Tootsie’s Master...

...BEDROOM!!!   BEDROOM!!!   My goodness!   Those of you who know me well, KNOW that I would not fare well if I had to have a MASTER!   ha-ha!

On that note…lets get down to business.   Today I am giving you a little peek at the interior of my house.   I thought I’d start with the Master BEDROOM.

I got to have this past weekend all to myself.   So…what does a girl do when she’s unsupervised?   No Cowboy…no kids?   She takes a weekend off from her work, and decorates!

We are coming up on one full year of living in the country, and are finally feeling ‘safe’ enough to start to share a few images of our home.   There were some reasons that I have not shared much until recently, but now that we have the ‘green light’ …I am good to go!

Before we get going...please excuse the ugly paint job on the walls.   It was here when we moved in, and WILL be changed as soon as possible.   

THIS is the master bedroom in our home.

Bedroom Full view 1

I am considering a change to the headboard…It will still be  done from barn wood, but will be taller, and maybe a touch less perfect.


Right now, I like how it looks, but should my Cowboy come home and say “lets go junkin’….”   I am ALL over that!   We have a stash of the ‘good stuff’ that we can use if we need it.

Bedroom Full view 1

The bench at the end of the bed (where I see I tucked the blanket too tight on one side…lol) is from an antique shop.   We found it one day while we were out and about.  It was intended to be used at the kitchen table, but …as you can see…the plan changed…and I could not love it more in the bedroom!

Bedroom 4

Cowboy and I found a pretty set of antique dressers while we were out and about one day, and we love how they look.   We got a steal of a deal on them and had to have them!   I have considered painting them…but just don’t know if I have the heart to change their original look.   For now this vanity is paired with an old chair I found in my travels…and sits beside the antique geriatric chair that we found in an antique shop owned by some friends of ours.

Bedroom 3

The old window has been kicking around in my decor for years…the pillar…well I have 4 of those, and they move around from room to room…I do want to add a small old wooden ladder to the corner, but I have to go get it still.   I think the ladder will finish the space.


The old crate was found in the attic of the old house that I have been fixing on for my Cowboy.  I just added some wheels to the bottom  and that’s it!

To read the series I shared about the 108 year old house I have been slowly working on for my Cowboy (so far)  click HERE.

Bedroom 1

I do like to use my antique tea service collection still.   I have them all over my house in various positions.

Bedroom 6

This is a view of the far side of the room.   There is the top of an old desk, and the hi-boy chest that goes with the Vanity.

The chair…well, I love this chair.   It reminds me of a chair that my grandmother had when I was a little girl.   I always loved to sit in that chair when we would go visit her.   It is worn and faded…but I love it the way it is.   One day I might re-do her…but for now, she is just right!

bedroom 2

You will notice that there isn’t much on top of that hi-boy chest…There is a reason for that.
We have two very spoiled, very ‘bad’ cats.  Marty and Ginger.   They like to sit up on that dresser and ‘hunt’ out the window.   (they are inside only kinda cats)   Should I put anything in the empty spot on that dresser…Marty will just toss it onto the floor and take his rightful position.

Bedroom 7

The door beside the chair is to our walk in closet…and the one beside that is to the little 1/2 bath in the master bedroom.   (I will share that in another post)

I can't say it enough!!!   I just HATE the way the old owners painted walls in this room, and do plan to fix that in the near future, but with work and my health issues lately, paint has not been on the top of the list.   SOON …soon I will erase the 80’s from these walls.   lol

Bedroom Full view 1

Every effort was made to try to incorporate some Cowboy charm into our bedroom.   There are not a lot of ruffles, or fru fru…not that he’d probably care…he likes my rustic, french country style…but he does like his Cowboy ‘stuff’.    He was hoping I would get tired of the pretty  top quilt on our bed and put HIS comforter set on…It has images of MOOSE and BEARS on it…ya…sorry Cowboy…no matter how much I love you…that comforter is NEVER going to be the top quilt in my master bedroom.   That’s what the 108 year old house was made for   <3   I also just could NOT bring myself to add any guns or horns to the decor…at least not yet.   (I saved those for the living room )


That’s all I have to share with you this time…

Until Next Time…Happy Decorating!

*) Let the leaders lead, the followers follow, the haters hate and the lovers love...Just don't let them effect who you are!

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

today’s post has been proudly sponsored by Chic-a-Boot
chalk board sticker


Betty said…
It is perfectly tootsie! You always do a great job.
Glenda, beautiful job. The cat's must feel like Royals. That big clock is wonderful.
Enjoy the Autumn leaves and Happy Thanksgiving, Your's is in Oct. I think. yvonne
You have some beautiful furniture. I have always wanted a vanity, but my bedroom is too small. Someday. The geriatric chair is interesting. Cats are not bad - they just want things to be done correctly! I have two indoor cats that cause the same problems for me.
Mrs. M said…
Thanks for sharing Glenda! I love all the detailed touches in your master oasis.
A friend organizes a fantastic vintage sale down here (it's this weekend!) you would LOVE it. Your style fits right in....found treasures. Come on down!
Vintage with Flair on Facebook.
Tootsie said…
thanks guys!!! It has only been a week or two and I am already thinking about how to make that headboard a little better! lol I do love my 'junk' and even more enjoy my followers and the comments they leave me. Thanks for stopping by!