
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Showing posts with label Greenhouse and Garden Information. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greenhouse and Garden Information. Show all posts

Friday, March 11, 2022

Thank you for Thinking of ME!

 Hey guys.   

I just had to take a few minutes to post because I just cannot let what happened today go by without sharing.   Sometimes the gardening community shows how loving and kind it can really be.  

As you read in my last post, our family suffered a tremendous loss recently.   Both of my parents (who, if you follow me regularly, were featured here several times)  lost the fight with covid in December and it has been challenging to come to terms with for our family.   

A couple of weeks ago I received an email from a gentleman named Mark.   He is from England, but Tootsie Time was recently recommended to him to help him understand gardening in Canada.   

Mark was touched by my post, and asked if he along with his Canadian counterparts could put together a box of seed packets for me to plant in honour of my mom and dad.  

FIRST of all...I am HONORED that people in the UK even know I exist...much less that they consider me a good source of information!!!   That is the highest flattery I could ever ask for!  

SECOND of all...I am touched that he reached out to me and even offered such a beautiful gesture!

THIRD...The box of seeds that Mark and his colleagues here in Canada put together arrived today.  I had just arrived home from checking on mom and dad's business and home.   I was feeling a little down and this absolutely cheered me up.

Guys, I cannot even tell you how amazed I was when I opened this package.   

My heart is SO full!   There is a mix of herb, flower and vegetable seeds in this box...and it is FULL of all kinds of wonderful things! 


I am just so touched that members of the garden community have reached out to me in such a generous and thoughtful way...THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart Mark and all the thoughtful people at Mr Fothergills  in Canada and the UK!

I usually purchase many of my seeds from Mr Fothergills as they are very good quality, and have a huge selection to choose from in veggies, herbs and flowers.   

 I always have good results from their products.   Knowing that the folks there are so kind makes this brand that much more of a favourite for me.

I look forward to finding the perfect spot, and planting something special in memory of my parents.

 I don't know how to express what Mark's gesture meant to me, but I hope he can see how he touched my heart with his thoughtful gesture.   

Until next time...Happy seed shopping!

Lead with a gentle never know the impact you might make.

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.



This post has been proudly sponsored by 

(it actually works great!   We tried it!)



