
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Tootsie Time Has A Birthday!!!

The date was May 12, 2008. This Toots was sitting in front of her computer mad as a hornet that my favorite site was going to the dogs (RMS)

A few friends has told me about the blogging world and how fun it can be. I was a regular reader of several of you, but had NO intentions of starting my own blog.

This date is not only the date that I decided to start my own little blog....but is also my birthday. I decided to do something for myself....and Tootsie Time was born!

In the last 8 years I have had a load of fun with this blog. I have met so many wonderful people and have learned loads of information from each of them.

Many of you have been my shoulders to lean on during one of the most difficult times of my life.

Without all the love and support from my online family, I would surely have given up.

Thank you for all the hugs, and support, good times, giggles and tears that we all have shared.

Blogging is a great way to express ourselves, connect with friends all over the world, and learn about the differences we all have. Without each of you, I would not have become the person I am today!

The followers I have are more than just friends...they have become family to me. I am a very lucky girl!

Here's to another year of fun and posting with you all!
I hope I can pick up the slack that has happened for the last few years.   Outside influences have kind of taken me away from my Tootsie Time and I fully intend to somehow find the time to get back to it.
Sometimes real life has to take over and things need to be done...bills need to be paid and life needs to be lived.   I do miss my relax time on the computer, but I must fill my obligations.   Much has changed in my world since I started my dear Blog, and I hope to keep sharing with you for years to come!

Thanks for following, commenting and sharing with me!


Marilyn said...

Happy Birthday beautiful lady! :)

Coloradolady said...

Happy Birthday!! I hope your day is as special as you are, Toostie!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday girlie!! I for one am so happy I stumbled over here and found your blog. Thanks for the compliment, it's hard to imagine being "HOT" at 46 years old. You are funny!

artis1111 said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!I know ,you are 29!!! Yeah ,and you really don't cover that gray! hehe I have to cover mine today!!Hope you didn't get the snow! I am still planting. May you have a day full of sunshine!!!LOVE!!! Kathy

Lori Bee said...

Have a VERY Happy Blog Day!!
Best wishes, Lori :)

ksarra said...

Hi Tootsie, hope your birthday is as wonderful and special as YOU are!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Happy Birthday Tootsie ~ May your day be filled with all sorts of lovely things.


Justine said...

{{{{{{{{{{{{Glenda}}}}}}}}}}} Happy birthday, beautiful! And congrats on your first full year of blogging! My blog b-day is coming up in a couple weeks!

Justine :o )

Miss Laura Lu/RMS4291960 said...

Are you a Taurus too?! Happy Birthday!!!!Oh girl I love your new blog dress! Are those lady bugs? Tootsie, I don't know what you've been going thru the past year cause I was a little late getting into this blogging thing but I'm so glad you started your blog! I thank God that your friends have helped you thru and you are stronger for it. I was reading your title and thinking that I guess I just need to start dancing in the rain if I want to get anything planted this year! I bought some more perennials for my front flower bed and it's been raining so much here I haven't planted anything! I'm hoping I can live up to your blog and have a great and healthy garden this summer so I can proudly show you pics! You have a blessed and wonderful birthday girlfriend! Lauralu :)

Designs on 47th Street said...

Happy Birthday Dear Glenda! (may I call you Glenda? :) )

You said it so well...blogging is a good way to meet great people, isn't it?

I appreciate you and your blog so much. Here's to another year!

Dawn Marie said...

I'm so glad you found so many friendships thru blogging and that its helped you thru some dark paths in life. So many of us come to find our online friends such a blessing.

Happy Birthday to you!

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

"Happy Birthday, Sis!" I am so glad you joined us in blogland. You have so much to share. Has it really been a year? WOW! Time goes by so fast!
Hugs, Terrie

"Blossom" said...

Ok, here goes and I am singing my heart out to you girlfriend.
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Tootsie,
Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!
Many more!.
Love you girl, and I too remember the good old days of RMS and now Blog has replaced that, what's next tootsie. A lot of things chance in one year. I am so glad that we crossed paths, you where right there with me and other bloggers when my mother pasted away. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. Have a wonderful day today; if you where here I would make you a happy birthday cake.

onlymehere said...

