
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Showing posts with label Garden Art and Decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Garden Art and Decor. Show all posts

Saturday, January 8, 2022

The Knotty Seat

In your mind, imagine the sound of a telephone ringing.


“Hi…nothing important, just working out in the yard. ……….ok….see you in a few”

And off I went.


I arrived at my destination to see this: The tall one is my Dad…we call him Grampie…That little one…well…you guessed it…it’s Grammie…My mom.

They had to remove two huge trees that died and they wanted me to haul away the stumps. The old man next door to me wants them for his wood stove.


Lets just say that the “little one” was not a happy Grammie…she was ticked about the loss of those trees…Isn’t she stylin and gorgeous today? I told my kid not to get too close…was fearful she might be wild! hahahaha!


We loaded the first bunch to take to the guy next door. There would need to be two trips…for sure! These ones didn’t feel the least bit heavy. I was confident that I would be able to get this done quick and easy. Who would have thought this was gonna take a turn for the “silly”


I know what you are thinking….

I just KNOW what you are thinking.

You are asking yourself how the heck I can be surprised that anything take a turn for the “silly” when this man is involved!!!

I know…hahaha….I kinda laughed too when I caught myself!


The second load was stumps that had been cut so that if I wanted to use them for something in my gardens I could…if not I was supposed to drop them off for my neighbor to burn…with the exception of one piece. Ya…I said it…there was one piece that was reserved completely and totally just for me!

Scared yet???


THIS is that piece…it is the KNOTTY SEAT! Grampie made it JUST FOR ME!


See how happy the “short” one is that I have a Knotty seat??? Ya…Mother’s Day is just around the corner missy!!!


We finished loading my truck…and I must say…those stumps are HEAVY!


Grampie had to help this time…and we got smart and used a dolly.


Grammie is super human and she just carried hers…hahaha!


I tried my best to change the subject…I even tried the hey…look over there!!!…technique. It didn’t work…


..I got sent to the Knotty seat. It is too tall for my legs…and it is a tad crooked…makes for a slightly uncomfortable sit…but hey…it’s a knotty seat…

DSCN2954 least the back is tall!!! hahahaha!


Grampie made sure there was room in my truck for the seat…and off we went! They followed me home to help me unload…”cuz they are fairly heavy” was the excuse...


I think they followed me home to make sure I kept the Knotty seat…ha ha ha!


I did keep quite a few pieces…I will find some place to put them…if not…my neighbor can have them.


Now I Just need to give some serious thought to find a spot for the knotty seat!

I hope you will tune in tomorrow when I will be coming to you live from the outside of my house! From this Not so secret location you will get a sneak peek at the changes I have made in my yard this weekend! I am using today to “tweek” them a little bit and get ready to share! Thanks so much for popping by today!

Until Next time……and Happy Gardening!

*)*)*) Be careful what you wish for, you might get it. And once you have it, you might not know what to do next. After all…says you can roll a turd in powered sugar but that doesn't make it a jelly doughnut!

(¯`v´¯) `*.¸.*´Glenda/Tootsie ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021


 Today I am sharing a project I have done through my company for one of my biggest accounts.   

I had picked up a few of these for a friend last month, and they were a hit!   

The person for whom I got them,  loved them so much that she asked me to see if the original maker was interested in making some for her gift shop.   Turns out, that the person who made the ones I bought was not interested in making more to sell, so I blurted out "I could TOTALLY make those...they would be simple to do"   ...and here we are!

It's camping, lake, cabin- well  OUTDOOR season here in Canada, and that means we need to have things that are durable and can be left outside, even when it's windy or wet.   We love to sit around and relax and hang out on our beautifully decorated decks why not have something to do?

If you have ever been out to eat with a kid, and the server brings the placemat with all the games on it, you know there will be a game of tic tac toe on there somewhere and it will FOR SURE get played...WHO DOESN'T like to enjoy a quick game every now and then? some lucky customers are going to have a rustic wooden version of tic tac toe to play while they hang out in the great outdoors!  What a fabulous way to get us to put our phones down and do something with ourselves once and a while!

I started out with a 4x4 post, and some scraps of fence/deck board.   I measured the width of the deck board, and used that number to determine the size of the 4x4 blocks I would cut.   

I cut 9 blocks and put them in a square.   3blocks X 3blocks.