Thursday, October 3, 2019

Tasks: The Greenhouse In October

Many greenhouse growers use their greenhouses for a short period during the warmer months of the year, but there are a small percentage of us that grow year round!
This month by month outline will share what tasks may need to be done year round.
Keeping in mind that I garden in Alberta Canada, (zone 2) the outdoor growing season is from mid to the end of May until the hard frosts take my gardens in mid to late September or early October. If your climate is a bit milder than mine, you can adjust your greenhouse schedule to suit your climate.
This schedule is made for a plan to plant outdoors in Mid to late May.
October brings with it a significant slow down to the daily activities in the greenhouse.  The summer blooms, crops and heat waves have passed on to make way for the cooler temperatures of fall.  We no longer will need to be so vigilant with daily watering, damping down and venting, but instead we need to pay attention to cool weather patterns and be ready to turn on the heat at night after the sun has set. 
In spite of the beautiful colors that fall in Alberta Canada brings, it also brings with it frost and much cooler temperatures.  There are specific tasks that I will need to take care of in the greenhouse before the full effect of fall sets in on us.
In October, in my greenhouse I do the following tasks:
*  I live in a cooler climate and that means that I will have to take measures to ensure the heat is kept in the greenhouse over the winter. I will need to install my winter flooring over the decking in the greenhouse.
The material that I use to insulate the floor in winter months is a 1/2 inch thick layer of foam matting.  (I use anti fatigue mats) This layer  of flooring mats will help to insulate the floor and keep some of the chill off as the temperatures dip below the freezing point.
*  We all need to be sure that our heating systems are in perfect working order.  We certainly do NOT want to get caught with our “pants down” if a cold snap should hit. 
*  Make sure the thermostat on the heating system is set to help keep things at a “happy” temperature inside the greenhouse…  Especially during those cooler nights.
*  It is time for us to stop damping down this month.  There is no longer the need to provide extra humidity, or too cool things off.  Too much humidity can cause more harm than good.
*  Try to always keep some ventilation going.  We don’t need as much air flow venting as we did in the hot summer months, but we do need some air flow to keep fresh air moving about and helping to even out the temps in the greenhouse.
*  Between mid morning and early afternoon is the best time to open your vents but remember to close them at night.  Try not to open vents on wet days if possible.
*  Be careful with your watering!!!   Over watering is a possibility now that it is cooler and the days are shorter.  Our plants are not as active and the warm temps are gone.  They do not need too much water this time of year. 
*  Try not to water too late in the day, as we need to allow the leaves and staging (if it gets wet) to dry out before it gets dark outside.  If we water early on in the day, any splashes can dry out before the sun sets.
*  Clean up your plants!  Remove any dead or yellowing leaves and/or spent flowers.   Spray I insects or diseases are present.  Make sure that if you need to spray for bugs, that you do it early in the day, regardless if you are using a “green” home made spray or a chemical commercial one.
*  Bring all of your frost sensitive plants inside for the winter months
*  Stop feeding your plants on a weekly basis this month.  The cooler temperatures and shorter days have caused many of them to go dormant.  Starting in October, cutting back to monthly feeding for most plants will be sufficient.
*  Assess what you will need to do to winterize the greenhouse for those coldest of months…make sure you have the supplies to do this.  We must have it all in place in the next month or so!
* Check your stock of supplies such as pots, soil, plant food, bulbs etc. and replenish what is low.
*  keep your water reservoirs filled!  I use two large plastic garbage cans to hold water for the greenhouse.  I fill mine as needed from the outside tap.  It will not only keep your plants moderately watered…but will help keep some humidity in the air.
* Don’t forget to update your garden journals!!! Continue to take lots of photos to remind yourself of the things you do and do not like for future reference!
* maintain those clean conditions in the greenhouse…this will help prevent problems!!
I will see you again in November with more greenhouse tasks!
What tasks do you do for the month of October in your greenhouse?
Until next time….Happy gardening!
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

today’s post has been proudly sponsored by 19 8ighty 9ine

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Tasks: The Greenhouse in August

Many greenhouse growers use their greenhouses for a short period during the warmer months of the year, but there are a small percentage of us that grow year round!
This month by month outline will share what tasks may need to be done year round.
Keeping in mind that I garden in Alberta Canada, (zone 2) the outdoor growing season is from mid to the end of May until the hard frosts take my gardens in mid to late September or early October. If your climate is a bit milder than mine, you can adjust your greenhouse schedule to suit your climate.
This schedule is made for a plan to plant outdoors in Mid to late May.
In August we get to see the rewards of our efforts both inside and out side of the greenhouse. This Month we get to enjoy the view of the gardens, the fruits of the veggies and plants as well as take pride in the attractive displays of flowers and foliage in and out of our greenhouses.
In August I do the following tasks in my greenhouse:
* Our temperature control issues remain this month. Ventilation and air flow are vital tasks for us to keep up with.
* This is a very busy month for the greenhouse enthusiast. Watering is a job which can seem almost endless, as is the monitoring of our vents to keep temps down to a dull roar….especially if you do not have automatic venting systems in place.
*Many greenhouse owners have family weekend camping trips and other holidays planned for this month. These activities will make it important to find a loyal and reliable friend or neighbor to take care of not only the plants in your gardens, but more critically the care of the ones inside the greenhouse.
* in August it is often difficult to keep our temperatures in the greenhouse down to a dull roar. Where we struggle in January and February to bring temperatures up—we now worry that they are too high. Making sure your vent system is in good working order is critical. I often open all the doors and window and set up additional fans that will force the hot air down and out of the greenhouse.
* **Damping Down** all of the walls, floors, and staging inside the greenhouse will help cool the temperatures off a little bit and add some humidity to the air.
* As we did install ‘Sun Scorch’ protection in June, we will continue to use it in August to protect our plants from the damaging rays of a hot sun.
* we must remain vigilant in our watering regime and be sure to damp down regularly.
*Watch for diseases and pests this month. Many harmful bugs such as red spider mite, white fly, and thrips are among those which thrive this time of year. We also need to watch or grey mould and mildew as well. If any of these issues should arise, take IMMEDIATE action.
*outside issues that can “move” into our greenhouses will include butterflies that will be laying eggs, birds and other flying/ crawling insects. These pests invade through open windows doors and vents. My solution to this threat was to install as screened door and screened windows to my structure. Trying to catch or guide a scared bird out of the greenhouse is NO FUN.
*Get the plant food ready to use!!! Our plants are growing quickly and are in their prime. Regular doses of the plant food of your choice whether “green”, organic or chemical in nature will keep them growing strong.
* wanting to make more plants? August is an excellent month to take cuttings from our existing stock. The nice warm conditions in the greenhouse will help the cuttings form roots quickly
*maintain those clean conditions in the greenhouse…this will help prevent problems!!
*start making sure you stock up on supplies such as pots, soil, plant food, bulbs etc…we can never be too prepared!
* begin to do some maintenance on your garden tools this month. Many garden centers are putting our favorite tools on sale to clear space for the fall merchandise…this is an excellent time to start thinking about replacing those tools which are worn out.
*Don’t forget to update your garden journals!!! Continue to take lots of photos to remind yourself of the things you do and do not like for future reference!
*enjoy the long days and warm evenings of August in your gardens and greenhouse!
I will see you again in September with more greenhouse tasks!
What tasks do you do for the month of August in your greenhouse?
Until next time….Happy gardening!
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

