If you are new to this party...WELCOME!!! If you are a regular...WELCOME BACK! Anyone can post plants of any kind...you are all welcome...the more the merrier!
Now...if you are not familiar with the winter rules here...you will be...since I have ZERO to share...my gardens are bare...I (and other gardeners in similar climates) are sharing our favorite photos from months, gardens, years gone by, or the current indoor gardens and houseplants that they have. Those who have real live beauty to share are doing just that!
I would like to add, that if you are not a fertilizer...you may still join in. The name Fertilizer Friday actually was coined to remind those of us who like to feed our greens, but forget! Fertilizing is not a must...but the flaunting...IS!
Please Publish the Fertilizer Friday Logo at the top of this post, and link into the mister linky list below. If you do not do this, you may not get as many "tourists" visiting your Friday post.
So? What are we waiting for? Feed your flowers/ houseplants...gardens...snap some photos, link in and Flaunt with me!
My offering for this week brings a smile to my face. I have been in the greenhouse!!! I got to spend 4 full hours in there this week.
Thanks for joining me for a tiny tour of my greenhouse today. I hope you will stop and put your name in the mister linky below, grab my logo above and share some flowers with me this week!
Next week, stay tuned for an update on my Lufah plants, and an education on how to grow them. So many have asked, so I'm preparing a post...also...I am planning a post on how to paint the furniture that I shared yesterday...it's a busy Tootsie around here!!!
Have a safe and happy weekend friends!

Feels good to get dirt under the nails, doesn't it!
And to think, the one week you missed was the one week I decided to write a fresh new post for Fertilizer Friday instead of recycling one.
I feel like I should go back and link last weeks post too... LOL
Welcome back, your plants look healthy and happy!
Have a great weekend.
LOOK AT THOSE SEEDS... you are totally my hero in the greenhouse world.
LOVE YA Greenhouse sissy!
I promise to share something today from my green growing!
Your "babies" are getting so big! Your greenhouse is amazing..I covet it I'm ashamed to admit! LOL
I love the painted couch...that is incredible...it looks just like an expensive leather couch! Great job!
Miss Bloomers/Sonia
Hopefully things are a little better there this week :)
I miss blogging for a few days and find that, when I come back,you've done MOUNTAINS of stuff!
You've painted more furniture, re-arranged another room, planted zillions of seed and seedlings and so it goes on! What have I done - sod all! :)
I've managed to take part this week in the meme - tho its stretching it abit - when it comes to blooms.
Have a great day :) Rosie
have a happy weekend, urban green
Justine :o )
Everyone is responding about what you've planted, but I want to mention the hockey game between Canada and the U.S.,wishing Canada luck tomorrow. :)
I've got to get busy planting my seeds too.