I then measured the width of the blocks from both directions to be sure that they could be placed in any order, I added 1/2 inch to that number and cut two pieces of the fence board to size.   I then added the depth of the fence board to my measurement of the blocks and cut two more pieces to create the sides of the box.   I screwed them all together in the shape of a square and made sure it fit around the blocks.

I then cut two more pieces of deck board to create the bottom of the box and attached them to the square.  

After I was sure everything fit into the box, I proceeded to add a bit of stain to the cut ends of the wood to make it all look nice.    

I then added an "X" and an "O" to the ends of each block.  (each block got an X and an O)


I love the look of these!   They are functional decor!  Rustic, and durable and perfect for outside...or inside if your decor allows for that!

This project was SO easy to do too!   Anyone could do it!  The hardest part of this project for me was not making them PERFECT.   They are supposed to look rustic and kind of primitive.  I had to keep reminding myself that a few flaws are important to complete the look! 

Where would you put one?   I think I might need to make one for our family-  just so that we have one around for the grandkid(s) to play with when they visit, or for us to enjoy when we have a minute!!

I have several more sets in various colours to do up for my customer...and she anticipates that they will fly off the shelves in her gift shop!   

Have I inspired you to try to make a set?   If so, I'd love to see photos of your version!   Snap a picture and send it along!   


That's it for me today!   I'm off to finish building and then clean up the gigantic mess I've made in my garage.  

  Until Next Time...Happy Building!

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers Oct. 25/13

Do you know what day it is???

It’s Friday !!!!

Friday is a BIG day for us here at Tootsie Time…(ok, just me…there is no one else here…lol)  It’s a big deal because it means it’s PARTY TIME!!!!

Fertilizer Friday is the day of the week than an ELITE group of gardeners from all around the world get together, snap photos, link up and Flaunt Their Flowers!!!

If you are new to Tootsie Time and Fertilizer Friday, I just know you are asking yourself…”How do I join?”
Well…it’s easy really. Here’s all you need to know to become a part of this great group of gardeners, bloggers and friends:

If it is spring or summer where you live, you need to snap a few photos of what you have growing, blooming or just love to look at that is of the plant variety…if it is winter where you live, you may post past favorite photos…or indoor plants…whatever you like.

The only criteria is that it is a plant or something growing!

You do not need to use fertilizer to participate in this party, but if you do, this is the reminder to fertilize weekly!

All I ask is that: Your post must include the logo above and/or a link to Tootsie Time, or the linky will be deleted

I would like to invite each and every one of you to join in and share your photos...
We made it another week in my area of Alberta with not even one flake of snow!   YAY!!!  The weather has actually been lovely!  With the exception of Tuesday, it has been warm and sunny outside. 
I haven’t really been outside much to enjoy that warm weather…as I have been running my little rump off working on a myriad of different things.   I just wish I could make two of me, so I could be everywhere that I need to be, AND play online all day!  My apologies for not making it around to visit you guys last week.   It is getting crunch time to get things done before the end of the month, and I am almost there!
Anyways…back to the flaunt.   I am breaking the rules this week just a little bit.   My flaunt isn’t growing…heck it isn’t even real…but it is out in the garden, so I am doing it anyways.
When we all met last week…I showed you photos of my house with NOTHING growing in the gardens. It looks VERY sad.   Winter stinks on ice and I just can’t wait for spring to arrive here.  I had posed the question to you about what I should do with the window boxes that hang on the house… there were a lot of great suggestions from you guys!
What I decided to do…was go faux!
It gets nasty outside in this area.   Last week we had horribly strong winds…and that only gets worse when winter arrives.   Putting real evergreen branches in the window boxes would have been ideal, but not practical. 
I happened to have a bunch of long strands of faux evergreen garland sitting in the storage unit waiting for me to either discard it or use it.   I came across it, and thought that maybe I could use it in the boxes!   It is made of wire, so it can be secured to the window boxes tightly, and easily.   It will withstand the cold, snow and wind of an Alberta winter…and…the best part…I already have it…so I don’t have to do a thing to obtain it! 
I used two 7 foot strands in each box.   I didn’t want them to look too poofy…or too spindly either.   I wired it on…and attached it to different parts of the boxes…to look like it was trailing.   
I am not sure about adding anything to them.   I don’t have any extra plug in space to add lights to them…and most of the ornaments around this area are for inside…the cold will make them crack and peel…and if I added pine cones…they will just be hidden by the snow when it falls…SO…I think they can just be filled with the faux greens…I am happy with that for now.  
I already had some comments on them by people going past on the street…they don’t think it needs anything either.
What do you think?   Does it look okay?  I would love to hear you chime in!

