Welcome!!! I hope you have your fertilizer ready!!! Today is Friday...and today is the day we feed our flowers!!! After you feed those beautiful plants...link up...grab my photo and join me for Flaunt your Flowers!!! Add yourself to the mister linky at the bottom of this post and share with us all the wonderful flowers you are growing and enjoying!
Here is a few shots from my garden this week. I have finished planting...and have moved on to some unfinished, and some new projects (which I will share next week) Most of my plantings are still in "recovery" from the planting and very warm sun, so I will hopefully be sharing some next week...

this one hangs on the tree house....

this one hangs on the fence...

Okay..link up...I do hope it works...Mister Linky has a few issues this week!!!
This is ridiculous...why won't it show up?????

I would also like to apologize for not commenting much the last few days...I will try to get around as soon as I can!
My son junior is in Calgary tonight. Had to rent a car for......get this......120 a night! Apparently it's the stampede out there and it's an extra charge for under 25 years old plus, plus plus! CRAZY!
Do you use a liquid spray on fertilizer?
☺♥☺ Diane
I linked up...hope it worked. :) I just love your flowers. I know your garden is going to blow us away this year ( no pressure...lol. ) I hope you have a great weekend!
Hugs to you~ from all of us!
Hugs, Terrie
I likey what I see!
Justine :o )
I posted my link so I'm off to visit everybody else's gardens too!
Looking good Tootsie - I know you're itchin' to show off that bed too!
Love the dianthicus.
Have a wonderful weekend girl.
~Melisssa :)
Next Friday I will be out of town, so I'll have to miss it one more time.
Fertilizer Friday Sounds fun. Glad to be able to join in.