So I had the urge to paint...just not a BIG enough urge to do my walls...
Diane over at A Picture is worth a 1,000 Words is our host today...She calls her party 2nd Time Around Tuesday...and it is meant for us to feature our thrifted, second hand or re-done items!
I am also joining in on the Three or More Tuesday meme over at the Gypsy's Corner...I think Tam will let me get away with it as I have three or more projects I am sharing with you all today!
I am sharing a few little projects that I have been working on for a few days, in between all the other things I have on the go.
I shared this cabinet a few is in the sunroom. It gets made over on the inside on a regular basis. Remember that I told you all that I found it in the alley behind our house a few years ago? I made the doors and shelves, and gave it this paint finish. It is one of my favorite pieces in the needed to be fixed up a little. So...I whipped out a rag and a can of stain...and went to town refreshing the bones of this old girl. I also had to re-glue one of the curtain rod holders that I used as door I knocked it
A few short hours later...she still looks a little worn, but much much warmer! I also later removed the huge key and opted for some cute pictures on the side...(which I will share at a later date)
I like the darker tone a little better...I think the sun faded the old it was time to "re-dress" the old girl. (so to speak) Do you see my second project in this photo?
Yep! You guessed it...I made a tea cup lamp inspired by my Mom-Gloria. She shared the how to a while I made this one...and 7 others! (Christmas is coming you know...they make wonderful gifts)
There are two of these little side tables in my house. I got them at a yard sale about 3 years ago. They were stark white and had that detail of wallpaper in the drawers. I added a little burnt umber paint to them in a wash to soften the harsh white color and that is how they stayed...until today...
Paper gone...see the original white???
A few coats of black paint and there you have it! One is in the kitchen in a corner vignette...
The other (for now) is in my bedroom. I sprayed the tiny handles chocolate brown. The only thing I would have done differently is not used eggshell paint. It has a little sheen...and I used it so that they were washable (I have kids ya know) I wish it were not so shiny...but such is life.
another view...see the little speck in the corner of the drawer? that is not a missed spot...that is a sheen!!! grrrr. I suppose there is always another paintbrush loaded with mat
And finally....this is another table I got at the same garage sale. It also was stark white...and the paper was on it. I had darkened this one a little too....
Just look at it now!!! I love the black with the brown knobs! (ha can see the towels inside through the space in the drawers!- I never noticed that until now! )The black gives these small tables some weight ...and adds a little more versatility to where they can go in my house... OH-and for the record...the amount of time it took me to paint the three little tables....I could have done an entire room!!! much for a little urge...
Well...that's it for me today...another grossly busy week is ahead...I am doing my level best to get around and read you patient...I will eventually get there! Now...for a look at lots of other participants...and a load of inspiration...head over to Diane's and Tam's to see who else is playing today!

I am also joining in on the Three or More Tuesday meme over at the Gypsy's Corner...I think Tam will let me get away with it as I have three or more projects I am sharing with you all today!

Well...that's it for me today...another grossly busy week is ahead...I am doing my level best to get around and read you patient...I will eventually get there! Now...for a look at lots of other participants...and a load of inspiration...head over to Diane's and Tam's to see who else is playing today!
Thanks for stopping by I had put the dollhouse together long before my Granddaughter arrived in the world. I passed it on to her when I bought another one and ran out of room.
Have a great evening.
Don't forget to hop over and get signed up for my giveaway. I am picking a winner in the morning
I am loving all your re-do's ! Love that stain and you know how I love a black piece of furniture !
Those teacup lights are adorable - I might have to visit your "mom's" blog soon !
Those little tables look so classy painted black. You may not like the sheen, but I think it looks so nice. Love the one in your bedroom with the tea set on it. Now come on down to Texas and help me! ;)
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
Happy Tuesday!
I do love what you have done with all your furniture ! And you made how many lamps??????????? I am crawling off to bed now you made me exhausted just thinking of all your wonderful redos!
Love ya!
I've never see a tea cup lamp - clever!! Great furniture makeovers.
I love the little borwn suitcases too.
Fantastic post!
You have been very busy making some very nice makeovers to the sweet little treasures that you have. Love the teacup lamp and the black little dressers.
Take care.
Deb :)
Love your new pic, too. :)
Best wishes, NM.
I have a few pieces that need a makeover but I know they'll take forever to do... I'm dragging my feet again.....
Your projects look wonderful-you are so talented!
That cup lamp would be perfect for a Christmas present for First-Born, so I'm off to find out how to do it.......... back later!
How talented you are, the tea cup lamp is wonderful and the 2 small side tables look great now.
Have a great day!
No? Oh -- okay! Enjoy it!
I love what you did with the cabinet. It looks so much better darker stained. All of your pretty pieces on it look so cute.
The 2nd table is awesome. I am always afraid to use black and then I see something like this...
Love all of your projects. You have been a busy gal!
Happy Three Or More Tuesday and have a great week! :-)
When are you going to take me garage saling? The only thing I seem to see along the road and such are old microwaves. While my son was in college his friends loved it but enough now, he is out of college.
Have a great week.
Your makeovers are fabulous! You have really been busy!!
Thanks so much for linking to 2nd Time Around!
:) Diane
Oh my! What great redos! All of them look fantastic! I love the new warmth of the hutch!
Really nice makeovers!
I'm going to have to try making one of those cute teacup lamps! Love 'em!