Well….that’s it for me for today…

SO?   What are you waiting for???

Get your flaunt on!!!

You can link as many posts as you like…I don’t mind seeing lots!!! 

Thank you all so much for all the wonderful comments  this week... and WELCOME to all my new followers…and to those that loyally follow me and faithfully link in to this party…AND who are patient while waiting for me to FINALLY visit you…


I appreciate you more than you know.
Stay tuned Sunday/Monday for the next installment of “The 108 Year Old House” There is a LOT to share!   If you missed some…you can find the links to chapter 1, 2 and 3 by clicking on their numbers!

Until Next Time... Happy Gardening!

*)*)*)…Anyone can come into your life and say how much they love you. But it takes someone really special to stay in your life and show you how much they love you.

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Fertlizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers July 12/ 13


Do you know what day it is???

It’s Friday !!!!

Friday is a BIG day for us here at Tootsie Time…(ok, just me…there is no one else here…lol)  It’s a big deal because it means it’s PARTY TIME!!!!

Fertilizer Friday is the day of the week than an ELITE group of gardeners from all around the world get together, snap photos, link up and Flaunt Their Flowers!!!
If you are new to Tootsie Time and Fertilizer Friday, I just know you are asking yourself…”How do I join?”
Well…it’s easy really. Here’s all you need to know to become a part of this great group of gardeners, bloggers and friends:

If it is spring or summer where you live, you need to snap a few photos of what you have growing, blooming or just love to look at that is of the plant variety…if it is winter where you live, you may post past favorite photos…or indoor plants…whatever you like.

The only criteria is that it is a plant or something growing!

You do not need to use fertilizer to participate in this party, but if you do, this is the reminder to fertilize weekly!

All I ask is that: Your post must include the logo above and/or a link to Tootsie Time, or the linky will be deleted.

So?????....I would like to invite each and every one of you to join in and share your photos...
This week has gone by super fast for me.   My kids are away for a couple of weeks, and I have been trying to manage my body. I have had some big pain this summer….seems I have thrown out my entire body and let me tell you …it hurts.  I have siatic pain in my legs a lot of the time, my hips are out and pushing on the nerve, and I have still got pain from the blown shoulders I suffered last year.  My arms fall asleep and that is not fun.  The only feeling I have in my hands is searing pain! 
Since last we met, I have been getting treatments for these issues, and trying to take it easy and keep a low profile.  I have not got too much new to share, so I will just show you a few little shots of what’s going on in my gardens today!
I finally got the nerve to trim my hedge that I planted last year.  It is getting nice and full!!!
My beds are filling in…with flowers and sadly, weeds too.  I just weeded last week, and I am already needing to go at it again!
Do you spot the new additions in the front yard yet???   Keep lookin!!  I will share them in a post next week if I get a chance!
Things are going great in the back yard!!!  All is growing nicely!
The very warm dry weather is taking a toll on my lawn, but for the most part it is filling right in according to plan!
Feels so calm by this bed!
Cheerful…to say the least!
LOVE my window boxes that I added this year!!!
There is a new addition to the back yard too…I KNOW you can see it right away…I am excited for it to be all finished up so I can show it off!

That is all I have for today!   That means…I can’t wait to see what you have!

Well…what are you waiting for???


Get your flaunt on!!!

I wish all of you hugs and smiles, and safe and happy weekend plans!

Thank you all so much for dropping in today, and to those that faithfully link in to this party…and who are patient while waiting for me to FINALLY visit you…I am having LOTS of issues with pinched nerves and it is difficult to type or move the mouse right now.  If I do a little at a time I get by with only a little pain, but too much and I am OUT of commission for a long time!…also…it seems there are not enough hours in a day anymore...THANK YOU!
 Again, I feel just terrible that I haven’t had time to get around to everyone lately…I miss seeing your shares!

Until Next Time... Happy Gardening!

*)*)*)  Don't listen to the words of fools..for you will become one as well

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

All of my house and garden plants are planted in Sunshine potting mediums.  

Monday, June 24, 2013

Add To Junkin' Cart??? Yes Please!!!


When last we met, I left you with this photo.
I asked you if you noticed the new addition to my garden.  Did you find it?   That new addition is where today’s story/post begins.
Sadly, I had taken a bunch of photos of my new addition, and the step by step process to making it part of my gardens, but somewhere along the line…I misplaced them!  So, I had to do some fancy work to take a few more, so that I could share my story.

