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A Picture is Worth a 1,000 Words...Thanks friend for hosting today!
I love thriftin' and garage sales. Here are a few of the treasures I have picked up along my travels this last couple weeks.

Well you know about these....they were in a previous post...but I got them all on the same day...

What I didn't show you was the tray that came with the tea/coffee set....it holds photos!!! Not a scratch on it anywhere...I can't wait to figure out what to do with it.

Is this not a pretty plate? It will look fantastic in my tea cup cabinet in the sun room....

does the marking on the back mean anything??? One of you guys HAS to know!!!

Look at this little cream and roses basket! It holds a candle...or even a potted plant....who knows???? I will figure out something!

And I saved the BEST for last!!!! This tea set...although not a full set...some pieces are missing...but still....LOOK at the details in those plates!

Oh and the colors are sooooo cheerful!

Only two cups...three saucers and all 4 plates....

creamer and sugar as well as the tea pot!

This is the lid of the tea pot and sugar....it's a bee!!!!

The only thing that would have made it better....would have been if it was all in that wonderful orange!
I think I might make the tea pot into a bird bath...how cute would that be!
Thanks all for visiting my second time around Tuesday!!! now head over to
Diane's and check out all the other fantastic finds!
I am busily getting my house ready for fall...the kids start school today!!! I am beginning to pare down the garden and pull what is looking spent...changing out the decor inside for a warmer fall look is in the works too! There are also several posts coming to mind about the fall gardening we all need to get ready to do...so that's me in a nut shell....What are you doing this week?
I bet you are excited to have the kids back to school too(-: Lots of time to do things you need to get done(-: I loved that time of year but then was sad too cuz they were gone. Our school has been back for going on three weeks!(-:
At least I have a job so I am happy its back in (-:
blessings and have a great week.
barbara jean
PS want to see some pictures???
xo bj
Great shopping and a beautiful plate. I had a tea set like that a while back, but in the move I am not sure what happened.
Have a great Tuesday.
I just love your finds, the tea set is FAB and the silver...woweeeee...gorgeous!
Love you!! me.
Love you too girlfriend.
We are having a grand opening of a Good Will Store here in small town USA. I am so excited. Our thrift stores are not very good. I am hoping for better!!!
Go to Google and type in the sign of the maker for your plate. You might find an answer. Also Ebay could be of help. Good luck.
Take care my friend.
You have an award on my blog.
Thanks for telling me the name of your Monkshood. Have to have one now ;-)