Tasks: The Greenhouse in March

Many greenhouse growers use their greenhouses for a short period during the warmer months of the year, but there are a small percentage of us that grow year round!

This month by month outline will share what tasks may need to be done year round.
Keeping in mind that I garden in Alberta Canada, (zone 2) the outdoor growing season is from mid to the end of May until the hard frosts take my gardens in mid to late September or early October. If your climate is a bit milder than mine, you can adjust your greenhouse schedule to suit your climate.
This schedule is made for a plan to plant outdoors in Mid to late May.

With the spring season almost right on top of us this month, we must be aware of the warmer temperatures and big fluctuations in temps outside with the weather.


My Greenhouse in March is LOADED to capacity with trays of sown seed, seedlings and some established plants. It is a very exciting time.

 *sow most of the seeds that will be the spring crop of annuals this month if they are not already sown.


* make sure all the air vents are working correctly, fan systems are operating properly and the thermostat is accurate. Proper ventilation will be important on warmer sunny days.
*continue to keep the heating system in working mode. March can be tricky as there is still the cold night temps…as well as warmer daytime highs.
*the seedlings have more than likely popped up in number…so watering systems must be operational…or in my case…the water containers must remain at full.


* it is about the time of year we begin to use fertilizer to feed established plants in the greenhouse, as well as on the seedlings. (be sure not to water seedlings with fertilizer until they have their second set of true leaves, and to ensure that the solution is not too strong- we wouldn’t want to burn our babies!)


* more sunny days mean more need for some sort of shade. For me this means hanging some fabric that will filter the sunlight. This will help ensure that the seedlings do not get burnt.


*inspecting the greenhouse plants for pests such as aphids, spider mites and others…is a must this month. If you find some treat immediately.

*watch for damping off disease in your seedlings…

*thin out some of the young plants that are sprouting up in your plant trays. Too many will cause issues and disease and threaten your entire crop.

*start any seeds that are left to be sown. There isn’t much time left before the spring plant!

*make sure you write the date that you sow seeds on the package that they came in for future reference and store empty seed packets in a waterproof container.

*continue to keep the greenhouse tidy and organized. It is filling up quickly now and regular cleaning is necessary.

*update your garden Journal regularly

* make sure that you have someone on standby to water your greenhouse if you are away from home.

*because heavy wet snow can fall in the month of March, make sure you or someone else is always ready to pull down snow that my fall and accumulate on the roof...we would not want to see your greenhouse fall down!

*you might consider starting some of your spring bulbs in the greenhouse this month to be transplanted into the garden in the months to come!

I will see you again in April with more greenhouse tasks!

What tasks did you do for the month of March in your greenhouse?

Until next time….Happy gardening!

 *)*)*)  Alway's appreciate what you have,never take them for granted and take advantage of them,one day it will be too late.

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