…


I have a Plan….and can’t wait to get a chance to see it through!!!

On this note…I send you hugs and smiles, and wishes for a safe and happy weekend with those you find most enjoyable! Thanks to all who linked in last week and to those who leave such sweet comments that make me smile. I am looking forward to getting around and seeing you all in the coming days!

Until next time…Happy Gardening!

*)*)*) to those special three who make my posts such a treat to share…Be careful the toes you step on today maybe attached to the ass you'll have to kiss tomorrow.

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


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you can find links to these and more great blog parties here


Anonymous said…
Beautiful containers. Wow!
teresa said…
Glenda everything there looks so lush and beautiful we have had such a dry summer and heat wave. I love how green your gardens look . Lucky kids to have a warm place to swim .hope the ankle gets better quick! Enjoy your weekend!
Larry said…
Tootsie... I was just noticing your lawns... they look fabulous! We finally got lots of rain and mine are starting to come back... Larry
teresa said…
Glenda everything there looks so lush and beautiful we have had such a dry summer and heat wave. I love how green your gardens look . Lucky kids to have a warm place to swim .hope the ankle gets better quick! Enjoy your weekend!
Shirley said…
Your "jungle" of wonder is beautiful. Gorgeous blooms everywhere and your lawn is immaculate! How do you do it?
gena said…
Your gardens are AMAZING as usual. I'm so jealous ! Mine are poopy and nothing is flowering.... I need some Tootsie Magic !!!!!!

thanks again for sharing your beauties,

Shirley said…
Glenda, your "jungle", as you call it, couldn't be more beautiful! I am coveting your lawn, though. It looks so perfect and mine is inundated with clover! I tried weed killer but it laughed in my face, saying "nice try".
Hi Tootsie! I love your curvy hedge with all that bright and cheerful warm color. That is something I would love to come home too! Hope you have a great week. Cheers, Jenni
BernieH said…
The front curvy hedge looks terrific. I love all the yellow and orange. All the garden beds and the pots look so bright and colourful. Your greenhouse makes the perfect poolhouse and I've no doubt the kids would enjoy it no end.
Sue said…
A pool in a greenhouse! Tootsie-you're amazing! I LOVE that idea.
And as usual, your gardens and planters continue to be the best out there!
Autumn Belle said…
Wow, this is fun! I love your post.
Anonymous said…
I really enjoy looking at the gorgeous color in your gardens. The green lawn is so beautiful. Everything here is turning brown and wilting, so this is a real treat. Nothing is more fun that watching kids having a blast. Thanks for hosting.
Your garden is lovely! And I'm very intrigued by that gorgeous jelly cupboard. I'll have to tune in next week. Happy weekend and thanks again for hosting.
Darla said…
I remember seeing the kids swim in the pool in the greenhouse last summer, so neat! Your lawn and gardens are perfectly manicured, I just don't know how you do it all. Looks Beautiful!!
Pamela Gordon said…
Hi Tootsie, This is my first visit to your blog and I'm visiting from Aging Disgracfully, who I've recently met here. I'm in New Brunswick and I'm going to join your party today. Your flowers are amazing! You certainly do a lot of work. I love your huge greenhouse and the idea of the swimming pool inside for the kids. I'm your newest follower too! Have a great weekend. Blessings, Pamela
Gatsbys Gardens said…

Your beds are edged so beautifully, wonderful frame for all the lovely flowers.

cherry said…
Well heck now I want a pool/ greenhouse ..lol you always come up with the neatest ideas.. Everything is gorgeous..

Have fun weekend
hugs from Savannah, Cherry
Beth said…
Hi Tootsie, Looking great! The stairway pots are pretty, the direct seed beds are lush and blooming beautifully and the curved bed looks pretty too. Your greenhouse is pretty in all seasons and who wouldn't love to swim in such an atmosphere? Your lawn looks green and lush too. You just have the greenest thumb ever!
Blessings and hugs, Beth
Gail said…
As much as I love viewing your verdant and lush gardens (love the lupine) I especially like that your home not only is pretty but also a friendly place where children gather.
Minoru said…
Hi! Very beautiful photos. I uploaded my photo in this site for the first time. Have a nice weekend.
The JR said…
Your yard makes my jaw drop.

