RIP Mom and Dad

Friends, I'm struggling to find my way through grief while trying to hang onto hope.
On December 7th 2021 our lives were forever changed.
My little household had, until then, eluded Covid. 
We were happy and doing what we needed to do to get by in the world the way it is.  
I had actually commented at how happy we were and how much I loved my life. 
And then everything changed. 
Not one, but both of my parents became seriously ill with the deadly covid virus and needed to be hospitalized.

We lost Mom on the 17th. 
My sister and I were there with her as she took her last breaths and made sure she knew how much we love her.
On December 30th, again with me and my sister by his side, we also lost Dad. 
The damage caused by covid was too great and we were forced to made the decision to say goodbye to them both. 
There is some comfort in knowing that they are together forever in heaven, but their deaths have left a hole in our hearts.
My parents did everything together. They were rarely apart for more than a few hours. They were soulmates. 

Our family has been devastated. 
Their community is in a state of shock. 
My dad was a very gifted mechanic. He was creative and fun loving and could fix almost anything. He loved nature, junkin, music and being silly. He and my mom were active in their community. 

My Mom was so many things, a mother, daughter, sister, friend, grandmother…but what she was best know for was being an incredible business woman. She took a store that many would have walked away from and built it into a very successful enterprise. 
Her business sense was inspiring to so many. Her store is known near and far and her contribution to the community will never be forgotten.

We will be holding onto all of the good memories of both mom and dad as we learn to live in a world without them in it.
This has been such a challenging time. Trying to balance grief and hope while going into autopilot to do things that need to be done regarding their home, and business.

So, needless to say, We have not made any new progress on the old house, and are waiting until things settle down to get started.
If there’s anything I have learned from all of this, it’s not to take anything for granted. 
Tomorrow is not promised. 
Be careful to always make sure your words are kind and that a person’s true character is revealed during times of crisis.  There is NEVER an excuse for abuse.
 Rest In Peace mom and dad. We love you and will miss you both.

Friends… I hope your family’s are safe and healthy. That you enjoy time together and appreciate every minute.  Stay close to the ones who love you and love them back.

Life is incredibly short. Live your best life and lead with a gentle heart. 

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.



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cristina said…
Oh, I am soo sorry for your enormous loss! I can't imagine what you must feel. I'll pray for you and for them, but my belief is that they are together now, in a far better world that that.
Jackie See said…
May God ease your grief and sorrow. Covid has taken so many. I am so sorry this germ caused you so much pain. Just know that I am lifting you up in prayer. ~jackie~
Unknown said…
I'm so deeply sorry for your loss.
Family is everything. What a wonderful family you had and all the memories.
Many prayers and thoughts to you!
dizzyizzy said…
I am so very sorry for your loss. May you know that your parents are together and happy,forever.
Teresa Hargis said…
Lord Have Mercy My Precious Friend..My Love & Prayers are with you & yours..May You Find Peace and Comfort from Our Lord & Savior in Knowing They Are Together on Heaven's Bright Shore Awaiting Our Arrival Some Precious Day..Cherish All Your Wonderful & Precious Memories..Heaven Truly Grows More Precious Daily