Lets get started.

A few months ago I went to a garden show in Seattle Washington with my Cowboy.  While we were there, I spotted a rusty old shopping cart that I REALLY wanted BAD.  
My Cowboy, who is very practical and level headed refused to indulge my junkin’ urge. 
the bad guys_thumb[5]
He did not want to walk around in downtown Seattle pushing a rusted old shopping cart (or carrying it if the wheels didn’t work)  and saunter up to our very nice hotel room with it.

He absolutely refused to let me purchase this most beautiful piece of junk.   I was very sad.
He tried to distract me with other things, thinking I would forget all about that little shopping cart issue…but- I would have none of that.  I must have driven my sweet cowboy crazy with all the shopping cart talk.

When we got home, I shared a photo and my desperation to have said shopping cart with my Dad.   Now, if you have been following Tootsie Time for a while, you will know that I was raised by the KING of junk…and if he doesn’t have it, he knows where to find it.   He tried to settle my whining by telling me he knew where there was one, and that he just might be able to get it for me.   I was a little happier.

I waited…and waited and whined a little more about my NEED for this rusty old shopping cart, and STILL there was nothing coming my way.   I was not happy.    I was desperate and admittedly a little grumpy about it.

I had all but given up on my quest for a beautiful old shopping cart all adorned with beautiful rust and wear, when one day I arrived home from some errands to the most wonderful surprise.  A SHOPPING CART!

He had tossed it on the front lawn as if it was garbage and left it for me to find when I drove into my parking spot.   I was so excited I nearly forgot to put my truck in park!

The heat was on!   I had yapped about this shopping cart for so long, that he finally got me one, and now I had to do something with it!   I stared and stared at this cart… it is much bigger than the one I saw in Seattle, that got me into this tizzy.   WHAT on earth will I do with a full size one???  

I was blocked… drawing a stone cold blank!   I moved it around my yard, from spot to spot to see if it would fit into my garden somewhere…anywhere!   NOTHING seemed to make my eyes smile.   I just could not figure it out!   So…I set it aside…and put it out of my mind… I needed inspiration to smack me square in the face.  

One afternoon, as I was primping and pruning and playing with my flowers, getting things ready to photograph for Friday’s weekly party, I got the idea I had been waiting for.  
This corner was screaming for me to do something new.  It didn’t  “work” quite the way I wanted it to anymore…and I needed it to change…NOW.   I ran to the side of the house, and grabbed my wonderful old shopping cart.   I was inspired!
I moved the ladder to lean against the fence…and supported it with a bunch of old clay pots that were no longer strong enough to hold anything, or were broken.  I leaned my rusty old shovel piece against the ladder and got busy.
I gathered some left over annuals from this year’s greenhouse crop and a few little pieces of junk for decoration and set to planting.

It took me a while, but I figured out how to plant that shopping cart…I turned an empty bag from the bales of soil that I use in the greenhouse inside out…so that there was no writing visible…and filled it with potting soil.

I planted that baby right up!
I poked a few holes in the sides to add some trailing lobelia to the mix, and to help hide the black bag I used to plant in.   I added a pot of portulaca, an old watering can and a ceramic angel to the bottom. and stood back to admire my work.     It needed more.
I added a left over piece of garden hose…

…a couple of rusty plant hangers…
…placed an ornamental cabbage in the wash tub that was there before…and set it by the back handles of the cart.
There was one small window box left over from my spring planting, so I did it up to put into the seat of the cart…and I was DONE!!!

I waited a week or two before I shared it, to make sure that things were going to survive, and now I am ready to show you my fabulous, slightly rusted old shopping cart…done up Tootsie Style!

I am loving it!  I hope the rust spreads and fills the entire thing with glorious rustic color!
For now, I am happy with my semi- rusted old shopping cart.  

I can’t wait to see it all filled in and blooming like crazy!
That’s it for me today…I have just one more thing to say:

HA-HA COWBOY!   I GOT A SHOPPING CART!   (he actually really likes it…in spite of himself!)

So?  What do you think???   How did I do?   Do you need a cart now??? 

Until Next Time…Happy Junkin’, Plantin’ and Gardening!

*)*)*) show me a person who has never made a mistake…and I will show you someone who has never achieved much.

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

All of my house and garden plants are planted in Sunshine potting mediums.  