It's absolutely the most amazing one that I've ever seen.
siteseer said…
Your love of plants and flowers really shows in your gardens. You must put in hours every week!! Our grass and plants are just struggling to stay alive in this heat and drought. We did get a couple of nights rain recently but I still haven't found the time to put in the time. Thanks for sharing yours - I'll enjoy it vicariously through you :)
Donna said…
What a great idea putting the pool in the green house...I would send you our heat if I could. The dry spell has given way to some rain but my garden will never look as lush and colorful as yours...wow...I love seeing this garden eye candy every week in your garden...
Karen said…
Your yard is so beautiful. It would be fun being your neighbor :) Have a great weekend! Karen
Dirt Princess said…
Love it!!! It looks amazing!!! Of course I knew it would...it always does!

The pool in the greenhouse cracks me up!!! Girl if we put a pool in a greenhouse here, the water would evaporate out within an hour!!! Have a great weekend!
Diann said…
Everything looks just gorgeous Glenda! Thank you for hosting and have a great weekend!
Anonymous said…
You're giving me ideas with that pool!
I'm pool obsessed :)
Stopping by from the Friday Hops to say hello.

Have a great day!
You can visit me here
Never was there a truer saying: The grass is always greener on the other side. Truly lush lawn sets off the zinging colours
Mel_Cole said…
I am wowed Tootsie :-) I'm so impressed of your plants and garden. You have the knack in mixing colors and low and high plants together. No flower is hidden.
mrs.shopper said…
new gfc follower please follow http://www.simplyshopandsave.ca
Yvonne said…
Your gardens are so lovely as always, overflowing with beautiful plants. Great idea with the pool in the greenhouse.
Karen said…
Glenda, the gardens are just spectacular, there's no other words for them! Love the container plants, for some reason mine are starting to lag this year and I'm puzzled. Your lawns and edging and curvy beds are so pretty and neat, what a yard you have, the neighbors must stop in and ask for tours. I sure would if I were your neighbor!
Rosie Gan said…
You are a source of inspiration to me. When I think of your garden, I put in more effort in mine!
elaine said…
I have never seen such a weedfree garden, well done you.
miruku said…
You always have some beautiful photos from your garden. Your lawn is always neat with colourful blooms. Love it.
Sandy said…
Your Flowers are just amazing. You must live in the garden and I bet your neighbors have such a time trying to keep up with your beautiful yard!
Hi Tootsie,

I wasn't able to get my post ready in time, for FF, but I'll start working on next week's. LOL.

Everything looks so lovely and well-manicured in your garden.

Hope the weather is good in Alberta!

tina said…
Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! That greenhouse with its pool and walkway-awesome. The gardens are so lovely with all those flowers and colors. It's always a treat to visit your garden!
Thank you for stopping by. Your gardens are beautiful! Kudos!
No problem at all! I've become a bad blogger just out of exhaustion lately. The sad thing is I don't have any kids... I just work all 3 shifts. lol! I can't wait to see more of your blog!
Hi Glenda, It was such a pleasure having you stop by my blog and leaving such a nice comment. As you probably know much of the US has been terribly HOT ~~~ 100* and dry. We have never had such sorry looking flowers and gardens. :( I don't feel I have much to share on Fridays with your party. I'm amazed at how beautiful your flowers are!! Does it stay on the cool side there in the summer?

GardenOfDaisies said…
Your garden look absolutely beautiful!! I wish it was cooler here. After a couple weeks of these 100plus temps I'm really ready for it to cool down. My grass is now officially crunchy.
Hi lovely lady.
My garden is looking sorry with all the HOT weather down in Texas. But your Garden is looking so Beautiful sweet lady. I hope you have a great weekend coming up..
Come see me if you can Tootsie. xxoo Diane