This is my greenhouse right now. I have let things go for a while. The plants may or may not get watered lately, but seem to be doing okay just the same.
Today I put the fiberglass insulation the vents along the roof line to help hold the heat in over the winter.
who would have thought that pink fluffy stuff could be so horrible! lol
I went from stinky to itchy in less than a week!
Note to self: wear long sleeves and thick pants to cut and fit fiberglass insulation into this when ALL three kids are at school...."Busy" thinks it is cotton candy and was hanging around like a dirty shirt!
My ears are even itchy! It was a windy day, and fairly nice outside, so I thought I would do what needed to be done. Yes....I was silly not to be more prepared! I am blaming extreme stress for my negligence!
At any rate...I thought I would take some snap shots of the inside of the greenhouse so that I could come in and make a plan of what I want to do in there for the winter. I have always wanted to have a Christmas tree in there...but not sure Christmas is coming this will just make it clean so that I can keep the plants going for the winter...they seemed to have a good time in there last winter...and that makes more room inside the house for us to move about...until the time comes (if it does) for me to plant my seeds!
come on in!
just a few houseplants
Here is the mess I have allowed to grow up...and will be cleaning up this that I can put the winter floor covering down. Which I will probably post
see the cacti I started from seed two summers ago? they are getting too big and I am nervous to change the pot in case I kill them! (look top shelf on the left)

I started Asparagus ferns from seed last August! Here is one of them.
Okay Hunky Gardener...dazzle me with the name of this plant...all I have come up with from the local garden center is Nico.....what is it? I have started about 30 of them from this is huge....and healthy, and 2 years old now...I stole a clipping of it from my kids' school ...
Banana plants from seed...if I put them in larger pots they will grow like weeds and the leaves will be huge...last years had leaves two feet wide and 4 feet long!
dirty floors, three year old geranium....lots of mess....I am so embarrassed and disappointed in myself for allowing this to look so bad....
BUT!!!!!!!! I am going to fix it up....maybe add my wicker bench and invite you all for another tour as soon as I am finished putting down the winter floor.....and cleaning it up! I also need to add a few more plants that will benefit from the winter light that is not quite so bountiful in the house ....
see you back here soon...clean smelling and itch free!
Today I put the fiberglass insulation the vents along the roof line to help hold the heat in over the winter.
who would have thought that pink fluffy stuff could be so horrible! lol
I went from stinky to itchy in less than a week!
Note to self: wear long sleeves and thick pants to cut and fit fiberglass insulation into this when ALL three kids are at school...."Busy" thinks it is cotton candy and was hanging around like a dirty shirt!
My ears are even itchy! It was a windy day, and fairly nice outside, so I thought I would do what needed to be done. Yes....I was silly not to be more prepared! I am blaming extreme stress for my negligence!
At any rate...I thought I would take some snap shots of the inside of the greenhouse so that I could come in and make a plan of what I want to do in there for the winter. I have always wanted to have a Christmas tree in there...but not sure Christmas is coming this will just make it clean so that I can keep the plants going for the winter...they seemed to have a good time in there last winter...and that makes more room inside the house for us to move about...until the time comes (if it does) for me to plant my seeds!
come on in!
Here is the mess I have allowed to grow up...and will be cleaning up this that I can put the winter floor covering down. Which I will probably post
BUT!!!!!!!! I am going to fix it up....maybe add my wicker bench and invite you all for another tour as soon as I am finished putting down the winter floor.....and cleaning it up! I also need to add a few more plants that will benefit from the winter light that is not quite so bountiful in the house ....
see you back here soon...clean smelling and itch free!
I don't think your greenhouse looks dirty at all! What kind of winter flooring do you put down?????? Geez, a lot of work goes into keeping all those plants. I love that big round thing you clipped from the kids' school. It's so pretty!
I cannot believe you did insulation without wearing heavy duty gloves and all the rest. You've got fiberglass particles all under your skin now!!!!!!!!! Better google that and see how you can get rid of it!
Justine :o )
I hope you have a really good day .
LU Friend , Mary
I don't know the right name for that plant but it sure is awesome.
Have a great day!
Sinky? SINKY?!?! LOL.
I think the greenhouse is awesome. I love everything in it and I'm jealous that I don't have the will or desire to do all that gardening.
Take care and slow down...
Take one day at a time! You will get thru this....
Pat H aka 9405018
I am better now.
thanks girls
Ok, about the mystery plant. It looks like plectranthus. Plectranthus coleoides 'Nico' cultivar.
It makes you itchy?