Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers Feb 5/10

Fertilizer Friday is the day when gardeners from all over the world join in and share the blooms of their labors! After an incredibly busy and stressful week, it is nice to know I can relax and take a peek at some of the loveliest blogs-and the gardens they showcase....
If you are new to this party...WELCOME!!! If you are a regular...WELCOME BACK! Anyone can post plants of any kind...you are all welcome...the more the merrier!
Now...if you are not familiar with the winter rules here...you will be...since I have ZERO to share...my gardens are bare...I (and other gardeners in similar climates) are sharing our favorite photos from months, gardens, years gone by, or the current indoor gardens and houseplants that they have. Those who have real live beauty to share are doing just that!
I would like to add, that if you are not a fertilizer...you may still join in. The name Fertilizer Friday actually was coined to remind those of us who like to feed our greens, but forget! Fertilizing is not a must...but the flaunting...IS!
Please Publish the Fertilizer Friday Logo at the top of this post, and link into the mister linky list below. If you do not do this, you may not get as many "tourists" visiting your Friday post.

So? What are we waiting for? Feed your flowers/ houseplants...gardens...snap some photos, link in and Flaunt with me!
I am making progress!!! On Saturday of last week, I noticed that there were a few of my Geraniums popping through the soil! This is what they look like right now!
So far, the germination ratio is fairly good. I don't see a lot of duds...maybe a few late arrivals, and a few no shows...but over all...the germination has been great!
Some seeds may have been a tad deeper than others...lol...so we are waiting to see...if nothing else...we still have plenty to go around. Soon I will be transplanting them to larger pots for the rest of their stay in the greenhouse.
My Mandevilla is doing very well in the greenhouse this winter. She is the very first of her kind to ever grace the plant population here...I quite like it and may have to try for another one.
And.....the most exciting part of this post.....
My LOUFA is sprouting!!! I didn't think I'd have too much success with these....but LOOK!!! Trailrider ...you did good girl! Thank you! I can't wait to see how these grow for me!

Okay....you guys know what to do...so get busy and I'll meet you there eventually!


Troy said…
Your plants are doing so well! I am green with envy, and ya know, in todays world, being green is a good thing!

Thanks for hosting, this is so much fun!

Unknown said…
Wow Tootsie,
You truly have green thumbs. They are looking great.
Autumn Belle said…
Yeah,me too! I am green with envy with your green thumb. But it's great to see those babies. Yay, spring is coming !! :P
linda may said…
You are amazing Tootsie. I can't wait for the next few months to pass to see the end result of your seed raising.Should e great. I did a post a few days ago that has my most recent flower pictures in it.
Today we have godsend rain, beautiful and soaking and steady.Keep her coming lord.
Darla said…
My daughter who lives in Daytona Beach is sending me loufa seeds too! One of her clients gave them to her. Will you plant any of the geraniums in the ground or all in containers?
onlymehere said…
Did I ever tell you that I have a decoration (wooden plate thingy) in my front room that has your dancing in the rain quote on it? I think of you often when I see it! The other day I thought, "that Tootsie needs to open her own greenhouse. She could even sell her crowns and rustic furniture in it that you redo!" What do you think? You may not be in a position to do it but you're so dang good with plants and create such beautiful flower gardens. You could even hire yourself out to design other peoples flower gardens! I have great faith in you in whatever you choose to do and this is only a suggestion and to let you know that I think of you even when I'm not blogging. Cindy
marilyn said…
Seeing all those little beginnings of new life sure puts a smile on our face and hope in our heart. Looking forward to seeing the progress of these little beauties.
Hi Tootsie,
What a neat greenhouse, I'm impressed! I have a walkout basement, so maybe I can set up a greenhouse of sorts there. Getting water to it would be the biggest issue.
I don't remember seeing your blog button before. I will add it to my sidebar. Also please stop by my blog if you can to help me celebrate my 1st Blogiversary.
lynn'sgarden said…
Tootsie, your seedlings are all so perfectly lined up...lol! It did my heart good to see life 'growing' today...as I sit here in heavy robe and slippers! Brrr! Have a great weekend!
Lori E said…
All your little babies growing so nicely.
If only I could remember to water them let alone transplant them up into bigger pots.
Hortist said…
Tootsie, you are just amazing. Please keep it up :)
It is all very exciting! It's like a bunch of new babies being born. Congratulations.
Bonnie said…
What fun. I love seeing those plants start. I feel like i'm in the greenhouse with you. Thanks!
Brenda Pruitt said…
I sure wish I had a little greenhouse. I don't have much luck with seeds. And I lost lots of plants with our unseasonably cold winter this year. I get so excited to see things sprouting in your greenhouse! (I came over last night to link up, but you didn't have it up yet. I looked for your email and couldn't find it.) My currents meds make me very sleepy and off to bed I went, so thanks for adding me.)
I love seeing all those seedlings. I'd be out there all the time checking on them. The only seeds I've started are by winter sowing and I keep going out to see what's sprouted.
Lona said…
Just look at all of those geraniums girl! Looking good. I am anxious to watch your loufa grow since I have never saw one. The sign should be arriving any day now and I am so excited to see the beauty. Thanks for sponsoring the giveaway Tootsie!
Anonymous said…
You've been one busy girl and it shows cause everything is looking good in the greenhouse. Looks like it's bursting at the seams - isn't that a great feeling knowing it's that time of year and you have sooooooooo much work to do getting everything ready?
Maureen said…
How exciting! A new year, a new garden and new to you plants. Have fun!
Nutty Gnome said…
Ah Tootsie, you're making me feel guilty because I have done sod all in the seed planting department so far and yours are coming up already!!!

