
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Monday, June 29, 2009

Playing Outside! Tootsie Style.

It was a lazy weekend around my house. I did not want to go too far from home until I have had this tooth removed and all threats of infection and pain were we stayed home. On Saturday I decided to catch up on some yard work -A.K.A. weeding, and a few other things. Come -I'll show you!Remember this photo? It is of the front of my house a couple of weeks ago. The reason I show you this, is for you to see the Virginia Creeper growing up the posts and around the front Porch.
Now...if you look really hard, you can see a sad excuse for one of those plants trying to grow inside the greenhouse on that arch over the desk. It is just not doing as well as I had hoped it would inside. So-I started scheming while I was weeding. During a weeding "break"- I got busy and this is what happened to that sad plant inside...
It got moved outside!!! I have always wanted to put something over the gate...I even tried to get a climbing rose to grow on the downspout...but to no avail (obviously)
I think I like what I see..! I can hardly wait until it fills in like the ones in the front yard!!!
But it sure looks empty in here now! It took a lot of effort to get that arch out of the greenhouse...Tootsie here forgot how tall it was compared to the hanging bars, and the hooks, and yes-the doorway...but as I have proven to myself over and over again...where there's a will there is a way!
Then...I was energized!!! To heck with the rest of the weeding!!! Lets PLAY (Tootsie style)!
There used to be some impatiens growing in a pot that sat inside this urn...they had an issue with some frost and are no more...did I mention we are expecting frost tonight???? YEA...welcome to Alberta! Anyway, I had this little turtle bird bath sitting in the garage...I know it is a tad bit tacky, but I thought I might as well try to use it somewhere...
And ....then I made this! (but not before I did some more is almost done) That thing on top as a finial...IS A SOLAR LIGHT!
The silver one that I had did not work, so I had to change it up....and then paint it all a hammered grey. Here is is in the evening when the light turned on!
I got so excited...that I had to make a couple more! I am getting to be a pro at making them...I only used one screw to make the solar light one! I used grommets instead of nuts and bolts! Sneaky aren't I????? lol
And ...then it got dark, and I had to go inside. The bugs were starting to think I was a buffet table!
What did you do this weekend?
If you have a moment...stop by and see Nan at momstheword...she has lots of advice on making your home sing!!! By clicking on the button to the right, you can get to her!


More Than Words said...

Hi there!! You have such beautiful flowers!! I wish I had a green thumb!!!!

Unknown said...

OMGoodness, I've just stumbled across your Blog, and I do have to say what a breath of fresh air! Your garden's are so gorgeous, so colorful, so full...just stunning. I sure wouldn't mind having your knack of planning and planting.

Thank you for sharing such beauty..I will be back to sigh and drool somemore. :-)


Four Paws and Co said...

Glenda, You are so amazing & the crowns are beautiful! I think you should make more & sell them. ☺

Your yard is gorgeous. I don't know how on earth you got the arbor out of the greenhouse though... The vine is going to be so pretty when it gets growing.

Did you consider painting the turtles? They're quite whimsical, but might be more if they're all one color. ☺
Hugs! ♥ Diane

Darla said...

Everything looks great Tootsie. You amaze me with your creativiy and energy.

ksarra said...

FROST?????? Tootsie, I can only imagine what cool feels like when I stand in front of the air conditioner vents, or open the refrigerator door! Your vignettes are charming, as usual. You are an amazing gardener.

lynn'sgarden said...

Tootsie, your endless energy produces really cool art! And moving that trellis...I would have said to heck with! Hope the frost will not be too damaging..what a drag!

Stacey said...

Good Morning, Tootsie! Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog; but you have to know, you've been my most recent inspiration. Just wish mine was as well groomed as your garden! Ah, well, that's part of the cottage charm I guess. The two top photos on my blog are NOT my garden, but the 2nd one, with the pink doors looks exactly like the one I grew up in back in Queens, NY. I'm searching for pics of that, and will post them soon. Enjoy your day, Stacey

Domestic Designer said...

Love those crowns. Such a creative idea. Of course your plants are all just lovely! Have a great Monday!

Salmagundi said...

More fun than weeding! Great crown projects; and you are so clever with the solar light. A crown that lights up - better than a crown with jewels. Sally

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

Good move getting the arch outside... can't wait to see how everthing fills in! Love your crowns!! Creativity abounds in you girl! xoxo~Kathy~ Up-North

Justine said...

Holeeeeeeeeeeee shit girl, but you made a crown with a light on top! OMG, how cool is that? Have you found a home for it yet? When you do, take more pics!
I don't think your little bird bath is tacky, it's cute!
Do you EVER just lay around and do nothing for a full day???
When is the tooth coming out?

Justine :o )

raxx a day in the life said...

Good Morning Toots! I love seeing all of your garden projects!! wonderful stuff! Isnt it a great day when you get to play otside??

Your solar lights are wonderful! Ever thought about an ETSY Store?

Guess what, because of your encouragement I started some in ground plantings, hopefully by Friday I'll have something to show you!