Happy Birthday and Happy Blogging Anniversary Tootise!! It's been quite a ride hasn't it? I'm so glad we found each other here. I left RMS before you did but have found most of my favorite posters there in blog land. Take care and treat yourself to something special today!! Cindy

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

Happy Birthday and Happy Blogiversary! You are a beautiful gal inside and out and I'm so happy to have stumbled upon your blog! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

Happy Birthday and Happy Blogiversary, Tootsie!!

All the best!!

Anonymous said...

Happy (double) Birthday Tootsie. I hope your day is just the best that it can be.
I'm pretty new to your blog too but have really come to enjoy stopping by to get a bit of cheer and craziness! And to see all of the wonderful gardens that you have.
I have a big anniversary coming in 2 days too. Bob and I will have been married 26 years. I never thought I'd end up being married that long since I got such a late start!
Have a great day!

Marjorie (Molly) Smith said...

Well Happy Birthday to you and your blog, I am so glad I found you out there in blog world, I really enjoy reading your post and love your comments when you read mine. You are a true friend.
May your day be filled with blooms and cake

raxx a day in the life said...

Happy Birthday to you Tootsie, and has it just been a year of blogging! Happy one year blogiversary!

Hope you have a wonderful and special day, so close to Mother's day! Double presents!!

Kathy said...

Wishing you a very happy birthday Tootsie and a happy blog anniversary too. Kathy.

xinex said...

Happy Birthday, dear Toots! Hope you have a wonderful birthday and hope this next year of your life brings you a lot of joy....Christine

Salmagundi said...

Happy Blog Anniversary, but more importantly, Happy Birthday to You! You certainly had a trying year, but you have grown with the experience - a tribute to the 'inner' you. May this coming year be filled with everything you hope for. Sally

Jesikarena said...

Happy Birthday to you and your blog!

adsgram said...

Happy both Tootsie and Tootsie Time! Enjoy your day...


Millie said...

Happy Birthday! May you and your garden both bloom happily where you are planted...

Ashley ~ said...

Happy Birthday To YOU ~ and to Tootsie Time*!!! Love you gf*!!!
(((TOOTSIE)))) _Ashley*

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

me me me....'HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU !!HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR TOOTSIE...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! And many more...OK so I'm a lousy singer No American Idol for this gal ha ha!!
Oh my friend I hope this is a great BD for you this year...and I so remember when you started your blog and the slow boring days on RMS...what special plans do you have for the day...May it be wonderful my daughter...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria aka MOM

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to you! mishelle

Blondie's Journal said...

Hi Tootsie,

I saw your comment on my last post so I popped over wondering "Who??", and I am so happy I came!! First I read the Mother's Day post and of course wanted to cry. Knowing that there are so many other mother's out there, why do I feel like I have gone through all of this alone? Where has all the time gone?? Why do these kids have a totally different perception of of what I did and didn't do for them when they were growing up?? Wow!! This was a mouthful!! The post made me think, and that's a good thing! ;-D

I am loving what you are doing with your flowers beds and hope I can get some ideas and inspiration from you. I have been gardening for over 20 years and lately have fallen into a slump (Oh, I hope I don't sound like a blogger buzz kill today!), so I could use a nudge.

I want to say Happy Birthday, Tootsie and I hope you have a wonderful day filled with happiness and surprises!

Now, I am off to do another post. Hopefully I will be pleasant! Come visit again!!


Karen at Nittany Inspirations said...

Happy birthday and happy anniversary. I too started blogging from being a RMS fanatic. Now I blog and consider you a friend too. Blessings.

trash talk said...

Wow, another Taurus! Have a wonderful have given us the gift though with this wonderful post. Happy anniversary as well...ain't blogging great? It's amazing how we all seem to find each other in what must be a huge place and yet like seems to draw like! That is what makes it so much fun, just like penpals.(I'm from a different generation!). I hope today and all days to come are filled with flowers and words.

