I have a friend who acquired a piece of furniture for free. It is a roll top desk…and it needed some ‘attention’ (to say it nicely) She asked me if I thought I could do anything with this piece…
…I looked at it…and decided that yes…yes I could. The very first thing I said to her was “those knobs neeeeed to go!” Her response…”just do your magic please”
EEEEEK! Yep…those are some U-G-L-Y knobs!!! I know for a fact that those are not original to the piece…my parents have this style of desk at their house…only in a much darker stain…and there is nothing hideous or ‘cheezy’ about it. In fact…I am thinkin’ that the next trip to visit might win me a desk….right Grammie? SHHH! don’t say anything out loud…Grampie might hear us…8)
The inside is in awful shape…even has some water or moisture damage of some sort…so I had my work cut out for me.
My friend’s spouse kinda wanted me to bring it back to the original color when I was done…but I’ m sorry…that is NEVER going to happen!!! I had a better idea….wanna see?
TA-DA!!!! I got rid of the knobs…and made some blocks to use as drawer pulls instead. MUCH better!
All that went into this entire project was a little black paint…believe it or not. (after I sanded it down of course)
Not too shabby for a free desk, and 3 hours of my time! I sure hope they like it.---Yes…you guys have seen it before the owner! WHAT! I have priorities ya know! Hahahaha!
Until next time…hugs and smiles! Winks to all ---especially my special three!!! *) *) *)
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(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.
My dining room table is still in the garage. One day soon...
Been out and don't computer at home. Having to catch up with everyone.
Wonderful job Lady!
I am back for F.F. this week after an absence, it is Friday here now but not yet in your part of the world. Cheers!