Welcome to Fertilizer Friday!!! Today is the day we all get together and flaunt our flowers!
Fertilizer Friday is the day when gardeners from all over the world join in and share the blooms of their labors!
Now...if you are not familiar with the winter rules here...you will be...since I have ZERO to share...my gardens are bare...I (and other gardeners in similar climates) are sharing our favorite photos from months, gardens, years gone by, or the current indoor gardens and houseplants that they have. Those who have real live beauty to share are doing just that!
So? What are we waiting for? Feed your flowers/ houseplants...gardens...snap some photos, link in and Flaunt with me!
Since I am being deprived of anything growing outside and I can only share so much of the inside of my greenhouse with you...I am sharing some photos from both early spring (May) and July of 2006. Before I got my current greenhouse... in 2007, I had two smaller ones going....
Grab your coffee and lets take a tour of days gone by!

When we moved into this house, this pre-fab greenhouse was here already...(yep-this place was made for me!) lol....The old owner used it as a hot house for his tomatoes and pepper plants in the summer. Me? I used it as a place for the overflow of the other greenhouse (shown later in this post)...and had cement blocks for a floor and shelving to hold trays...I also heated it with two small ceramic heaters. It is clear....but the sun would burn the plants...so I lined the windows with old window sheers... This photo is in the early spring..
But...it was still just not as pretty as I would have liked it to be...I needed something....

So...I planted Morning Glory in two small beds that I put on either side of it...and I made my little cobblestone cement mould magic in front of it...

Oh how I wish I had taken a photo of how wonderful it looked all in full bloom...In front of the vines I had marigolds and lobelia...(Which I believe I had ripped out just prior to taking this photo due to excessive slug damage that year) I loved the way it looked in early fall before the frost took the plants...it was a virtual flower house!

Running down the fence behind it was a line of hanging baskets....Ya-I can't leave any space unplanted...

The view from the gate... in around June...My new greenhouse stands where this little one is...and it is much larger...boy the change is huge!

A couple of pots from the patio...

I love how vibrant these colors are.

You will remember this greenhouse...the same year in the back of the property. Last time I shared this It was 8 feet by 8 feet. We added another 8x8 to it to make room for the flowers I needed to fill this yard...but sadly...it did not last long. We had to tear it down the following spring because the wood in parts of the original 8 feet was rotting and it wasn't worth fixing it. I am surprised that it didn't collapse under the weight of the snow over the winter... as all we did was remove a few nails and screws to remove my wood shelves and it practically fell over!
It's not the prettiest is it?

But add a few hanging baskets and it jazzed it right up! Oh how I loved that little house...It was also heated by 4 ceramic heaters. I kept this house heated from about the middle of January until it was warm enough not to worry...around May...the other house would get heated when I ran out of space in this one (around March or April) My power bills were enormous some months...lol

I used pots to jazz up the gravel area around the trampoline...that bench that you see a corner of...is where I now have my olden things that I got junkin...the wagon wheels etc...

I can't believe how things are so different in my garden structure wise...yet they still look like I was here.
Well...that's all I have to share today...I can't wait to see what you guys are flaunting this week! It is getting harder and harder for some of us to come up with anything to show...so I do appreciate all that are participating!
Well? What are we waiting for? Flaunt your best (link into the mister linky) and tour the rest!
See you there!
You know what I love? You have the shortest seasoning for exterior gardening of anyone I know....yet you put your heart & soul into it every year....and it is FABULOUS!
Hugs to you my friend!
I will link up in a bit. Gotta take a picture first! I got some pretty flowers in the mail last night that I ordered and I can't wait to share!!!
PS...I am not sure why, but you're on my heart lately and in my prayers...just fyi
Now stop digging in the dirt, grab a passport, and get down here and decorate my damn house!
Justine :o )
I wish I had the space for one, I may try to convince my husband to take down one of our raised beds and put in a small one. Do you have electricity in yours?
YOU TOTALLY inspire me and I am passing that on to my Garden network by linking today to my sites!
Happy Friday - and thank you for keeping the blooms alive!
Wishing you a wonderful fall weekend!
Your gardens are beautiful. Love the planters along the fence. Do you have to water them every day in the summer? They wouldn't make it here....I'd have to water twice a day. Everything is lovely
Please know you are on HIS heart as HE has put you on mine.
PS. I hope I am not offending you.
I enjoyed looking at your yard and garden photos. I especially loved the one showing several flower beds and a greenhouse. I think I'd name your gardens, "Cheerful"!
Re: your comment about growing bamboo, you should be ok in the green house. If you grow it indoor in the house, it may be too cold. Windsor is cold enough for me, not to say Alberta.
I think I will freeze.
Your morning glories, do they survive you r cold freezing weather?
sTill praying- have a great weekend!
my mouth waters every time I see your pots brimming with such lush and gorgeous blooms!
Stay warm!