
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Some Junkin’ Got Done!

So I had time on the weekend to do a little relaxin’…but instead I decided to do a little junkin’ with a friend. It was WAY too warm outside to do any yard work…but it was perfect to head out on a hunt!

It was a great day! Let me show you some of what I found!


I got this old rocking chair for a steal! I think she will sit outside on the patio for me to sit and admire my flowers from!


I was excited to get this pedestal. It is solid concrete and weights a tonne!!! I think it may just stay sitting on that dolly for the summer. Haha. The lady said she paid $129.00 for it last summer.


This is my favorite find! I got this concrete bird bath for next to nothing! In a garden center this piece would run at least $100 or more! The people were moving and didn’t want to take these things with them. They were practically giving them away. I have always wanted a solid and ornate birdbath…and this is perfect!

Where did I put all my treasures???


Well the chair and the pedestal found a home on the patio just beside the stairs to the sunroom. I love it in this spot. It is the first area to get shade in the daytime!


I also decided to leave the pedestal where it is…they look good together. I have always wanted a rocking chair for my gardens…I think it’s perfect!


I had a couple of resin doves sitting in the greenhouse…I think they compliment my birdbath enough to sit on there! The little birds have made a home in my vines on the front of the house…the least I can do is give them some accommodation! haha


I think it will just sit on the cement for this year. The beds are looking quite full…and I don’t really want to mess with them right now.


I think it looks okay (for now anyways!)

I am going to close with a few shots of my yard today.






this is the sky over my house at 7PM on Monday evening.DSCN1204

Until next time….Happy Junkin’!

*)*)*) to my special three… "success is getting what you want, happiness is liking what you get!" You know who you are!

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

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links to these and many other fabulous blog parties are found here!


Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

WOW!! I am so jealous of your great finds!! Incredible!!
Your garden always looks spectacular!
And what a pic of that sky!!


cristina said...

gosh, you are so lucky to get those treasures! i am looking for something similar here, but the price is huge, at least for me.

Darla said...

Toots, love your junkin finds. The petunias are just the right pop of color in your virginia creeper vine. All of your garden beds look great!

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

Great finds, beautiful garden and spectacular sky in those last 2 shots.

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

What treasures you found. I can't imagine them not wanting to take them with them, their loss your gain. :-)) Your yard is beautiful. We've had temps in the 100's and above, everything is wilting here. hugs ~lynne~


Love bird baths! Never enough of them. Your yard/garded/flowers are so lovely!!!
Scary looking clouds! Yikes.
Enjoy rocking on your new rocker!

Lona said...

What great finds! I think it is wonderful when you can find some pretty garden goodies like that. Lucky find. That sky looks a little spooky but it is pretty at the same time.

Mindy said...

All the colors in your yard are SO pretty!
That sky is seriously scary looking.
I'm stopping by from An Oregon Cottage.

Karen said...

Wow, I hope the sky just looked mean and just rained a little or something...fantastic photo.

Now, your finds are amazing! These lovely pieces could never have found a more perfect place to live; they just fit in your spectacular gardens. Love your flower display, what variety of petunia do you have in the hanging baskets? Their colors are amazing.

Hope the weather turns nicer soon, we're the same here, hot, hot and more hot.

Pinky at Designs by Pinky said...

success is getting what you want, happiness is liking what you get!" We all need to remember this! Can I borrow this quote? Love it! I love all your thrifting treasures too, they are the perfect accents for your gorgeous garden! XO, Pinky

Country Gal said...

It's always a great day to go junking and you got some great finds!

Diane at My Cottage Garden said...

What a fun day you had. All that good 'junk' looks wonderful in your garden.

9405018--Pat said...

what a great find, and your yard looks wonderful...thanks Pat H

Lisa said...

Okay I really need to start Junkin' cuz you had some amazing finds!!!!!! What lovely pics of your yard...until the storm ones and then those are amazing but scary!!!!!

stopping by from the blog it forward hop :)

Yvonne said...

Wow! What a night sky, somewhat intimidating. Very colorful and pretty yard.

gena said...

Your garden and yard is just so amazing ! I am green with envy at your green thumb and abundant sunshine!

Poor Lavender HIll is just about all shade and when I even get a couple of buds on the impatiens, the squirrels eat them !!!!!

So, I come here to admire (and drool!),

thanks for sharing,


Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...