Four Paws and Co said...

(Imagine the music & sing along!)

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to yooouuuuu,
Haapppy Birrrthdaaaay Dear Glenda,
Haappy Birrthdaay tooo yooouuuu!

Bunches of Birthday Hugs!

ps I just sent an e-card to you too!

Lona said...

Happy Birthday Tootsie! May your day be filled with family, friends and flowers.

Sassy said...

You touched me the very first time I came across your blog and have stayed ever since...would you just look at yourself in one year how many followers you have and I have been going a year and a half and only have 26....that says something about you and how you make others feel....I knew something was going on with you...not sure what....but I had a feelin'...hang in there and hopefully whatever it was or is will pass soon...AMEN to everything you said about friends across the world because of this blogging thingie....sometimes it is a crazy waste of time...but I too am grateful for all my new found friends....Congratulations on your first year and ♫HAPPY♫BIRTHDAY♫TO♫YOU♫MY♫FFRIEND!!!!!

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

Happy Birthday!! I so wish you the very best day and many blessings throughout the next year.

9405018--Pat said...

Happy Birthday girl friend.......Pat H

Betty said...

Happy Birthday Tootsie!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

What a wonderful post! Happy Birthday to you my friend!! Even though I have not known you long, it is obvious that you have added a warm and dear element to the blog world!
I am still trying to figure out how the bloggers visit all those they want to visit! I am going a bit nuts trying to keep up...but..after reading your post..maybe they understand. It is an undertanding community of people, these Bloggers!
Have a wonderful day and I hope many hugs and best wishes come your way. You certainly deserve them!

Picket said...

Happy Happy Birthday to you sweet Toots!!!! I hope it has just been the best day ever for you and many many more to come filled with love and joy! I love the new background girl...hope all is well on your side of the mountain my friend....I may not get by here as often as I would like but I do think of you often sweetie and I wish you every ya girl~♥~

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY and Congrats on a year of blogging! laurie

Honeycats from NC said...

Hsppy Birthday to you and to Tootsie Time, May both have many happy days ahead. I truly enjoyed getting to know you by reading your blog. You are a special person with a special talent that you are willing to share with us, and for that I say "Thank You"

Linda's Blue Gate said...

Happy birthday dear one...... I just knew you wee a May girl mine is MOnday...

Linda's Blue Gate said...

Happy birthday dear one...... I just knew you wee a May girl mine is MOnday...

imjacobsmom said...

I'm so grateful for RMS and your beautiful gardens and your beautiful comments - it has been a pleasure to get to know you! Happy Birthday! ~ Robyn

Jessica said...



Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Dear Tootsie! I hope you've had a wonderful day of celebrating the beautiful lady you are!
Now I can't believe it's been a year since you started your blog! I remember the little chat room you started and invited me to come! You would pop back and forth from your blog to the chat room! I started visiting the blogs and got the bug myself!
Thanks for being our Tootsie Wootsie!
You are a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Glimpse of My World said...

Happy Birthday Girlie!! Thinking of you.. enjoy and relax on your special day! Thanks for all the inspiration... i'll have a Mojita for ya!

"Blossom" said...

I got up this morning from a sore throat; I sang so loud for your birthday all the way from here in Indiana to Canada and it took all I had yesterday girl. I am with you on the year for change. I need to change some things in my life too; We got some wake up calls girl. You know that my hope for you is for you to be happy and your children to continue to grow in your arms. Life deals us some blows and we just have to go on, there is no other option. Mother being gone really shoot my entire life and it will never be the same. As your life has been shook several times, together we can walk thru these changes together. It's always better with friends. And you have been one "wonderful" friend. I met martha and gloria and they have both been so wonderful. I couldn't go thru life of losing my mother with the hope that you guys here in blogland have given me. I won't lie, it's been tough but I know that there is someone stronger than me that is holding me up and you guys with him. Love ya
Cheers to the year ahead of us. It will be a rough ride but we can do it together my friend.

Tracey McBride ~ Frugal Luxuries® said...

