I'm FALL-ing! and I Can't Make it Stop!

FALL_ing...Not Failing you sillies!!! Fall us upon me in Alberta...I can feel it, see it, smell it and I don't like it. But...since I can't stop it...I may as well go with the flow right?


I noticed that this was the scene in my next door neighbors yard today....It just breaks my heart to know that soon the trees will be bare and my gardens...gone. I have been noticing that many of my pots are starting to finish...and I don't mean in a good way. U-G-L-Y is the only way to spell it. Now if you know me...you know I can't stand an empty space in my gardens...if there is a hook...there has to be a plant! So I headed out the door...


The front door to be exact...on my way I hung a wreath I made..it needs some primping I think.


Not bad for dollar store picks...at least it won't hurt my heart when the wind takes them down the street!


The plants that were here...are in the front bed now, so I had to fill this corner a bit. A plastic berry tree from a very good friend...and some faux pumpkins....



The big hanging planter box is ...toast...so I got inventive...a MUM...is filling the hole...looks different that's for sure...not sure I like it much...but time will tell...


Then I took a stroll to the back yard...where the dead and ugly had to go. A few more plastic pumpkins...and I am starting to feel a little cranky about the fall stomping on my garden parade!
Many of these pumpkins...are actually jack-o-lanterns with light bulbs and electric cords...I hate the real thing...they don't take well to the weather here and tend to rot or turn an ugly color. (at least for me they do) Plus...they are not as heavy to dispose of in the end! Just put them in the box for next year!
Well...that's my post for today!...hope your day is good! See you all right back here tomorrow evening for the start of the weekly flower Flaunt!!! I can't wait!

Until Next Time….Happy Decorating!

*)*)*) to my special three…the seasons change…but hearts…don’t…be careful what you cause!

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.




Tootsie said…
anyone who has suggestions on how to arrange pumpkins or gourds...PLEASE help me!!! I stink! oh..and yes I know plastic pumpkins are a little tacky...but what's a girl to do!?
Oh Tootsie, this all looks so good. I still wish when it cools off you could be here, because that's when everything blooms and it is so pretty in the desert. You could fix my yard so pretty. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you had a home in the desert for winter and then back where you are for the summer there. Ok, you can move in whenever you want. I'm a fairly good cook and there's no rent. lol Hugs, Marty
CiNdEe's GaRdEn said…
Your pumpkins look great. I love the plastic type! They last all season without the mess(-: And who can tell really unless you get up close and personal with them(-:
No fall here yet. Its still 100 degrees outside! I am sick of watering and ready for everything to be done for the year.
Then again...its raking all those leaves so I guess I can wait a tad longer(-:
Anonymous said…
Oh Tootsie what you have looks great. If you like it that is what counts. I may not even have any. I know the feeling of the flowers ebbing away. Makes your heart hurt.
Sylvia said…
Love your fall decorations, everything looks so pretty. I can't seem to decorate for FALL just yet, especially when its still 80 degrees outside.
susan said…
I don't think you stink at arranging pumpkins! Girl, you are ahead of the game! I am stalking nurseies for pansie and violets--I guess it's still just a little early here, but I HAVE to pull up this bedraggled stuff! Hope the new grandson is doing well!
Hi Tootsie,
I think your fall decor is wonderful and I use the Faux pumpkins...why not!!They last and are easy. I've also painted one black and added glitter to it!! Yup..whatever it takes to make it pretty!
Deb :)

Your arrangement is great!!!
Tootsie girl...I'm still cracking up at your comment you left on my blog...Your a hoot! Now I just checked out your Fallerizing and I think it is GREAT! I really love the wreath you made with the leaf pics. Your yard is phenominal, you have created such a beautiful oasis, wow!!! You could wear a pumpkin on your head and I would think it's great!!!...xoxo~Kathy~ @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Oh I have laughed so hard at your comment you left on my post that I have tears running down my eyes. You are totally priceless. Just set something in the middle of one of your gorgeous flowers and leave it empty and I will love it. Thanks a million for the best laugh I've had all day, you're the best. Hugs, Marty
My hubs also has a strong affection for non-living pumpkins. After they freeze in place and then thaw in the spring, they just aren't cute anymore. I like your berry tree with the pumpkins. Truly, it does look nice. Maybe you could add some straw (scarey by the house because of what it might attract) or some small gourds or a white pumpkin or cattails or cornstalks. Or you could use some of those leaf picks you had on the wreath and tuck in-between the pumpkins. Seriously tho girl, you don't be needin' no help!!!!
Sandra said…
Hi Tootsie! I think it looks great! You are definitely ready for fall to come in. :)
Plastic...yes..well you said they were but they look great to me. I thought everything you did looked like a magazine photo! Sorry..but I bet everyone would agree with me on this one. YOU need NO help! None! :) I was impressed. I was!!
I did put a wreath on the front door..but so sure it is all that Fall like.
Oh..and..you know...I tend to forget that Fall, though beautiful in parts of the country isn't always kind in other parts. Our leaves fall later I guess...and Roses take over in winter in California. We will be planting Spring bulbs soon.
Fall is so beautiful back East. It's blah out here. You still have a lot of color...and your outdoor decor is gorgeous!
Loved your wreath & you DO NOT STINK at arranging pumpkins! I was admiring your artfully arranged pumpkins & pots then read your comment about thinking that you stink! We just got out of triple digits & I haven't managed to get any fall decorations out yet. ☺ Diane
It looks so nice there already! I'm having a hard time between wanting to give in that fall is coming and wanting to hang on to summer as long as possible. This inbetween time is hard. The leaves have started turning here, and some even falling already. I was just telling my little one that it was almost time for the scarecrow to go up in the front yard.
Tamara Jansen said…
That looks FAB! You don't want real pumpkins because they rot too quickly. I like your idea better :)
squawmama said…
I don't think you need help... It all looked GREAT! Have a great day!