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

It sounds like you weed like I do. It gives me time to think of another project to start. Then I leave to go work on the project. I love the arch. I've been wanting to find a place to put one. Yours looks perfect over the gate.

Jesikarena said...

I love the virginia creeper! I have been trying to find some around here and not really having any luck : ( I guess I am going to have to order it on line. But I love the crowns, the solar lights are a briliiant touch!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh my! Your garden is beautiful! I liked your frog birdbath. Too cute! Happy Monday!

Amelia said...

the turtles are cute and with that little bit of moss (?) growing on them it doesn't look tacky...
lovin' the crowns...I'll have one of each please.... :0) :0) :0) ......
those were extra cuteness so you will love me and bring them all to my house to live... :0) ... oops, one more just slipped out! It's going to be ANOTHER one of THOSE days here...Colby came in the house this morning early (I'd just come down the stairs at 6:14am ) carrying a dead baby chickadee...poor thing! Seems Buddy had a little too much fun last night. Colby was concerned that it's mommy was worried and looking for it...poor little mommy. ...Well...after a little hand sanitizer we're on to the rest of the day....the adventures of a Foster parent...hmmmmmmmm...OR....Ahhhhhhhh!! ...Yah...I'm thinking its going to be the....Ahhhhhhh!
Call ya later!

Anonymous said...

WoW! You just never run out of ideas. That Virginia Creeper is amazing on your porch. How long has it been growing to get that size? Beautiful.
You asked what we did this weekend - I went up north to take my friend for her birthday. Our trip is on my 100th post today along with a drawing. So get your little Tootsiebutt over there to get entered!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

GM My other daughter...girl how you did those crowns is just awesome to there nothing you can't I lve the arch thingy you have going on there with the other arch...and did you have to have that down sprout cistom made for that area...And don'y let lilsis have that bird bath...anyone who has 2 washer and 2 dryer can buy her own ha ha!!Its was 104 here Yesterday HOT and of course I have been up stairs tearing off wall paper time I even think about wall paper I hope someone slaps me silly ha ha!! I still have my hall way to go think it will wait until winter...hey its been there for 15 years now whats a few more months...RIGHT!!Dawna will be here on Wednesday..she ask about you all the time my friend...wants to know how her baby sis is doing...May you have a great day my friend...Ok I better get back up those stairs...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

"Blossom" said...

Aren't you just so nifty! I love those crowns. And the arch it looks great. Have a good day.

onlymehere said...

My weekend was jam packed with my son's wedding! I even thought of my Tootsie when we were at the reception. You would have loved this yard. I posted it today with all the decorations. I like your arch and hope that your "creeper" does well on it. I smile at the crowns bz they are so much you and I'm excited to see where you put them. I love the solar light idea. I even like your turtle bath!

Dirt Princess said...

LOVE the solar crowns!!!! You don't feel bad, stop lying!!! YOu are FINE girl!!!!!!! I did NOTHING in the yard this weekend, too dog gone hot! I piddled around inside. I love the arbors with the creeper on them. I am like you, I can't wait for an arbor to get covered in a plant.Can't wait to watch it grow. I am really excited about my coronation! ;-)

momstheword said...

Tootsie, don't you want to come across the border to Washington and help my poor garden.....sigh! If you want a challenge girl, come on over!

I couldn't see all of the pictures but loved the ones I was able to see.

What is that thing on the fence to the right of the gate (below the downspout. It looks like a sink!

momstheword said...

ooops, wanted to say thanks for linking up to MYHSM meme!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Tootsie..I want a green house so badly. I have for years...and the more time that passes...the further the possibility is that it will happen. Yours is so pretty...and your yard is just beautiful!! Wow! I love the arbor and where you put it!
And...I think where you put that little turtle fountain is just perfect and the plant behind it really adds..makes it look like it belongs..
:) ~smiles and love~

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

I had a baby shower on Saturday but after that it was just the usual stuff mixed in with a lot of goofing off because it's too darned hot for anything else.

Some ferns would look good in the empty spot.

What do you do when there's a late frost? Do you cover your plants?

The solar finials are too cool. Okay, and HOW do you make those things? You need to do a tutorial!!

jerseygirl211 said...

Hi Tootsie,

I see your still dealing with that tooth problem, so sorry. :(

Frost????? I do forget about how far north you are. We've been getting a lot of rain and BUGS :(

I see you have lots of projects, us too. Plus things like a broken hot water heater, just added extra work and put our 'fun projects' on hold.

Hope you feel better soon. Don't work too hard.


Erin said...

Oh my gosh! You did good! Those are beautiful...the solar lights look like crowns. I love are awesome.

P.S. Hope you're feeling better this week!

Betty said...

You have been busy haven't you!? I like your crowns and the solar light one is neat.
Take care of yourself!

imjacobsmom said...

I see an Etsy shop in your future! I like the arbor there it looks good. I just planted a Bittersweet vine yesterday and it seems to like it's location it's already growing and stretching onto my obelisk. ~ Robyn