Tasks: The Greenhouse in April

Many greenhouse growers use their greenhouses for a short period during the warmer months of the year, but there are a small percentage of us that grow year round!

This month by month outline will share what tasks may need to be done year round.
Keeping in mind that I garden in Alberta Canada, (zone 2) the outdoor growing season is from mid to the end of May until the hard frosts take my gardens in mid to late September or early October. If your climate is a bit milder than mine, you can adjust your greenhouse schedule to suit your climate.
This schedule is made for a plan to plant outdoors in Mid to late May.
Happy Spring!!!
As we have just passed the official date that marks the first of the warmer season, we have Lots to do in the greenhouse!
In my case, all but a couple varieties of seed have been sown, and things are growing like crazy!
This is an unusual year…the photos that I am sharing in this post are from 2010…as this year we still have 3 feet of snow on the ground! It has been a LONG winter, and it is not as warm as normal…spring is a bit delayed. So…I am going to give you the regimen that I use on a regular year!
This month, we need to focus on the plants…the watering and the feeding and the ventilation!
*High day temperatures can be a problem this month. Regular ventilation is essential. Make sure your ventilation systems are in good working order this month…you will need them!
*Some shading will be necessary in cloudless, sunny weather. I hang sheer curtains  or inexpensive thin white bed sheets as a shade barrier on the roof of the greenhouse.
*Keep watch for pests. Greenfly, whitefly, vine weeval and red spider mite are all active now, as are the aphids.
*Regular feeding is essential. Do not over-feed, and make sure not to feed seedlings too early!
*The need for night heating is reduced this month, but be careful. If you have a cold snap young growth is especially susceptible. Watch your thermostats!
* regular watering regimens are very important this month. I use the garden hose, but always make sure I have a reserve inside just in case!
*thinning seed flats that may have been over seeded is important to avoid overcrowding, (which causes disease)
*re-seed any varieties that may have had sparse germination…there is still a little time before last frost!
*maintain clean conditions in the greenhouse …
*keep our greenhouse journals up to date!!!
* April is the month that I like to start planting the hanging baskets and container gardens for my patio. This is always so much fun!
*closer to the end of the month, if the weather conditions are right, there is always the option of bringing some of the plants outside to begin the hardening off process that we will focus on next month.
I will see you again in May with more greenhouse tasks!
What tasks do you do for the month of April in your greenhouse?
Until next time….Happy gardening!
*)*)*)   don't ever settle. go for what you want no matter how hard you believe it is to obtain.
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