Your yard is absolutely breathtaking!

Thanks so much for dropping by the Be-Bop-A Blog Hop! I'm a follower and I hope you'll stop by again soon! Have a great day! :)

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Tootsie you have found amazing treasures and I would be thrilled to have them too! I love the real deal concrete because when you find the perfect spot(for a while ?LOL) it STAYS put and is beautiful : )
I am amazed at how absolutely perfect your gardens are girl !!
I haven't been able to concentrate on joining and even my blog has been suffering .. a lot of things going on here with number one son gearing up to move to the States finally .. so my brain cells are SHOT! I hope to catch up with your invitation in the Autumn when I have more time to think once we are settled here .. so I haven't forgotten girl !!
Joy : )

Little City Farm said...

Love your yard, it's so colourful and immaculate. If I lived next door I might swipe that bird bath. :)

Debbie said...

Ok - that sky is freaking me out a bit.;) I love your junkin' finds. The way you put everything together looks like a magazine! very pretty. Hopping over from the hop - and following too. Hope you have a great Wednesday.

Beth said...

Love all the COLOR in your garden and your great garden art finds too.

Joni Nickrent said...

Fun Finds! AWESOME! Your photos are amazing! Popping by from the International Blog Hop! Pop Art Minis

Samantha said...

I love to go junkin'! Looks like a lot of great buys :)

That storm cloud looks so ominous...

New follower from Welcome Wednesday.

Mommybug77 said...

Love the pictures. New follower from a hop

Bonita Jane said...

I just can't believe how neat and pristine your yard, front and back, is! Beautiful. Looks like those thunderclouds may have offered up some watering for you.

Mandi said...

Wow, your garden is amazing! I wish I could get flowers to grow like that! And that bird bath is adorable. I love that you added those resin doves. What a perfect compliment to that. :)

Happily following you from the Welcome Wednesday Blog Hop. I would love it if you would follow back. Stop on by and say hi!


Candice said...

Great job! I'm your newest follower and would love for you to follow back :)

Jill said...

You have such a beautiful yard! and some great finds to add to it! I would LOVE a rocking chair!!

Thanks for linking to the Creating Success Worldwide blog hop!! Hope you'll come back again next week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success

Unknown said...

Your yard is beautiful! Thanks for linking to 2nd Time Around!

Jeanne said...

I love a good bargain. Lucky you to find such great treasures for little money. Your yard is stunning. Gorgeous in every corner. I too love flowers.
Hugs, Jeanne

The JR said...

Cool stuff Tootsie.

Unknown said...

Hi, I just landed here from the A Mommy's Blog Design Studio blog hop. I'm a brand new follower.

Great finds, you sure know how to shop. Your garden looks beautiful and inviting.

Bella Vida by Letty
Have a great day.

Jami @ An Oregon Cottage said...

You are one lucky shopper- I never find anything like your treasures! And they fit so nicely in your lush yard- just beautiful!
Thanks for sharing at the Garden Party!

Marie said...

Wow! Your flowers are beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

siteseer said...

WOW!! that's some sky! Love your gardens. With the drought that we just encountered your patio stones with grass would have done much better. I just might have to talk my hubby into something like that for the WHOLE yard lol

Anonymous said...

Darling chair! Stopping by (a little late from Smart Trendy Mom's Follow Friday Parade - and I am your newest follower. Hope you can stop by my place and return the favor soon :)
shaunanosler dot blogspot dot com

c.w.frosting said...

Great junk finds! Wish I had more space for junk myself! Visiting & following from the Friday Blog Hop.

-caroline @ c.w.frosting

Stacey Donaldson said...

You've got a great eye for bargains! You also have one of the most beautiful yards I've ever seen!

I'm a new follower from the "You Like Me" hop. So glad I stopped by, this post was like a breath of fresh air :-)

Stacey @

Live Laugh Love said...

i am a new follower please follow me back thanks


Anonymous said...

I'm a new follower from the Friday Blog Hop.
Hope you can check out my page


I'm free of the abuse said...

Your yard is gorgeous! Great finds!

Debs Dealz said...

What a beautiful garden!!!

I am stopping over from the Blog Hop Til You Drop to follow you.

Please follow back.

I also have a TGIF Hop right now, link up!

Debs Dealz

Leila said...

As they say, one persons junk is another persons treasure! And I must add- you have a beautiful yard!

I am a new follower!