
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Showing posts with label Life At Our House. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life At Our House. Show all posts

Friday, March 11, 2022

Thank you for Thinking of ME!

 Hey guys.   

I just had to take a few minutes to post because I just cannot let what happened today go by without sharing.   Sometimes the gardening community shows how loving and kind it can really be.  

As you read in my last post, our family suffered a tremendous loss recently.   Both of my parents (who, if you follow me regularly, were featured here several times)  lost the fight with covid in December and it has been challenging to come to terms with for our family.   

A couple of weeks ago I received an email from a gentleman named Mark.   He is from England, but Tootsie Time was recently recommended to him to help him understand gardening in Canada.   

Mark was touched by my post, and asked if he along with his Canadian counterparts could put together a box of seed packets for me to plant in honour of my mom and dad.  

FIRST of all...I am HONORED that people in the UK even know I exist...much less that they consider me a good source of information!!!   That is the highest flattery I could ever ask for!  

SECOND of all...I am touched that he reached out to me and even offered such a beautiful gesture!

THIRD...The box of seeds that Mark and his colleagues here in Canada put together arrived today.  I had just arrived home from checking on mom and dad's business and home.   I was feeling a little down and this absolutely cheered me up.

Guys, I cannot even tell you how amazed I was when I opened this package.   

My heart is SO full!   There is a mix of herb, flower and vegetable seeds in this box...and it is FULL of all kinds of wonderful things! 


I am just so touched that members of the garden community have reached out to me in such a generous and thoughtful way...THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart Mark and all the thoughtful people at Mr Fothergills  in Canada and the UK!

I usually purchase many of my seeds from Mr Fothergills as they are very good quality, and have a huge selection to choose from in veggies, herbs and flowers.   

 I always have good results from their products.   Knowing that the folks there are so kind makes this brand that much more of a favourite for me.

I look forward to finding the perfect spot, and planting something special in memory of my parents.

 I don't know how to express what Mark's gesture meant to me, but I hope he can see how he touched my heart with his thoughtful gesture.   

Until next time...Happy seed shopping!

Lead with a gentle never know the impact you might make.

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.



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(it actually works great!   We tried it!)



Wednesday, February 2, 2022

RIP Mom and Dad

Friends, I'm struggling to find my way through grief while trying to hang onto hope.
On December 7th 2021 our lives were forever changed.
My little household had, until then, eluded Covid. 
We were happy and doing what we needed to do to get by in the world the way it is.  
I had actually commented at how happy we were and how much I loved my life. 
And then everything changed. 
Not one, but both of my parents became seriously ill with the deadly covid virus and needed to be hospitalized.

We lost Mom on the 17th. 
My sister and I were there with her as she took her last breaths and made sure she knew how much we love her.
On December 30th, again with me and my sister by his side, we also lost Dad. 
The damage caused by covid was too great and we were forced to made the decision to say goodbye to them both. 
There is some comfort in knowing that they are together forever in heaven, but their deaths have left a hole in our hearts.
My parents did everything together. They were rarely apart for more than a few hours. They were soulmates. 

Our family has been devastated. 
Their community is in a state of shock. 
My dad was a very gifted mechanic. He was creative and fun loving and could fix almost anything. He loved nature, junkin, music and being silly. He and my mom were active in their community. 

My Mom was so many things, a mother, daughter, sister, friend, grandmother…but what she was best know for was being an incredible business woman. She took a store that many would have walked away from and built it into a very successful enterprise. 
Her business sense was inspiring to so many. Her store is known near and far and her contribution to the community will never be forgotten.

We will be holding onto all of the good memories of both mom and dad as we learn to live in a world without them in it.
This has been such a challenging time. Trying to balance grief and hope while going into autopilot to do things that need to be done regarding their home, and business.

So, needless to say, We have not made any new progress on the old house, and are waiting until things settle down to get started.
If there’s anything I have learned from all of this, it’s not to take anything for granted. 
Tomorrow is not promised. 
Be careful to always make sure your words are kind and that a person’s true character is revealed during times of crisis.  There is NEVER an excuse for abuse.
 Rest In Peace mom and dad. We love you and will miss you both.

Friends… I hope your family’s are safe and healthy. That you enjoy time together and appreciate every minute.  Stay close to the ones who love you and love them back.