You've done a good job on painting that chair ...I'm a decorators daughter and I've never heard of that before :)
YaYa's Funhouse said…
It is amazing...look at all those little buggers popping up!! HA!!!!
Patricia said…
Tootsie, I did my first Fertilizer Friday post. Come by when you get the chance. It was my first attempt at growing Tulips, I am rather proud of myself. I am late getting it posted to your site, but my computer has been acting crazy.
Debbie said…
Oh I just get a little spring fever looking at your little plants. They look like they are doing well..thank you for hosting such a fun party!
DEB said…
Your seedlings are doing so well Tootsie! Beautiful blog, thanks for sharing!
xinex said…
Oh Tootsie, I had 4 mandevalia climbing in potted pots and trellises in the back porch and they all died when the temp went below the 20's. It made me miss them so much when I saw yours. You are amazing, growing all those plants....Christine
Bren Haas said…
I am doing a ticket give away for The Great Big Cleveland Home & Garden Show that is Feb. 6 - 14. I posted it on my blog. I might have an interview with Ty Pennington by weeks end!

Justine said…
What the hell is a loufa???? And wow, look at those geraniums grow!!! How cool is that? You never did tell me why they coat the seeds though.

My mandevilla is dead dead DEAD.

Justine :o )
kclily said…
Your babies look very healthy. Glad there were few "no shows".
linda may said…
G'Day again Tootsie, thanks for the visit and for hosting this lovely prompt. Yes you are right I need to count my blessings.
Anonymous said…
Very nice blog Tootsie, thank you for sharing.

Feels like spring!

Darlene :-)
Sigrun said…
Hi, Tootsie. It's nice to see your plants growing so well. We are going into the greenhouses the week of the 15th. This year I made up my mind to try LLama poop tea. Our very productive Llama leaves his offerings in neat piles, and I will try making tea from them for the garden and flower pots. Will be posting about that, I hope. As I'm painting, I think of you a lot.
Sigrun said…
Hi, Tootsie. It's nice to see your plants growing so well. We are going into the greenhouses the week of the 15th. This year I made up my mind to try LLama poop tea. Our very productive Llama leaves his offerings in neat piles, and I will try making tea from them for the garden and flower pots. Will be posting about that, I hope. As I'm painting, I think of you a lot.
I am so jealous of your green thumb!!
The JR said…
I love watching things that I plant grow.
Your shoots look good. I thought it was too early in Maine to start
the seedlings. Maybe in April.
We can't set them out till the end of May or June.

Your shoots look good. I thought it was too early in Maine to start
the seedlings. Maybe in April.
We can't set them out till the end of May or June.
