Spring? Yea Right! Greenhouse update

This view was out my bedroom window last Sunday.... I couldn't even get a shot of all of them...there were sooooo many...
They packed down the fresh foot of snow we had just received! Then as quick as they came...they were gone.
The rest of blog land seems to be seeing things sprouting...NOT ME!
It is not even melting here...and...AND we are expecting MORE snow!
How UGLY is my garden this time of year!
The spring fairy hasn't been here yet...I think she is waiting for the Dog poop fairy to go away first! lol
BUT!!!! Tamara's greenhouse inspired some pot building and cleaning in mine!!!!
30 hanging baskets for the fence in my garden....DONE!
SEE??? It looks like loads of plants were used doesn't it?
I even tidied up a little for your visit today.... My desk is cleared a bit....
All those pots only used enough plants to make this much extra space! lol
Here's a little tip...if you want to see some big changes in the petunias...mess up their roots a little bit! They love it...not too much...but just enough to wake them up! I always see a growth spurt after I transplant them, weed or fluff the soil around them!
Just a thought!
I need spring!


Tootsie said…
If you don't see me commenting much the next few days, it is not because I am not thinking of you!!! I am very busy this week and my silence will hopefully not be taken as rudeness!
I will be back chatting it up with you in a few!
Tamara Jansen said…
You planted 30 baskets?! Wow, you're amazing! I just got back from visiting Rosa and we're both very impressed with your greenhouse! Hers is a little emtpy but.....I'll have to try send her up some stuff to fill it a little better :) I'd send you some too but.....I'm not sure how to do it!
Unknown said…
30 hanging containers? WHEW! I really wish Spring would show up for you, you are so blessed to have that wonderful greenhouse to work in though........that I am evious of!!
SmilingSally said…
Winter must be difficult for a green-thumb person like you.
Justine said…
Wow, you're still buried in the white stuff! But, your greenhouse is looking fab, and wow, those baskets will be amazing this summer!

Justine :o )
Jill said…
I can't wait till they start blooming. Go AWAY SNOW!
trash talk said…
I am so impressed...baskets, snow, everything. BTW, I meant to leave you a comment on your last post. Here in Texas, A&M has a horticulture sight with help and links to master gardeners in different parts of the state. You might check with your local universities to see if this kind of help is available on identifying the mystery dots on your ivy. Debbie
Silvia said…
omg,can't believe all that snow,we are in ontario and is still cold but no snow.i'm really tired of greys skies and gloomy days so i know how you must feel...hurry up spring!...silvia..
"Blossom" said…
Oh no snow? It can't be. Well keep it up there Toots. I have had my share of cold snowy weather.
I get amazed at all the pots you have and plant; that's why your garden looks so awesome. Take care and the birds remind me of the movie "The Birds". Scary
Dawn Marie said…
well I love your greenhouse but as for the snow-I'm like you I want it GONE! I want to see my grass turn green and I want to get out there and begin my "themes", thats what I'm doing this year--having various themes thruout my yard.
Hi Tootsie....Wow! Still snow! But in your greenhouse...lots of Spring going on! I can't wait to see everything when it gets moved into your yard!! Enjoy your break...Debbie
Dirt Princess said…
Tootsie, I am so glad you visited my blog :). Thanks. When I saw your header photo of your garden...I was hooked at that point!!!! Amazing!!! Can't wait to read your blogs, and see what is going on in Canada. Look forward to reading on :)
Hi Tootsie, I hope it warms up for you soon! Everything is budding out here in Arkansas. Love your greeenhouse, that's something I would love to have someday! Kristen
Salmagundi said…
I thought I was the only one that still had a brown/white yard. We are to get our biggest snow of the season here today. Hang in there!! Sally
kel said…
Wow... you are so organized! I'm jealous!!
Betty said…
I love looking inside your greenhouse. I like seeing things growing!
Fieldstone said…
It's still cold here, too, in the Pacific Northwest. We've had flurries of sleet and hailstorms, but no snow in about a month. Seeing your birds is just amazing. I'm sure there are birders out there who could tell you where they went after they flew away! I came here today for some gardening inspiration, and your greenhouse did it for me. Pam
Ralph said…
Love your website.
Any idea who the artist is playing the first song on todays posting. Sounds like a western artist.
Helen said…
I'm feelin' your pain ... no Spring here either. However the skiers are praying for more snow on the mountain!
Anonymous said…
Gee for being little guys they sure left a mess in the snow didn't they? Amazing - looks like a herd of elk went through!
My Moon said…
Your green house is wonderful! The snow on the other hand is not so wonderful. Spring has sprung here in Phoenix Az. We are having 80 degree days... Hope your snow goes away very soon!
Lori said…
Have I told you how cool you are??? If not well you are! 30 baskets amazing... I cleaned my yard this week, and stayed home from work yesterday to continue. It was a mess, now today it is raining and the rain will last until Sunday!!! Yuk!
xinex said…
Wow! So many birds, and so much snow!...Christine
Ashley ~ said…
Before you know it Spring will arrive at your house and all that pretty white snow will be gone, and we'll be seeing pretty colorful flowers in all those empty baskets around your yard. Can't wait*! Stay warm*!! _Ashley*
Unknown said…
Well Tootsie,
When the snow does finally melt away, your grass and plants should be watered and ready to go. Have a great weekend. Always good to hear from you.
Happy Twirls,
Sassy said…
Ooooooo...that knda reminded me of the Alfred Hitchcock movie...THE BIRDS!!! WOW! All those containers will be so gorgeous...you are such an inspiration!
Hey Tootsie,

I Love your home. I went back a few post and saw the photos of your wonderful yard and all your gardens, plants etc...You are one busy plant lady!!!How about you move down here and help us all have a beautiful yard as yours!!
Still cold here and cloudy...sure doesn't feel like spring :(
Tootsie said…
to the anonymous commenter on the other posts:::: who are you and why don't you sign off? I would love to know where your Specimine plants are and see your work!
Lona said…
Just say no to snow. Oh my I hope we do not get anymore this spring. You have been so busy, 30 hanging baskets. Now I see your greenhouse I can see how you get all of those beautiful flowers for your yard. Thanks also for the tip on the petunia root tickling.
~♥~ Monica S said…
Hi Tootsie!

SNOW!! I am so tired of SNOW!!! We've got it too.. but not quite as much as you.. but it still comes and goes...
and no actual spring to be seen here either!

HAve fun!
Anonymous said…
I can see why you need a greenhouse...... you can not be with out some green growing...... sorry you have so much snow...... we are ALL green....
I love looking in your greenhouse...
Julie said…
Looks like you need more than Spring...you need Summer!!!
nikkicrumpet said…
I can't believe that mother nature even has the nerve to snow at your house. Doesn't she know that you and your garden deserve warm weather year around. You'd think she would be so grateful for all your help in making the planet beautiful that it would never snow on you again....she's a rude biddy if you ask me!
You are definitely ready for spring when it finally arrives. The greenhouse looks so great! laurie
Tootsie said…
anonymous...I am sorry if my first comment came across as rude...please...I welcome the advice you were leaving...and I thank you for it...I am self taught..and any Profesional opinions are Always welcome here!
Tootsie said…
rrettig!!!! it is a song by dragonette! the artist is listed under the song title at the top of the music space in the sidebar...you have to scroll down a ways to find it since I moved it
thanks for the compliment!