Life is incredibly short. Live your best life and lead with a gentle heart. 

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.



This post has been proudly sponsored by 

(it actually works great!   We tried it!)

Saturday, January 8, 2022

The Knotty Seat

In your mind, imagine the sound of a telephone ringing.


“Hi…nothing important, just working out in the yard. ……….ok….see you in a few”

And off I went.


I arrived at my destination to see this: The tall one is my Dad…we call him Grampie…That little one…well…you guessed it…it’s Grammie…My mom.

They had to remove two huge trees that died and they wanted me to haul away the stumps. The old man next door to me wants them for his wood stove.


Lets just say that the “little one” was not a happy Grammie…she was ticked about the loss of those trees…Isn’t she stylin and gorgeous today? I told my kid not to get too close…was fearful she might be wild! hahahaha!


We loaded the first bunch to take to the guy next door. There would need to be two trips…for sure! These ones didn’t feel the least bit heavy. I was confident that I would be able to get this done quick and easy. Who would have thought this was gonna take a turn for the “silly”


I know what you are thinking….

I just KNOW what you are thinking.

You are asking yourself how the heck I can be surprised that anything take a turn for the “silly” when this man is involved!!!

I know…hahaha….I kinda laughed too when I caught myself!


The second load was stumps that had been cut so that if I wanted to use them for something in my gardens I could…if not I was supposed to drop them off for my neighbor to burn…with the exception of one piece. Ya…I said it…there was one piece that was reserved completely and totally just for me!

Scared yet???


THIS is that piece…it is the KNOTTY SEAT! Grampie made it JUST FOR ME!


See how happy the “short” one is that I have a Knotty seat??? Ya…Mother’s Day is just around the corner missy!!!


We finished loading my truck…and I must say…those stumps are HEAVY!


Grampie had to help this time…and we got smart and used a dolly.


Grammie is super human and she just carried hers…hahaha!


I tried my best to change the subject…I even tried the hey…look over there!!!…technique. It didn’t work…


..I got sent to the Knotty seat. It is too tall for my legs…and it is a tad crooked…makes for a slightly uncomfortable sit…but hey…it’s a knotty seat…

DSCN2954 least the back is tall!!! hahahaha!


Grampie made sure there was room in my truck for the seat…and off we went! They followed me home to help me unload…”cuz they are fairly heavy” was the excuse...


I think they followed me home to make sure I kept the Knotty seat…ha ha ha!


I did keep quite a few pieces…I will find some place to put them…if not…my neighbor can have them.


Now I Just need to give some serious thought to find a spot for the knotty seat!

I hope you will tune in tomorrow when I will be coming to you live from the outside of my house! From this Not so secret location you will get a sneak peek at the changes I have made in my yard this weekend! I am using today to “tweek” them a little bit and get ready to share! Thanks so much for popping by today!

Until Next time……and Happy Gardening!

*)*)*) Be careful what you wish for, you might get it. And once you have it, you might not know what to do next. After all…says you can roll a turd in powered sugar but that doesn't make it a jelly doughnut!

(¯`v´¯) `*.¸.*´Glenda/Tootsie ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE!!! oops!! My Bad…ha-ha

There is a little confusion that has come to my attention in the last couple of days, and I think it is important to clear it up!

Who ARE Grammie and Grampie and WHERE are Tootsie’s Parents???

Well…I am happy to say that I can clear up this little mystery once and for all in one fell swoop!

Grammie and Grampie…ARE my Mom and Dad! The day they became grandparents…they ditched their real names and became known as Grampie and Grammie. That is what they, and everyone around them calls them…even the staff at their store! If you call them by their real names…My kids have no idea who you are talking about…and sometimes they don’t even answer! Grampie and Grammie are very special.


This man is my Dad. His real name is Glen…but…prefers to be known as Grampie. He has many faces to him.


The silly and fun little flirty face!..


The Playful imaginative face…


The goofy great sense of humor face…


This is the face he’s wearing right now as he reads this…(glad I am three hours away right now…ha ha…love you Daddy?) ha ha ha!


His gentle face…(He is ‘Busy’s’ favorite playmate…)


He is My Dad…he is a hard working mechanic, creative and fun man…and I am so glad my kids have a Grampie like him.




