Hey JUSTINE!!!!! LOOK!! LOOK!!!!!! NOW! Friday Extra

I was in the greenhouse trying to warm my weary bones....(yea it is darned cold here today...that wind is like a cold knife)....and I happened to peek in on Justine's Ornamental Pepper plant....see the white blooms Justine....? wait...don't stop looking...there's more to the story!There it is! One of 6 little pepper plants! They are all in bloom already. I must admit I was super proud to see them blooming....I have never planted them before...and the ones I bought at the store a few years back were practically dead before I got them into the house! lol
Hey Justine!....can you see what I am seeing?
Here is another hint....see what I am seeing? I bet Darla sees it.... TA-DA!!!!!! JUSTINE!!!! DO YOU SEE IT??????? PEPPERS ON OUR PLANT!!!! WOOO HOOO!!! GIVE THIS GIRL A COOKIE! oops!!! I meant a crown...(which by the way...I still have not found anymore...and we don't have HomeGoods!!!!!) Focus Tootsie.....FOCUS!!!!
All of the pepper plants have each at least one little yellow pepper on them!!!
I bet my Dad is grinning right now...I think I got most of my green thumbs from him! (okay and my silliness issues too....and my junk collecting issues....and the ability to tick off my mom....I got a lot from him didn't I?) (lets save that for Father's day...lol) Yea...a little bum kissing goes a LONG way here and there!!!


Tootsie said…
I am trying to get around and read all your blogs...I just have not had a lot of time the last couple of days. I have made some posts up...of what I am doing ...and will come around and GRACE you with my presence....lol...(awkward pause) as soon as I can!
Coloradolady said…
When I visit you and see all the wonderful things you grow in your greenhouse in cold weather, makes me want a greenhouse really bad. I just love it when you post about your greenhouse plants.
Girl I was putting your face on milk cartons...my next thing was going to drag the river looking for you...now don't make me do that you know I'm Old and can't drag for long ha ha!! How have you been my friend...I did see a crown candle holder today at Hospice and I thought about you...but didn't know if you had one of those yet..did you see the new rown black/red blog dress from cute blog on the block site...it is so you toots you need to chek it out...And how come Justine's pepper grew so fast...and I know what tomorrow is Friday do the plant day...see I never forget...May you have a great Friday my friend...I have missed you...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Helen said…
Ole, ole ... wouldn't it be fun to have a bloggers convention someplace hot, sunny, sandy with lots of cold beer, nachos, tacos, sangria, salsa and chips?

Just leave all cares and woes behind for a day or two?

Love your peppers because they are real!
imjacobsmom said…
Good going Tootsie! I see the peppers! I always grow the ornamental peppers, but I have never started one "from scratch" either. How exciting! ~ Robyn
Unknown said…
Heck yea!! I saw it....My ornamental pepppers come back in the same container every year. They so need an upgrade!!
Justine said…
Oh wow, look at them GROW!!!!!!!! That is sooooooooooooooo cool, Glenda!!!!!!!!!!! Woot woot! Are you keeping them in the greenhouse, or putting them elsewhere now that they're bigger? Something tells me that ornamental peppers won't fit in with your landscape. LOL

Justine :o )
onlymehere said…
Woohoo for Justine's plant! That is exciting to already have a pepper coming. Also, don't worry so much about getting around to visit. I understand we all get busy! My life is speeding up every day right now and won't give me a break for a bit! The difference with me is I work on the computer all day and can sneak over to my blog off and on, LOL! I guess to you guys it must seem like I'm always on the computer checking out blogs but I'm really not. Take care and have a great weekend!!
What an exiting look into your greenhouse!! Love that pepper plant, and what a bonus with actual peppers!!
Oh I am so jealous. All those beautiful plants - I have got to get a greenhouse. Down here I could have tomatoes all year round!

Anyway... this is the post I tried to look at yesterday that gave me the error page I mentioned in my other comment. It's working fine today, and I can see your pics too, so the problem must've been resolved.

Can't wait to see more!!
Whooo hoooo! I'm so impressed to see the little pepper. So my dear, are the pepper plants moving into the house??? ☺ Diane
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