Happy Birthday "Tootsie Time"! What a generous thing to do, sharing your knowledge through this charming blog!

Lisa (aka) French said...

Can you believe its been a year of blogging already??? Hugs girl French;) xoxo

cindy said...

Happy Birthday! and Congrats on your one year anniversary for your blog! Thanks for all the help tips and tricks you have shared throughout the year! and the laughs too! take care, Cindy

Fieldstone said...

Oh my gosh, I missed your birthday, but do offer my sincere good wishes and congratulations. Has a whole year really gone by since Tootsie Time was born? I know that blogging has made you a richer person. You are a teacher, a carer, and a giver. You have and you are making a difference. Hugs, Pam

My Galveston Cottage said...

Happy Birthday! (And you already have your flowers; your photos are so stunning!) Here's to more happy typing in the wee hours of the morning.....-susan

momstheword said...

Happy Birthday and Happy Blogoversary! At least you can remember the day you began blogging. I'd have to look my date up, lol!

at the cottage said...

♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪
la la la Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪

Happy Blog Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Happy Blog Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Happy Blog Birthday dear Toooooooootsie and Toooooooootsie Time
Happy Blog birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUuuu

♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪

My Moon said...

Happy Birthday. I really enjoy your blog! I'm rather new and I have already learned so much from you!!! Thanks for sharing all of your great gardening tips. Your awesome.

janet said...

Happy birthday to your blog!!! time flies when you are having fun and im glad i didnt miss this very important post...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR TOOTSIE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU....i was singing to you and its a good thing you cant hear hope you had a great day!

~♥~ Monica S said...

Tootsie!! You made me cry!!! What a beautiful post!!! :-)

My husbands daughter and you share the same birthday! Hope it was a good one for yoU!


Melissa Miller said...

Congrats and Happy Birthday to you Tootsie!

You look gorgeous my friend! :)

Robin Beck said...

Oh my goodness where have I been? Your gardens are beautiful!!!
I love your blog!
Thanks for stopping by my blog-Yes, I would be honored if you linked anything from my blog you want to!

Hey, Happy Birthday too!


Tamara Jansen said...

Hi Tootsie, just want to make sure you don't get my stuff mixed up with the competition......fuchsia's in Alberta are not mine (just in case they don't do well)

Anything that is mine is on the white carts with our name on it. Otherwise it's not mine.

I heard that one of the stores has 43 carts of annual packs. Oh, I can see disaster looming. How are they going to sell that much stuff with your weather doing so poorly? They bought waaaaay too much I'm afraid :(

nikkicrumpet said...

Well happy blog birthday. So many of us came over from RMS and I'm so very glad we did. This blog thing is so much fun and so cool to get to know each other and share a slice of our lives!

Miss Janice said...

Happy belated and fashionall-bly late birthday to you! I think it's wonderful that all us girls can share our loves and things we "know" with others! What fun!

Judi said...

Happy Birthday on your one year aniversary!! Isn't it all's to another great year.
have a lovely long weekend.

Amelia said...

lilsista says "follow your 1measley sister" Ha!!!!

Marjorie (Molly) Smith said...
Tootsie this is a link to my main blog...the one you visit is my painting blog and I just don't seem to get much painting done any more. Maybe as soon as I finish redoing my house, I'll get to paint again...

Terra said...

Happy birthday and happy blogaversary. We began blogging about the same time; it is a long and fun ride hanging out with you and our blog friends.

Sue Baker said...

Dear Sweet Glenda, I remember your very first post. Happy Birthday lovely lady Xx

siteseer said...

Happy Birthday Tootsie! I followed your blog for years when I sat behind a computer for hours every day lol I was gardening today and thought of you and came inside to look in on you :)

I think life evolves like it or not. I too started a blog in 2008 to keep family and friends informed on our whereabouts while traveling to Alaska and back. I hardly ever post any more :( We still travel but I've changed computers and I haven't learned how to do some things on this one... share photos lol

Enough.. I've always enjoyed your blog and seeing what you're up to.

Keep on blogging!