Shhhh!…No Words Needed.

The definition of true LOVE…snuggling to sleep in a chair.


They stayed that way for over an hour.

Until tomorrow for the weekly flaunt…happy snugglin’

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

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links to these and many other fantastic blog parties are found here!


Helen said…
Total sweetness .........
Anonymous said…
That is adorable!!!
New follower from the Sock hop :)
The Job of Mommy
Already a GFC follower, so I'm following you on twitter now!
Unknown said…
How sweet... great photo have a good day

Screaming Meme said…
OMGoodness! I love this! :)
The JR said…
How sweet.

My stiper Scooter always naps with me on the rare times I do get to take one.
JeanetteSchenk said…
That is just darling!! Popping through via Follow Me, I"m Canadian!

Katrina said…
Awww, this is just about the cutest photo I've seen in a long time :) So sweet!

I saw your link on the Wordless Wednesday blog hop list - I'm a new follower :)

Unknown said…
So precious! Hopping over from Wordless Wednesday, hope you have a great week.
So cute. Thanks for sharing. Happy Wordless Wednesday. Please stop by and see mine.
Lona said…
LOL! How sweet is that.
Oh, how precious a cat-napping, indeed!

Stopped by via your Catch a Wave Wednesday link!
Sarah said…
So, so sweet!

I am stopping by from the I ♥ Blogging hop, thank you for joining our hop!
Ricki Treleaven said…
What an adorable photo!!! *love it*