I Have a Confession To Make…BIG NEWS!

Okay Kids…I have to talk to you.  I have some very big news and I want to share it.   I am -

NO….I am not going to have a baby…

I am -

NO! …I am not addicted to peanut butter!
I --

NO!…I didn’t get arrested junkin’ where I shoudn’t be junkin….
I –

NO!!!  I –

NO…I don’t want another pop…I -



I’m packing my bags and I --


There…I got it out.   Wow you guys are hard to talk to today…lots of input!  I normally love when you talk back, but wow…it’s hard to get a word in edgewise!


yep…I am going to NWFGS!   My first time EVER attending!  This….is a very big deal!

What?         Oh?…uh huh…yes…OH!  OH!!!!

I’m very sorry!!!   I never thought that you might not know what NWFGS is!  


There!   Do you know what it is now? 

Yep…I am going to the Northwest Flower and Garden show!    …..and I am soooooo EXCITED!

This is my first official garden show…I have never been to one like this before.  I also get to meet a lot of the best gardeners in the world while I am there…I get to meet some of YOU guys!   I have waited a long long time for this opportunity… and I can’t hardly wait!


I am thinking that I may have picked a good year to attend too!!!   25 year celebrations are a big deal!

My cowboy and I are leaving on Monday the 18th, and driving out there.   We decided to drive JUST IN CASE we find something that we are not allowed to bring home on an airplane…like maybe lots of plants…or a little bit of junkin GOLD….you know…the stuff dreams are made of!…He did however make me swear not to pull any stunts like I did last time we were away on a little trip…but hey…I AM a girl…and we do reserve the right to change our minds about anything at any time right?   So…I should be good…ha ha   }) evil grin!

This means that if you don’t hear from me, or you don’t see comments published right away like I normally try to do…there is nothing wrong…I am just wandering around taking LOTS of photos to share with you guys! 

I am taking my laptop along, and I will be posting as much as I possibly can…but there will be a lot to see, and I won’t be around to publish comments from you guys every few hours like I normally do!

I might even remember to take a few  photos of my trip…Canada is a beautiful place …even when it is covered in nothing but snow…lol
How many of you kids are in the Seattle  area…?  

How many of you kids will be attending the NWFGS too????    If you are…drop me a line, I’d LOVE to meet you! 

Until Next Time…Happy Gardening!

*)*)*)   The ability to forgive someone who has wronged you is a spiritual gift, one that we should all try to possess.

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

if you haven't yet linked into Fertilizer Friday....keep scrolling down...the party is still open and there is a spot reserved just for you!  See you there!!!


Andrea said…
Oh that will be very exciting. The things i will see in a big garden show like that will not fit in my head, and maybe my head will burst in awe. We just finished the Horticultural Garden Show in January, and the first Orchid Show will start on 28 Feb, these are national shows. Regardless, they are still wonderful. We wait for your photos.
David C. said…
Enjoy the trip with your cowboy...driving is the best when one might need to acquire something..... Wish I could go, but too much work...some day. Went to the San Francisco Flower and Garden Show last March ("closer" to me), and I hear Seattle is even better. Take pics...and I'm sure you'll enjoy their milder weather, too.

Make sure you know regulations on bring plants across state/province/country lines...some places are very restrictive (California) but others are easy!
Art and Sand said…
Beware NWFGS - Tootsie Time is comin' to town!

You would be a fun person to be with at a show like that.

I on the other hand will be in the garden planting pansies, primrose an impatiens - trying to make my garden look like the pic on your blog header.

Have fun!
Jeanne said…
I'm just now reading this as hubby and I head for the airport to fly to Seattle for business trip for him. I'll have to look up this flower show.
What a great time in store for you. Looking forward to seeing pictures and hearing all about your adventure.

Alison said…
You are going to love it! I live just south of Seattle, and I go every year. Some of the display gardens this year sound like they will be so fabulous. I'm going on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. How many days will you be there? Do you know that they (the show admin) will provide all the documentation you need to bring plants across the border? They make it easy.

Have a safe trip!
Have nothing but the BEST of fun girl..I can just see you grinning from ear to ear..I so love ya Toots..Be safe..Hugs and love Gloria
Joani said…
Have a super great time. Travel safe.
Tamara Jansen said…
Which direction are you driving there? Come down to the Fraser Valley and let me give you a greenhouse tour!!!
Patty Sumner said…
Have a great trip...Sounds like a blast.I know you will find some great things...can't wait to see what you find. Safe travels and blessings!
Jean Campbell said…
What a wonderful trip in store for you! I depend on people like Alison and Wendy to make photos so I can visit that way. Mow more photos because everybody sees things just a little differently and their pics reflect that. I look forward to sharing your journey, the Flower Show portion.
Carol said…
Oh how fun! Be safe! We expect a full report! Hugs Carol
CathyMik said…
Hi Glenda/Tootsie,
It's a pleasure to "meet" you!!
That garden in your header is beautiful! If its yours how do you get it to prosper so well with the very short summers that Alberta gets? I guess if you can do it there I should be able to do it down here in London (ON). I'm back to balcony gardening again and with a first time NW view (I'm more used to south and west views.)
Take care and have a great time in Seattle. Driving is the best way to go - all the stoppin', photographin', eatin', shoppin', junkin'!! Woohoo!!!
All the best,
P.S. Just became your newest follower. I look forward to your expertise.
Scotkat said…
Enjoy your trip Glenda looking forward to the many photos.

Bren Haas said…
Safe travels ... can't wait to meet you in person! #nwfgs
Have a great time, it seems that driving is so much easier then flying now a days, enjoy the trip! and bring back lots of plants and pics!

Glenda, I am so happy for you. Love flower shows and after this crazy winter it will be a real treat. Please drive safe and
relish every plant. Have fun.
