SNOW MOLD (ever heard of it?)

I have mentioned Snow Mold a few times in posts, how it makes many of us sick…kills the grass, and is just generally ugly. I never thought to explain exactly what snow mold is…or even show it. It wasn’t until someone actually asked me what the heck snow mole is…that I realized that maybe some of you haven’t had the ‘privilege’ of dealing with it…and decided to enlighten you all! So buckle up kids…this is going to be another exciting learning post! hahaha


This is a shot of my front garden. It is an ugly mess right now. Nothing has been done out here since the first snow fall of 2010. We had a lot of snow this year…and it is almost all gone (thank goodness). The ugly mess you see here…is primarily snow mold.


The next few shots will be different patches of it…close up to show you what it looks like.005


Snow mold develops when there is an extended length of time when the snow cover on ground is not completely frozen. (during the early spring melt for example) This fungal disease can also occur under leaves that have not been cleaned up or amongst long grass that should have been mowed once more before winter set in. I tend to raise the blade on my lawn mower to leave the grass a little longer in the fall, as it helps keep the grass a little greener for a little longer. Mine is not considered too long. It can also be encouraged by large amounts of thatch being left un-checked year after year. I deal with the thatch every spring…when I wake up the grass. (this will be discussed in my next post)


Even though it can look really nasty in the early spring, most snow mold damage will recover if given a little help and some time. After the snow has melted and the area has dried, the infection will stop growing and the grass will begin to grow and renew itself. To speed up the process, the infected area can be lightly raked to encourage drying. Just fluffing up the grass will help a LOT.


I think it is just the ugliest!!!


Snow mold makes many people suffer allergies in the spring…but, in my case and many others, an over the counter antihistamine will help a lot.


I also don’t get out there and rake by hand…I use the thatch blade on the lawnmower…it will fluff the grass, pick up any leaves that fell or blew in over the winter and remove the thatch that has accumulated since last spring. Once I have thatch raked, I pick up all that has been pulled by the blade, with either the lawn mower, or by hand.012


So ….that is snow mold…and everything I can tell you about it…first hand. If snow mold is not taken care of promptly, it can cause dead patches to appear on your lawn, which may require re-seeding. Lucky for me, I am always aching to be outside after a long winter indoors…so I take care of it…right quick!

I do hope that cleared up any questions you might have! If not…feel free to ask, I always do my best to answer!

This is a very hectic time for me here in Tootsie’s world….I am doing my best to get around and say hello…please be patient…I am just one girl who is a single mom of three, daughter, friend and gardener, and everything else in between.

Until next time…happy gardening!

*)*)*)…to those three ever so special peeps…you know who you are…and to one in particular…silence is GOLDEN..duct tape is silver. mwuah!

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

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Love the Decor! said…
eww had quite a bit of it too but it seems to be disappearing and green healthy grass is on it's way to us!!
Pond Leak said…
In all pictures i have seen that snow damage the grass very badly, but now its time for the growth of grass again turned in to green leafs in spring.
I have it too never knew what it was. Just put out Grub stuff and here comes the rain. Thanks for all your wonderful tips over the years. Sending a big Easter bunny hug.

Thanks for the information. I had it this year in spots and had no idea what it was till now..... Thanks
Gatsbys Gardens said…
I have had snow mold for several years. It is also caused by fertilizing late in the season, which many of us do, and as you said promoting long lush grass.

I do everything you do and then sprinkle in some seed covered lightly with topsoil. It is really ugly looking with green all around it. It looks like I have about ten dogs!

Darla said…
This is very foreign to me Toots.
Ricki Treleaven said…
*shakes head* Nope! We don't have that here in Alabama. It looks disgusting, though!
p3chandan said…
I guess it does look a bit ugly with bare patches of grass all over your lawn! I never knew this side effect of snow in your garden..they seemed to look so enchanting with the white wintry scene!
The JR said…
Well I have to say you do learn something new everyday.

Had no idea.
Helen said…
OH yes! Quite familiar with snow mold ... all those years living in Minneapolis!
Karen said…
Hi Tootsie, the things us northern gardeners have to put up with! For some reason this didn't happen to our lawn lately, could be because I don't take very good care of it. Let's hope for some nice weather soon.
Dirt Princess said…
Basically, it doesn't matter where you live...something will give you allergies. That goes up there with the hoar frost!
Anonymous said…
New follower from mid week mingle, hope you follow back x
NANCY said…
We get snow mold here occassionally as well, but I'm pretty quick to take care of it.

I'm following you from the I love Blogging bloghop. Hope you're having a great day!


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flarffy2000 said…
I have a question for you.... I have a fairly large flower bed that has cement curbing around it and it is filled with grass. How do I get rid of it? There are lots of perennials in the bed also so I can't use any weeds killers. Do I pull out each piece by hand?? Is there an easier way? Thanks for your help, Monica
~~Rhonda said…
Never heard of snow mold. Never saw anything like that. I wonder how far south it occurs? I am in zone 6b. So sorry you have to deal with it! ~~Rhonda
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LifeBelowZero said…
Wishing you a wonderful Week!

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Michelle said…
I found your blog through a blog hop and am now following you on GFC, Twitter, & NB. I'd love it if you could stop by and follow me back. Thanks and have a great week!
Hi lovely lady. Snow Mold learn something ever day sweet lady. Will I hope your grees is geting green now... I just put my new Tablescape on ~~~I hope you can come see. And have a Great Week sweet lady.