This lady is my Mom. Her real name is Iris. She, like my dad has a name she prefers. Grammie. It is one of her claims to fame! She also has several faces…


She has her at the farm casual side…notice the long legs she has! hee hee


Her adventurous and fun side! “run Grammie RUN!” (no worries…she can’t get away…her legs are not too long) ha ha


Her ‘working’ side…


Her professional face…this is one heck of a business woman!


This is my Mom. She is the strongest woman I know. If there is something that needs doing and no one to help…she finds a way. She is creative, smart, classy, eloquent and very talented. I am thankful that she is who she is and that my kids can have someone so admirable to call Grammie.


I hope that this post will clear up any confusion as to where my parents are and who Grammie and Grampie are!!!

I will see you tomorrow for Fertilizer Friday!!!

Until Next Time…Happy Reading!

*)*)*) to my special fan club!!! Children grow up and mirror the example they have been set by those who they admire most. I am so glad my kids are getting a good view of those who are positive and strong!

(¯`v´¯) `*.¸.*´Glenda/Tootsie ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

Friday, August 13, 2021

It's ALL About the SASS!

 Well HELLO THERE!   So glad you popped by today!   

I have something new to share with you...and it's super fun!  I have been one busy girl the last few weeks, and it doesn't seem to be slowing down AT ALL!   I am NOT complaining's a VERY good thing.   Being this kind of busy means my little store is thriving!   Between all of you and my wholesale accounts, I am running!  

Before I get on with things, I want to address a few of the emails I have received since I got back to posting.   I had turned off commenting on this site a few years ago for several reasons.  1.  I don't like spam.   2.  I am not here for people to use my comments to advertise their own  businesses on.   3.  I am not interested in abuse, drama or nasty comments from those who are selfish, unhappy, hateful or over confident in their ability to spread negativity!   4.  I don't do politics, and don't appreciate those who try to make EVERYTHING political.  Yes, these things have been an issue at some point.     That said, because several of you have asked me to, I am turning on the comments, but having them moderated so I can spare you all from seeing things that don't belong.   SO...if you write to me, and it doesn't appear immediately, it is just waiting for me to approve it...don't panic!   I will publish them as soon as I get the chance!

Over the last several months, I have actually begun stocking 90% of the inventory in a very busy store in Saskatchewan Canada, and have lines in several others.   I am loving every second of my life and it is amazing.   Those of you who have followed for a while will remember a time where I thought I would never be happy again.   I am the perfect example of no matter how dark it is right now, there is always a bright light coming if you just keep going!

Let's get to the good stuff!

I have been tossing this next idea around in the back of my mind now for a few weeks, and decided that it was time I tried it, tested it and perfected it, so I did...and it worked!  So without further adieu...I'd like to introduce the newest line in my store!  You know...I never realized how sarcastic and silly I could be until I bought the equipment to expand my business...Ha Ha!   I am having SO much fun with it now!

Introducing....Vintage Sass With Class Glassware & China!

Yes...YES!   I did say Vintage.   What does that mean?   Well...many of the sayings are "recycled", "iconic" sayings.   Some of the dishes and glassware is also vintage.   Not all has been used, but much of it is.  Check it out:

This tea cup and saucer set is one I have had in my collection for a while.   It is about 14 years old, but it has never been used!  I decided that it was time to pull it out of the cabinet and share it with the world, so I added a couple decals.  

This set is in my store and is $25.99 CAD.

This one is MY favourite.   I love these plates...they are not your usual plate.   They have ridges and details, and are just so pretty!   These are available in my store for $19.99 each


Vintage China Dinner Plates...will be added to the site soon!


Vintage Platters...$32.99


What?...sometimes a girl has a bit of snark, but is too much a lady to say it out loud! This one is also  $24.99

These and several more...including a beautiful silver plated bone china tea pot with very cheeky saying ...and coordinating cup and saucer are available!   I am having a whole lot of fun mixing Sass and Class custom pieces and some for my store.   

So?   Do any of these suit your mood?  lol   What's your favourite catch phrase?   I'd love to hear about it...Just know, if it is fabulous I may put it on a plate... or two! (wink wink)

That's it for me today!   I'm off to get some work done!  Leave me a note and maybe even inspire me! If you should wish to purchase anything you see here today...hit me up!   leave a note, email me, visit my store...I'm not fussy. 

  Until Next Time...Stay Sassy but be Classy!

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


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(it actually works great!   We tried it!)