today’s post has been proudly sponsored by 19 8ighty 9ine Clothing House
 19 8ighty 9ine Clothing House

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Tasks: The Greenhouse In July

Many greenhouse growers use their greenhouses for a short period during the warmer months of the year, but there are a small percentage of us that grow year round!

This month by month outline will share what tasks may need to be done year round.

Keeping in mind that I garden in Alberta Canada, (zone 2) the outdoor growing season is from mid to the end of May until the hard frosts take my gardens in mid to late September or early October. If your climate is a bit milder than mine, you can adjust your greenhouse schedule to suit your climate.
This schedule is made for a plan to plant outdoors in Mid to late May.

In this oh so hot month of July, we don’t have much going on inside the greenhouse at all except maybe a few tropical plants that enjoy the heat! July is often the hottest month of the year for the greenhouse gardener…Watering and making sure ventilation is working properly are almost a full time job!
In July, I do the following tasks in my greenhouse:

*keeping the temperatures low enough is a difficult task this month. Open ventilation systems and possibly even the addition of some supplemental fans may be necessary this month.

* Keep up the shading for the tender leaves of the plants that you may have growing in your greenhouse. Shading will also help protect the greenhouse equipment such as the cell packs and trays from melting under the scorching temps of the hot summer sun.
* Regular Damping Down is a MUST this month in order to keep temps a bit lower and humidity at a good level.

*Water, water and more water for the plants you have growing inside the greenhouse. High summer temperatures will dry them out faster than you think, and it is easy for a dry plant to perish in hot conditions.

*Maintain your cleaning regimen in the greenhouse…

* Keep a vigilant eye open for pests in the greenhouse this month. Spider mites LOVE warm dry conditions, as do whitefly and aphids…so be ready with your remedies as soon as the first indication that there is trouble comes to your attention.

* Watch for things such as grey mould and mildew this month. All the extra watering could help such things propagate themselves.

* FEED those potted plants in the greenhouse. July is a great month to promote healthy growth. Warm roots are active roots!!! Feed them and watch those plants shoot up!

*Maintain the supplies in your greenhouse…
*Stop and enjoy the sights and smells of all the beautiful blooms and bright foliage both inside and outside your greenhouse

*Don’t forget!!! We must update our garden journals this month!!! Continue to take lots of photos to remind yourself of the things you do and do not like for future reference!
I will see you again in August with more greenhouse tasks!

What tasks do you do for the month of July in your greenhouse?

Until next time….Happy gardening!
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Tasks: The Greenhouse In June

Many greenhouse growers use their greenhouses for a short period during the warmer months of the year, but there are a small percentage of us that grow year round!

