
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Friday, July 24, 2009

Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers!....July 24/09

Welcome to Fertilizer Friday! Today is the day we get out and feed our gardens and go in and feed those houseplants too! Then...we take our photos of all the blooming divas....and Flaunt Our Flowers!!!
So...grab your feeder...and hit those plants in the roots! I am excited to see what you all have to flaunt with me this week! Today, I am starting in the front yard gardens.
Welcome! Not much is going on here!!!
Window boxes and hanging pots inside the vines.
Front side too huge to take in one shot...and the angle is awkward.
The bulk of it.
Not sure if this is a tiger lily...or is just glowing in Justin's garden that I run for him. lol
My Rose blooms in spite of the aphids eating it!...
Heading back to the back are some pretty divas.
Loads of pretty blooms on the Clematis!
I just love the orange Osteospermum!
And the Orange Geranium...
Short Snaps are blooming!!!
Tidal Wave Silver Petunia...
Blue and reality look pink and
Pale Yellow Petunia.
He is just the neatest Osteospermum....I love the shape of the petals!
Now...I do hope you will take my invitation to join in and flaunt your flowers...
All you have to take some photos, link that post in the Mister Linky below, and grab my photo and link your post to mine!!! There are so many beautiful gardens to see...please Flaunt (and tour) with me!!!


Melissa Miller said...

~WOW!!!!! How many times can one person say WOW? Okay I will just drool instead...:)

Tootsie you are truly blessed with the greenest thumb ever in history my friend. LOVED this gorgeous post! One day I'll really attempt not to kill something in my yard and join you.

Coloradolady said...

What a yard full of beauty...I am amazed, and wish my yard looked half as good as yours..mine is just about burned up from the heat.

Jacki said...

I like how you say "not much going on here" when you've got loads of blooms spilling out of your planters, hahaha I'm super jealous of that clematis, wow. Your gardens look amazing - things are really kicking in, eh?

Brett said...

The saying goes that “There's a book inside all of us”, well here is a chance to let your book out. The wonderful people over at Blurb have given me 3 vouchers worth £30 off a Blurb book and to be in with a chance at winning all you need to do is pop over to my blog 365 to 42 and follow the instructions.

Designs on 47th Street said...

Glenda, thank you for linking me up. I have a busy morning and wanted to do this late last night before I went to bed and Mr. Linky wasn't up. I have added your link to my site now. My gracious sakes your FLOWERS are something else! I love all the vivid colors. You plant a few different flowers than I do. There are some in your early shots that I don't even know what they are. The hanging pots (purple blue) with the flowers below. I can't tell what those are. And oh how I love that little window in your fence. Thanks for encouraging us to fertilize. It DOES pay off!!

Cathy S. said...

Wow Tootsie I love that Osteospermum very pretty and so is all the other flowers. Happy Fertilizer Friday!

SmilingSally said...

How I would like to be your neighbor!

onlymehere said...

I just love looking at your yard! We started the summer with the best of intentions but with the wedding and now Nicholas' stroke our yard has really gone downhill fast. Maybe next year.....right? I love the tiger lily and that is one plant that I actually haven't killed yet this summer. I love the orange color of it. It looks like mine.

Millie said...

Your garden is lovely today!

squawmama said...

Oh Tootsie I just love your yard and all your flowers... especially the purple & white Osteospermum. That was so different! Is that a window I see cut in your fence? How neat is that I loved it... Have a blooming good day my friend...


Southern Style in the Northwest Garden said...

Hey Tootsie It's me at Southern Stylein The Northwest garden. Me being me I linked last night than forgot and did it again this morning sorry! Well have a wonderful Friday!

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

Just beautiful, as always! That Osteospermum is so cool!!!

I finally had a couple of new blooms to participate this week, and I added in some of my garden buddies who are always following me around. I love the dragonflies - they are such flirts!! I have some roses again, but didn't get round to taking pics of 'em this time.

Have a great weekend!!

Justine said...

Yeah baby!!!!!! Everything is looking SO pretty and that last flower is AMAZING!!!!!!!

Ummm... have you ever thought of using the pop-up window for comments? ya know, so I don't have to scroll down for 50 years to get at the bottom of the comments???

Justine :o )

Sassy said...

