Of all the places that this little guy could have decided to move his mate to and start a family....(and did I mention I have gotten to know him -and his neighbors-quite well????)
"You Lookin at ME????"
"What!!! What do you want????"
"If I don't look at her...she might pack that camera in and leave.... nope...she is climbing into the kid's treehouse....what a nut!"
This nest blows me away...it is on top of the birdhouse in the peak of the roof of our garage. It is right beside the tree house...and has been built and re-built...as the bossy little Wren in the garden...not only filled the house below it with twigs up to the rafters...but she tried to rip apart the robin's nest you see here!!! (the hag)

She's rebuilding like a trooper...and the sparrows next door are singing like a choir!
....She's been sitting here now for about 4 days...with only short little breaks...she doesn't seem to mind my visits...and her mate watches me weed the garden...and follows my watering very closely...lol He loves the sprinkler too...
Last night we had a horrible loud thunderstorm....I spent the whole time worrying about my little family in the nest on top of the birdhouse on the garage...I wonder if she is nervous to be sitting there...no support for her nest...and it is on a slight angle...I know I am worried...like I needed another life to worry about right? I can hardly wait for the babies...then I will be guarding this nest from the millions of cats that are using my yard as a littler box...and hiding out in my greenhouse...yea...I need a cat trap...but instead I am using my broom...and jet shot on the garden hose!
I like your bird story and want to read chapter 2.
Birds can be so entertaining, we have several Blue Jays that dive bomb me very time I walk near our grape arbor....lol...they forget who's house they are renting...lol...
Your post is too cute...Landlord - whats the rent ?? LOL !
Hugs ~ Kammy
Last year I had wren living in my little wren house-hanging on the arch where my honeysuckle lived- it was such fun...through the winter I lost the arch/trellis to a giant branch and the wren dont seem to like where the house now hangs....no renters in my yard. Im so sad! Thanks for sharing yours!
ps. I'm not at girlintheglasses anymore! I've moved to
Just wait until those baby birds are born!!!
Jet spray on the hose does work well :)
Last night I noticed one of the yellow crested night herons - gorgeous and huge birds - was back up in the pine tree nest next to my house. They went away after I think that the raccoons got a hold of their eggs - I heard them screaming that morning, it was so sad, but part of the cycle of life I suppose. Anyway, one of them was back at the nest last night and early this morning so I wondered if it was possible that they had more eggs this late in the season! Oh I hope the raccoons don't get their eggs this time, because it is so cool watching the babies "grow up."
On the cats... now I'm a cat lover but my cats stay inside where they belong. I have neighbors who aren't so considerate. For the garden, here's two great deterrents. If you don't have roses, find somebody who does and ask them to save you all of the rose clippings - the thornier the better. If you lay those sticks all around the edges of your garden and if you have enough all around the garden a couple of times of those cats step on those thorns, they'll find someplace else to use the bathroom. I do this with the squirrels in my yard.
The other thing is to get you one or two of those motion detector scarecrows you hook up to your hose. No, they aren't cheap, but they work! I bought one in hopes of keeping the raccoons away from my garden and so far it seems to be working! I actually would like to get another one. As soon as it detects movement, it squirts out a couple of sprays of water and the animals will run away. It was worth every penny I tell ya! A side benefit is that it has kept my dogs from using the potty all over the backyard and now they go in one area - like I have always wanted them too!
LOL...Your birdies have good taste an opted for only the best accommodations with beautiful garden views...I want to see the young-uns too...This story made me smile...Thanks, ;-) Bo
Oh my goodness a landlady to precious little ones like that...isn't that interesting how they are all living so close and using each others material. I can't wait to your new little grandlandlady babies...*s*...
Yes be careful of those nasty little kitties...
Your lilsister is so nice. I've enjoyed her visits and visiting her blog too! Lucky you for being able to share with her...
hope things are good with you...
better than last summer...
hope your weather is good...I hope you aren't having all the rain we're having...its raining...once more...
I don't think it will fall off cause birds just know these things.
I thought that was one smart bird. Except for when sombody needs to use their vehicle and doesn't know about the nest.