Tasks: The Greenhouse in August

Many greenhouse growers use their greenhouses for a short period during the warmer months of the year, but there are a small percentage of us that grow year round!
This month by month outline will share what tasks may need to be done year round.
Keeping in mind that I garden in Alberta Canada, (zone 2) the outdoor growing season is from mid to the end of May until the hard frosts take my gardens in mid to late September or early October. If your climate is a bit milder than mine, you can adjust your greenhouse schedule to suit your climate.
This schedule is made for a plan to plant outdoors in Mid to late May.
In August we get to see the rewards of our efforts both inside and out side of the greenhouse. This Month we get to enjoy the view of the gardens, the fruits of the veggies and plants as well as take pride in the attractive displays of flowers and foliage in and out of our greenhouses.
In August I do the following tasks in my greenhouse:
* Our temperature control issues remain this month. Ventilation and air flow are vital tasks for us to keep up with.
* This is a very busy month for the greenhouse enthusiast. Watering is a job which can seem almost endless, as is the monitoring of our vents to keep temps down to a dull roar….especially if you do not have automatic venting systems in place.
*Many greenhouse owners have family weekend camping trips and other holidays planned for this month. These activities will make it important to find a loyal and reliable friend or neighbor to take care of not only the plants in your gardens, but more critically the care of the ones inside the greenhouse.
* in August it is often difficult to keep our temperatures in the greenhouse down to a dull roar. Where we struggle in January and February to bring temperatures up—we now worry that they are too high. Making sure your vent system is in good working order is critical. I often open all the doors and window and set up additional fans that will force the hot air down and out of the greenhouse.
* **Damping Down** all of the walls, floors, and staging inside the greenhouse will help cool the temperatures off a little bit and add some humidity to the air.
* As we did install ‘Sun Scorch’ protection in June, we will continue to use it in August to protect our plants from the damaging rays of a hot sun.
* we must remain vigilant in our watering regime and be sure to damp down regularly.
*Watch for diseases and pests this month. Many harmful bugs such as red spider mite, white fly, and thrips are among those which thrive this time of year. We also need to watch or grey mould and mildew as well. If any of these issues should arise, take IMMEDIATE action.
*outside issues that can “move” into our greenhouses will include butterflies that will be laying eggs, birds and other flying/ crawling insects. These pests invade through open windows doors and vents. My solution to this threat was to install as screened door and screened windows to my structure. Trying to catch or guide a scared bird out of the greenhouse is NO FUN.
*Get the plant food ready to use!!! Our plants are growing quickly and are in their prime. Regular doses of the plant food of your choice whether “green”, organic or chemical in nature will keep them growing strong.
* wanting to make more plants? August is an excellent month to take cuttings from our existing stock. The nice warm conditions in the greenhouse will help the cuttings form roots quickly
*maintain those clean conditions in the greenhouse…this will help prevent problems!!
*start making sure you stock up on supplies such as pots, soil, plant food, bulbs etc…we can never be too prepared!
* begin to do some maintenance on your garden tools this month. Many garden centers are putting our favorite tools on sale to clear space for the fall merchandise…this is an excellent time to start thinking about replacing those tools which are worn out.
*Don’t forget to update your garden journals!!! Continue to take lots of photos to remind yourself of the things you do and do not like for future reference!
*enjoy the long days and warm evenings of August in your gardens and greenhouse!
I will see you again in September with more greenhouse tasks!
What tasks do you do for the month of August in your greenhouse?
Until next time….Happy gardening!
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(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


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 19 8ighty 9ine Clothing House