This month by month outline will share what tasks may need to be done year round.

Keeping in mind that I garden in Alberta Canada,  ( zone 2 ) the outdoor growing season is from mid to the end of May until the hard frosts take my gardens in mid to late September or early October. If your climate is a bit milder than mine, you can adjust your greenhouse schedule to suit your climate.
This schedule is made for a plan to plant outdoors in Mid to late May.


In June, the greenhouse looks very different that it has all year!

Things have been planted in the ground, and the greenhouse becomes a lot less populated by our garden plants. Most (if not all) of our veggie and annual seedlings as well as our summer hardy potted plant, hanging baskets and tender shrubs have been relocated to their summer locations and we can make room for other things growing on in our greenhouses!


In June, I do the following tasks in my greenhouse:

* The heat has been switched to OFF this month. Now is a good time to do any maintenance or repairs to the heating system.

*Shading is now a MUST for any plants that have been let or recently relocated to the greenhouse. The sun is hot and the days are getting longer. Our seedlings and tender plants need protection from the damaging rays of a hot sun. Did you know that plants can get sun burned too?


*HOW DO I KNOW IF MY PLANTS HAVE BEEN SCORCHED BY THE SUN? see Sun Scorch in the glossary…(click for shortcut)

*Ventilation is a very critical element this month. Temperatures are getting high and we need to keep this under control on the warm days. Open vents manually or have them open automatically (depending on your venting system installed in the greenhouse) in the mornings and have them closed in the evening if the night temperatures are cooler. If the night temperatures remain warm, leaving the vents open is not an issue. The regimen you use to open and close vents will depend on the climate you live in.

* Making sure to water regularly any plants that you keep in the greenhouse over the warm summer months. Watering more often is essential in June than in previous months.

* I keep tropical houseplants in my greenhouse over the warm summer months. June is the month when I move them all back into the greenhouse as the annual crop has been moved outside and there is plenty of room for them now.

* My greenhouse gets a thorough spring cleaning, and a new “look” in June…as after I spray and clean everything, I stack all staging and move in the tropical houseplants. I add a small seating area to the inside of my greenhouse at this time.


*Damping down the greenhouse and all the fixtures is a daily task that I do every morning or early afternoon. Not only will damping down moisten and cool the air in the greenhouse, but it will also discourage red spider mites and other pests that enjoy warm dry conditions and may threaten plants.

* “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”. This old adage is a great rule of thumb to follow. After the big move outdoors, the greenhouse is practically empty. This for me, offers a great opportunity to completely clean the inside and all the staging etc.

I remove everything from the the inside of the greenhouse, and pressure wash floors, walls, and windows, doors and ceilings.

*Sweep and clean away any discarded plants, dead leaves and spilled soil at this time. Wash any any dirty pots and generally clean any and all staging and equipment that needs it. Keeping the greenhouse clean will discourage insects and other menacing pests from setting up home.

* Stock or re-stock the greenhouse supplies such as soil, plant foods, tags etc.
Take time to relax and enjoy the plants and the scenery inside your greenhouse.

* Don’t forget to update your garden journals!!!!

 Start taking photos of plantings and things in the gardens…this will help you to remember the things you do and do not like for future reference.


I will see you again in July with more greenhouse tasks!

What tasks do you do for the month of June in your greenhouse?

Until next time….Happy gardening!

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

today’s post has been proudly sponsored by Chic-a-Boot
                                                    chalk board sticker
Check them out!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Tasks: The Greenhouse in May

Many greenhouse growers use their greenhouses for a short period during the warmer months of the year, but there are a small percentage of us that grow year round!

This month by month outline will share what tasks may need to be done year round.

Keeping in mind that I garden in Alberta Canada, (zone 2) the outdoor growing season is from mid to the end of May until the hard frosts take my gardens in mid to late September or early October. If your climate is a bit milder than mine, you can adjust your greenhouse schedule to suit your climate.

This schedule is made for a plan to plant outdoors in Mid to late May.

