Today, I am participating in all of the memes that you see here! Thank you to all of the gracious hosts that make these wonderful parties possible. To visit these host blogs and to see the others attending...please click the photos for each blog.
Those who read me regularly, will remember how much I HATE the living room furniture in my house, and also know that I am entering a new adventure in my life. A new chapter can only mean one thing...change! My living room is the next room to be getting a make over. The plan has been set...and I am putting some things in motion.
I have been tossing around a project in my mind now for quite a while, and finally had the nerve to give it a try. Today I am very proud to share one of my more fearless projects:
SO....I mustered my nerve...and set to work.
What did I do to it you ask? Did I re-upholster it? NO
Did I slip cover it? NO....
The back and sides are a little bit textured..would prefer them to have been a smooth fabric...but hey...the chair was less than $20! what do I expect? ha ha
I did a bit of research before I decided to try this...and figured that I really had nothing to lose except a little paint...I was going to re-upholster it anyways. So...now we see how she wears...if nothing else, it bought me a little time!
The living room in my house is getting a make-over. I am waiting for the "muscle" to move the awful sofa set that is in there OUT to the garage to be donated, sold...burned (oops! did I say that?) not burned...donated...lol
I am now on the prowl for something else to paint...re-finish...whatever...I am on a roll!
I will share this room in the near future...I just need to find more than my own muscles to remove that stuff first!
So? What do you think?
P.S. The geraniums popped up last week...will show you on Wednesday!

Miss Bloomers
How smart you are!
And now I'm so excited about you re-doing your living room! I know how much you hate that furniture! Woot woot!
Justine :o )
Thanks for sharing.
How neat is that?? I've never heard of that before. Great job! I'll be back to see what else you are up to.
I'm having a Giveaway...come visit and see my Sidebar.
p.s. hope your weather is behaving. We've had a fabulous winter so far in Ontario. Perfect with barely any snow in January. THIS is my kind of winter...
That just tickles me to pieces to see something like that done! GOOD JOB, Tootsie!
My laughter was hysterical laughter! You do know that don't you? :)
Thanks for a great post.
Love & Hugs
Hope you're having a great week,
And it looks like your courage was well rewarded!
I thought you'd find this blog interesting since you're such a do it yourselfer! http://knockoffwood.blogspot.com/ Since you're redoing it may give you some ideas. I know I plan on making some of this in the future (not too soon though, lol)!
Spring is in the air!
I'm wondering if the paint will rub off on clothes?
Thanks for posting!
Tumaini Rivera
Mom, Artist, Entrepreneur
Twitter: @flippinfactory
Vote for my project, GARBAGE TO GOLD, at www.refresheverything.com. You can vote everyday throughout the month of April!