Shoot! I was going to ask if you could come to my house and arrange some pumpkins for me, and then you said you stink at it! If you stink at it, I don't know what to call the pumpkin arranging I do! Your Fall decor looks so great (I have to admit I agree with you-I'd rather be looking at all of your pretty flowers, but they just don't last forever (unless you have a wonderful greenhouse-oh! yours will last forever)! laurie
Sue said…
Boy, yesterday must have been the day......
I drug all my fall junk out of the barn and started scattering FAKE MUMS all over. It's my little sneaky trick for having gorgeous flowers while we are on vacation. That way our housesitter doesn't have to water (she hates it!) and the house still has nice windowboxes,etc.
Your displays look awesome (as usual!!)
Darla said…
I love the slow transformation into fall that you are doing. Plastic pumpkins and gourds are the best no mess no fuss. We aren't close to fall quite yet.....then again it could just show up in the middle of the night for a day or two and then leave..sigh..Great wreath by the way. How's Busy...how did the first day of school go for your guys?
Your ardens are gorgeous. I hope you post this on the Celebrating the Holidays post so you can showcase your pumpkins.

Val said…
When can you come to my house and decorate for fall? I would love it.
Regina said…
How lovely! Great post Tootsie. I think i have to go back and read it again:). Have a great day.
Stacey said…
Tootsie, it's so pretty! It's inching towards fall here. I actually went out and emptied a couple of pots yesterday. Some plants are just pooped out at this point. There are no pumpkins here to be found just yet.
Bonnie said…
Thank you so much for the inspiration. I don’t want fall to come either. The annuals are just starting to peak. You really make fall look gorgeous. The weekend I am going to try to do the same. Thanks again for your wonderful post. I really love it.
"Blossom" said…
What are you talking about; these pumpkins are arranged perfectly.
They are very expensive here. I use some but do purchase the real for the front door. Ha ah.
I still need some summer but I planted the last of the mums in the pots outdoors for fall.
Have a wonderful day. Went over to check out the wooden pumpkins and they are awesome.
Joyce said…
Your post is so motivating that after this weekend I better get going and get out the Fall flowers and the decos too:)
Anonymous said…
Oh Tootsie, it looks so pretty. You just have the knack of putting things together in pleasing ways.. I like the idea of the unreal pumpkins. Do you know how long a real pumpkin lasts in Florida? 93 minutes exactly. Fall decorations there look about as appropriate as plastic snowmen under the palm trees. But still, you give me the impetus to throw something autumnal together when I get home.

cindy said…
I think everything looks great! I really like that mum in the long box thingy...at least it looks good in the picture anyway. Your pumpkins on the bench are arranged really cute too! I also think fake is sometimes better....the real ones tend to mold so easily. Have great week!
Judi said…
Hi Tootsie
Your garden looks lovely this time of year also. The fall colours are lovely ... the fall colours for decorating are lovely I don't want the leaves to do their thing yet though. *sigh*. What happened to summer eh?

I think your pumpkins look great just the way they are...faux is good too...soon the real ones will be out.. yikes!

have a great day
Unknown said…
I like the way u did it all. God do i have to pull out my Autumn stuff now....
trailrider731 said…
hay hay ,,

I have to admit I love the fall and fall colors, the digits are just now dropping here in Central Mississippi and I'm loving it, Maybe I will get motivated to get busy and finish up a fence and other projects! I did notice the Poison Ivy was turning red this week!! Yipppeee, I can investigate closer in that area.

PS, I like the plastic pumpkins tooooo, although i did have a WHITE pumpkin last year, i meant to save some seeds but didn't.

I love it all.

Thanks for posting to the Celebrating the Holidays party.

The JR said…
It all looks good. You don't need to change any of it.
Barbara Jean said…
Adorable fall decor sweetie.

Better get back and see what else you have been doing.

too dark out to decorate so I'll do some at the store tomorrow.


barbara jean
Go check out what I had to say about you-you are one of my Favorites. You can grab my I've been featured buttons.

Now Tootsie...plastic pumpkins are not ugly...they are "survivalists"...in our hot weather, pumpkins don't las very long so we have to rely on the faux ones for some color!!! I've been awol her for a while because my allergies have kept me away from my yard...it is now a jungle...
Shirley said…
Glenda, your arrangements look great to me! Even though you have removed some of your ornamentation in the garden, it still looks full and lovely. Any offers on your home yet?