May is an exciting month in the year round greenhouse. We have sown all of our seeds, and they are developing into a beautiful crop of plants and flowers that will grace our gardens all summer long!   There are a lot of things that we need to make sure we keep up with and are aware of this month.
Just as in April, the temperatures in the greenhouse are of the utmost of importance, as well as regular watering and pest/disease control.

*Keeping the warm temps up were an issue in past months, but in May we see an opposite trend starting. It is warming up outside more each day, and spring is in full swing. Our main task this month is to keep the daytime temperatures down a little bit, and the overnight temperatures where they need to be….75-80F or 24-26C

*Shading our tender plants is important in the month of May. Blinds or a shade screen are ideal ways to provide some relief from the scorching rays of the sun.

*there is a product on the market called shading paint that can be used to cover south facing windows or areas that have excessive sun coverage. If the weather should dull or cool dramatically shade paint can be removed. I don’t use this product. I simply will hang old sheer curtains or thin white bed sheets from the ceiling of the greenhouse…and use blinds for the walls.  
*Proper ventilation and air flow is VERY important this time of year. Open doors and windows or vents, and turn on your air circulation fans. Hot and humid air can cause many diseases and pests to become and issue, so keeping the air in the greenhouse circulating is important. Keeping the temperatures down to a dull roar as much as possible is also very beneficial to the plants inside the greenhouse.
* Damping down the greenhouse is a practice that will help manage those high daytime temperatures. This method will include watering the staging and floors in the mornings while the sun is shining. The air temperature in the greenhouse will be reduced when the water evaporates, and the relative humidity inside the structure will be raised.

* Our plants are now actively growing in our greenhouses and we should feel free to feed them with the food of our choice. Most (if not all) of our plants are in pots or containers and will need some sort of nourishment if they are to keep actively growing and thriving. A little feeding will give our plants that kick in the roots that will send them into healthy maturity in the coming weeks.
Check each are of your greenhouse AT LEAST once each day to make sure things have not become too dry. Making sure that the soil in the containers is moist but not soaked is important. We would not want to see our plants affected by root rot, or have parched plants withering and fading away on us.

* In my greenhouse, I begin to harden off my annuals in May. This means that I will take each and every pot, tray and container out of the greenhouse into the back yard garden for short periods of time. They will slowly adjust to the outdoor temperatures and conditions. Each day, I extend the period of time that I leave the plants outside, until they are safe from such threats as sunburn, windburn and frost. This is a lot of work, and very good exercise!!!
* Continued vigilance on maintenance and cleaning of the greenhouse is important, as is making sure all structural parts are intact and all equipment is in good working order. 
*keep records up to date in your greenhouse journal!!!

I will see you again in June with more greenhouse tasks!

What tasks do you do for the month of May in your greenhouse?
Until next time….Happy gardening!
*)*)*)  That person you took for granted today, could turn out to be the one person you will need tomorrow.
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

today’s post has been proudly sponsored by Chic-a-Boot
                                                     chalk board sticker
Check them out!

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Tasks: The Greenhouse in April

Many greenhouse growers use their greenhouses for a short period during the warmer months of the year, but there are a small percentage of us that grow year round!