I wish I could join this group...but in the scorched thirsty hot as hell yard sucketh MUCH!!!! Yours is absolutely beautiful and I'll bet it smells de-lish.......
soooooooooooooooo J E A L O U S!!!!!!

Amelia said...

Hey! How come I click on the comments on my blog and I don't see anything?...all I see is the stuff in the sidebar....I don't even see the comments box to leave a comment you get this when you come to comment on me? I can read my comments through my email...I even took all the "extras" off my blog! HELP!

I want to know how you went junkin yesterday when you had all those kids there and said you couldn't go?...Hmph!....not fair! :0(!

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

I love all the petunias, especially the silver one. Are these all the ones you start in your greenhouse?
I had some of the small Snapdragons reseed this year and they made some very interesting colors. Those red lilies are beautiful too. It always looks so bright and happy in your garden!

The JR said...

I'm going to have to look up Osteospermum's now. That purple/white one is amazing. Love all the flowers.

Once again, I don't know how you do it and especially with kids. Wonderful yard.


Anonymous said...

Your gardens are beautiful as always. My mouth is hanging open every time I look at them! I found a perennial Osteospermum this year so I'm really happy about that - and it's even in my color scheme! WHOOPIE!!!
You Clematis is going crazy with blooms and love the Tidal Wave. I bought 2 for the first time this year.

Dirt Princess said...

Your clematis is AWESOME! It is loaded! Can't wait until mine look that way!

Linda said...

Beautiful blooms you are flaunting today. I love them all. We had such torrential rains yesterday (about 50 mm in a couple of hours) I won't have to water my pots and gardens for a day or so. The pots are still draining.

Colleen Wms said...

Your colors are so vibrant. I need to spend more time touring your gardens through your site! I think I just joined Fertilizer Fridays. Thanks for the fun!

Ellie Mae's Cottage said...

Happy Friday! I finally linked up - it's been a busy day. Everything looks great in your garden! I love the Osteospermum. I've got to get one. Did you find it locally or ordered it online? -Jackie

Sue said...

I've tried the Osteospermum this year as well, though mine doesn't have the interesting spoon shape of yours. Your flowers are just gorgeous.

Darla said...

Third photo, what is the green filler in those hanging containers...that's the stuff I was asking about the other day. Your Virginia Creeper is growing like crazy. We have that vine everywhere and pull it up like a weed. How old is your Clematis and do you really fertilize it weekly?

Kathleen said...

I love all your flowers, and I am in awe of your clematis..
Thanks for the tip on getting rid of the counter to lose the hijack..I will try.
I always used Miracle Grow original formula then switched to the shake and grow as it was easier...but not as good!
I am going back to the old..

Betty said...

Everything is so pretty Tootsie! I would love to spend time in your yard just admiring your flowers. We are finally getting some much needed rain. Take care my friend.

momstheword said...

Gorgeous as usual. I have decided that you and your sister need to adopt me! I could use a little sisterly gardening and mantle-building love, lol!

Sue said...

Tootsie I didn't have time to feed my scraggly plants, I was finishing up my room, come see it!!

Sue said...

Thanks Tootsie!! I did it, I linked on momstheword! Glad you like my room sweetie, come on down any time! xo

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Hey you!!! Wow, your garden is breathtaking,your summer out there must be nicer than our wet one,thanks for coming by,I have been lazy!! Chrissy

Jessica said...

Tootsie Q~

Your gardens never cease to amaze me....the clematis is stunning. I'll be back to to blogging this week and will join you next Friday. I've missed you!

Hugs~ me.

momstheword said...

Oh that is so funny! I thought you knew! You probably were thinking I'd lost my marbles....hehehe!

Amelia said...

Okay..Where are you??? ...And ...where are the pictures you promised of the trunk you did for Terrie?...Hmmmm... have you been junking without me? Bye!

Amelia said...

Oh yah... ANOTHER new dress???...I love it!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Tootsie, everything is beautiful! That clematis is absolutely amazing! I've never seen one of those osteo (whatever you called it) mums. I'm going to be looking for one now though. It is so unique! Always so much inspiration on your blog. Thank you for sharing all of this beauty. laurie

Darla said...

Yeah, where are you?