
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Fertilizer Friday....Flaunt Those Flowers!!!

Welcome to Fertilizer Friday where we Feed and Flaunt those Flowers!!! Grab your watering can, garden hose or whatever you use to feed the plants inside and out...and feed them up! Watch how much they grow! Once you are done that...share the fruits or blooms of your labor with up at the bottom of this post. To link in, you will need to click on the Mister Linky box (which will take you to another screen..this will have to do since Firefox won't work with the other easy linky....) I will change it for next week....I cant wait to see what you have to show!Here's what's surviving the ugly weather we had here last week.....lilac...Lilac...Potted Lobelia
Okay..your turn! I am so excited to see what you have for us this week!


Ellie Mae's Cottage said...

The lilac is gorgeous! So exciting the peony is almost ready to bloom! Can't wait to see pics of it. -Jackie

Blondie's Journal said...


I can almost smell that lilac!! And lobelia is one of my favorite flowers. We have the blues covered here!!

I REALLY hope to be in FF next week!!

Have a great weekend!!


imjacobsmom said...

Everything looks so healthy, you'd never know that you had crummy weather. I screwed up my Mr. Linky, BTW. The first entry linked to last weeks FF. Sorry about that. ~ Robyn

Four Paws and Co said...

Oooohhhh, they're so pretty! I can't wait to see you peony bloom! ☺ diane

Jacki said...

I'm excited to take part in Fertilizer Friday this week :-) Your plants look great Tootsie, and I'm looking forward to following everyone else's links.

artis1111 said...

It is so funny that your things are just starting and some of mine are gone. I have LILLIES ready to take to the shop this morning.I also have poison ivey all up my arm!UGH I had to get a shot yesterday.OCH!!!I have more things starting to bloom. LOL Kathy

Unknown said...

You must be tickled about the Peony...I saw the !!

Cathy S. said...

Beautiful Lilacs Tootsie! Can't wait to see the peony bloom.

Jessica said...


Your garden is lookin' great...the lilac is beautiful. Hope you are doing well.

Hugs to you~ J

Jessica said...

P.S. Love your diva picture~ your smokin HOT :)


squawmama said...

Wow Tootsie your flowers are awesome... You are the QUEEN of the flowers... Wear your crown with pride...


Amelia said...

Hey! I love peony...maybe I'll sneak one of your roots when you're away next...Hmmmmmmm...... If I fertilized on Monday because I forgot last Friday, should I fertilize today anyhow? COME OVER TODAY OKAY????? Well...Bye!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Great photos...and thanks for hosting this blog fest...its fun...

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

Your lilac has so many flowers, it must smell good. The second lilac looks like one I planted a couple of years ago called 'Miss Kim'. It grew really fast.
All of your flowers look happy. Hope your weather evens out a bit.
I'm joining in this week, thanks for inviting me :)

Anonymous said...

Look wonderful Tootsie - especially with all of the horrible weather you've been having. Is that 2nd pic a lilac too - love the pink color.

Unknown said...

I have not been her in awhile. Just thought I would stop in to check it out. Not quite sure how this all works but it looks good. I think our yard is top notch. The knowledge, passion, love you do & show is out of this world. Your friends should be extactic, grateful & blessed that you share so much. I know I do. I am so proud of you!!!!

Teresa said...

I can't believe it's Friday already. My ff is posted. Your flowers are awesome as usual.

Barbara said...

Tootsie, This is my first visit to your blog and your flowers are beautiful. I would love to join you next Friday for Fertilizer Friday.

Come and see me.


Linda's Blue Gate said...

I love the pretty..... holy moly I forgot to fertilizer today...... I will do it tomorrow....

momstheword said...

o.k., I will do that for Monday. You are the one with all the motivation girl, I am only doing one room per week. You are rockin' it!!!!

I wish I could link up here, but all I am successfully growing here are weeds right now, which are taking over my flowers!!!!

Lauren said...

I'm just getting into the gardening circle, and WOW - your page is beautiful, no doubt a reflection of your attention to the smallest details in your gorgeous garden. Thanks for the inspiration - I'll definitely be following you! ~Lauren

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

Everything looks great! It just amazes me how quick everything rebounds in Canada. I mean your grass came back like overnight I swear!!

I'm late posting mine but it's finally in Mr. Linky Loo... better late than never I guess! I'll have to catch up with everybody's gardens this evening and tomorrow, but I'll be swinging by so put the iced coffee on y'all!

Tamara Jansen said...

I would love to show you my amazing FUCHSIA basket for fertilizer friday but someone has gone and STOLEN my basket. I can only imagine what horrible things the culprit has done to my prize winner :(

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Oh Girl I love Lobelia I just did my whole wheel barell in it...Love you my Dear Northern Daughter...hugs and smiles your Calif Mama....Gl♥ria

The JR said...

I'm jealous, I've ordered lilac before and it just died. I don't think they like Mississippi.

That petunia looks huge.

Love the flowers.