This month by month outline will share what tasks may need to be done year round.
Keeping in mind that I garden in Alberta Canada, (zone 2) the outdoor growing season is from mid to the end of May until the hard frosts take my gardens in mid to late September or early October. If your climate is a bit milder than mine, you can adjust your greenhouse schedule to suit your climate.
This schedule is made for a plan to plant outdoors in Mid to late May.
Happy Spring!!!
As we have just passed the official date that marks the first of the warmer season, we have Lots to do in the greenhouse!
In my case, all but a couple varieties of seed have been sown, and things are growing like crazy!
This is an unusual year…the photos that I am sharing in this post are from 2010…as this year we still have 3 feet of snow on the ground! It has been a LONG winter, and it is not as warm as normal…spring is a bit delayed. So…I am going to give you the regimen that I use on a regular year!
This month, we need to focus on the plants…the watering and the feeding and the ventilation!
*High day temperatures can be a problem this month. Regular ventilation is essential. Make sure your ventilation systems are in good working order this month…you will need them!
*Some shading will be necessary in cloudless, sunny weather. I hang sheer curtains  or inexpensive thin white bed sheets as a shade barrier on the roof of the greenhouse.
*Keep watch for pests. Greenfly, whitefly, vine weeval and red spider mite are all active now, as are the aphids.
*Regular feeding is essential. Do not over-feed, and make sure not to feed seedlings too early!
*The need for night heating is reduced this month, but be careful. If you have a cold snap young growth is especially susceptible. Watch your thermostats!
* regular watering regimens are very important this month. I use the garden hose, but always make sure I have a reserve inside just in case!
*thinning seed flats that may have been over seeded is important to avoid overcrowding, (which causes disease)
*re-seed any varieties that may have had sparse germination…there is still a little time before last frost!
*maintain clean conditions in the greenhouse …
*keep our greenhouse journals up to date!!!
* April is the month that I like to start planting the hanging baskets and container gardens for my patio. This is always so much fun!
*closer to the end of the month, if the weather conditions are right, there is always the option of bringing some of the plants outside to begin the hardening off process that we will focus on next month.
I will see you again in May with more greenhouse tasks!
What tasks do you do for the month of April in your greenhouse?
Until next time….Happy gardening!
*)*)*)   don't ever settle. go for what you want no matter how hard you believe it is to obtain.
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Tasks: The Greenhouse in March

Many greenhouse growers use their greenhouses for a short period during the warmer months of the year, but there are a small percentage of us that grow year round!

This month by month outline will share what tasks may need to be done year round.
Keeping in mind that I garden in Alberta Canada, (zone 2) the outdoor growing season is from mid to the end of May until the hard frosts take my gardens in mid to late September or early October. If your climate is a bit milder than mine, you can adjust your greenhouse schedule to suit your climate.
This schedule is made for a plan to plant outdoors in Mid to late May.

With the spring season almost right on top of us this month, we must be aware of the warmer temperatures and big fluctuations in temps outside with the weather.


My Greenhouse in March is LOADED to capacity with trays of sown seed, seedlings and some established plants. It is a very exciting time.

 *sow most of the seeds that will be the spring crop of annuals this month if they are not already sown.


* make sure all the air vents are working correctly, fan systems are operating properly and the thermostat is accurate. Proper ventilation will be important on warmer sunny days.
*continue to keep the heating system in working mode. March can be tricky as there is still the cold night temps…as well as warmer daytime highs.
*the seedlings have more than likely popped up in number…so watering systems must be operational…or in my case…the water containers must remain at full.


* it is about the time of year we begin to use fertilizer to feed established plants in the greenhouse, as well as on the seedlings. (be sure not to water seedlings with fertilizer until they have their second set of true leaves, and to ensure that the solution is not too strong- we wouldn’t want to burn our babies!)


* more sunny days mean more need for some sort of shade. For me this means hanging some fabric that will filter the sunlight. This will help ensure that the seedlings do not get burnt.


*inspecting the greenhouse plants for pests such as aphids, spider mites and others…is a must this month. If you find some treat immediately.

*watch for damping off disease in your seedlings…

*thin out some of the young plants that are sprouting up in your plant trays. Too many will cause issues and disease and threaten your entire crop.

*start any seeds that are left to be sown. There isn’t much time left before the spring plant!

*make sure you write the date that you sow seeds on the package that they came in for future reference and store empty seed packets in a waterproof container.

*continue to keep the greenhouse tidy and organized. It is filling up quickly now and regular cleaning is necessary.

*update your garden Journal regularly

* make sure that you have someone on standby to water your greenhouse if you are away from home.

*because heavy wet snow can fall in the month of March, make sure you or someone else is always ready to pull down snow that my fall and accumulate on the roof...we would not want to see your greenhouse fall down!

*you might consider starting some of your spring bulbs in the greenhouse this month to be transplanted into the garden in the months to come!

I will see you again in April with more greenhouse tasks!

What tasks did you do for the month of March in your greenhouse?

Until next time….Happy gardening!

 *)*)*)  Alway's appreciate what you have,never take them for granted and take advantage of them,one day it will be too late.

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.