IT’S FRIDAY AGAIN!!!! I am SO glad to see you!
Friday is a BIG day for us here at Tootsie Time…(ok, just me…there is no one else here…lol) It’s a big deal because it means it’s PARTY TIME!!!! Fertilizer Friday is the day of the week than an ELITE group of gardeners from all around the world get together, snap photos, link up and Flaunt Their Flowers!!!
If you are new to Tootsie Time and Fertilizer Friday, I just know you are asking yourself…”How do I join?”
Well…it’s easy really. Here’s all you need to know to become a part of this great group of gardeners, bloggers and friends:
If it is spring or summer where you live, you need to snap a few photos of what you have growing, blooming or just love to look at that is of the plant variety…if it is winter where you live, you may post past favorite photos…or indoor plants…whatever you like. The only criteria is that it is a plant or something growing! You do not need to use fertilizer to participate in this party, but if you do, this is the reminder to fertilize weekly! All I ask is that: Your post must include the logo above and/or a link to Tootsie Time, or the linky will be deleted.
So....I would like to invite each and every one of you to join in and share your photos...
I am so excited to share with you this week! My flaunt today is not of one of my gardens, but of a garden that belongs to one of my followers. I am so happy to share the garden of a lady named Maury. She contacted me recently to share her garden with me. The following is the way she describes her garden to me:
Maury wrote: “Hello Tootsie, My name is Maury and I live in Columbia, Kentucky. I have attached a couple of pictures of a little garden that the Holy Ghost and I created last September.
I moved from lower Alabama 6 years ago to live in a place that has four season not just one season (hurricane season) and most of my clay pots busted from the cold weather and I had a bag of chards that I didn’t know what to do with. As I was working cleaning up around the area where my husband plants his herbs I started getting ideas about the broken pots. Some had the side broken some had the bottom out and some were just cracked. I started laying out the pots and pieces and ended up with a cute garden.
It was like God was showing me about taking broken pots and pieces and making something beautiful out of them like He does our lives when we turn it over to Him.
I added the gate that was given to me by a friend and the Yard people were made by the Garden club in this area and sold to raise money for the club.
When people heard about the garden they started giving me broken pots to use so in the near future I will be making another broken pot garden in another location in my yard.
I like the beautiful things you do with gardens. I am looking forward to seeing what you are going to do with the new place and watching it change…
Maury “
Take a look at the wonderful little gardens that she sent photos of!!! I think they are adorable!
The use of the broken pots is a great way to add character to this colorful garden. Not everything in a garden needs to be “perfect” …I have been known to tip an old pot on its side and use the broken pieces of things to add a little personality to a space.
I think this garden is adorable. I especially love the gate she planted in there…it looks a little like something I might do! ha ha!
Thank you so much Maury for sharing your garden with me and the rest of the Friday following! If you would like to flaunt your gardens, but do not have a blog or site to share from you can flaunt through me! To learn more about flaunting without a blog, click here! I would love to help you share!
This is the end of my flaunt…I hope to see lots of inspiration from you guys this week…I am depending on lots of pretties in your posts!
What are you waiting for??? Get your flaunt ON!
Hugs , smiles and wishes for a safe and happy weekend with friends and family from Tootsie and her gang in Zone 2 Alberta Canada!!! HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!
Until Next Time…Happy gardening!
*)*)*) to the fantastic three!!! You know how I always say that everything you do, everything you say affects someone in some kind of way…So watch what you do and watch what you say because it may not affect you now but it will one day? well…I see someone's karma train just pulled into the station. Excuse me while I giggle silently to myself. hugs!!!
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(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.
Hugs and blessings, Beth
Thank you for sharing Miss Glenda..
Have a great weekend
hugs, Cherry
Thanks g.a.s.
Happy Spring Growing
(Yes, I'm participating in your Fertilizer Friday party this week!) :)
I love the little garden vignettes you showed today. I like the flowers spilling out of the flower pots and the little gate. They are very charming gardens!
Loved all the progress on your greenhouse...the brick foundation you built on your last post is wonderful...really gives the greeenhouse a finished look.
Miss Bloomers